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PrimeSonic edited this page Sep 7, 2020 · 6 revisions

When creating mods, you can use various libraries, such as libraries shipped by QModManager, libraries which you ship with your mod, or even other mod DLLs.

Common Libraries

  • 0Harmony.dll
    • Shipped by QModManager, can be found in the BepInEx\core folder.
    • This library can be used to patch methods at runtime and change their code.
    • You should not distribute your own version of this library with your mod! Just reference it in your project as usual and QModManager takes care of the rest.
    • NOTE: The version of Harmony shipped with QModManager is HarmonyX, a fork of Harmony 2. For the specific differences between HarmonyX and Harmony 2, please see the HarmonyX wiki. For general usage, please see the Harmony 2 docs.
  • QModInstaller.dll
  • SMLHelper.dll
    • Needs to be downloaded from NexusMods (See Subnautica or Below Zero Nexus pages)
    • This library can be used to modify various things in the game, such as adding new items. We highly suggest you use it.
  • Assembly-CSharp.dll, Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll, and all the many Unity .dll files
    • You'll find these in Subnautica_Data\Managed.
    • Assembly-CSharp.dll contains most of the core game code. You'll only need Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll occasionally.
    • And don't forget the many Unity dll files that are the the main core on which the game is built.