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For Some Reason, This Marvelous Apartment in Hell’s Kitchen Is Ridiculously Cheap

Finding affordable housing anywhere in New York City is an absolute nightmare, especially if you’re looking for prime real estate in a relatively safe neighborhood that’s close to the subway and other things one moves here for…which is why this Craigslist post for a certain apartment in Hell’s Kitchen is so weird.

Anyone who lives in the city will tell you that a spacious loft apartment smack dab in the middle of HK can run you anywhere between $3,000-$5,000 a month and require that you have nothing less than stellar credit if you want to be approved for the place. But apparently, some rando just up and left his spot recently and the apartment’s owners are only asking for $2,000 a month which, while still expensive, is a steal, all things considered:

“Previous tenant left without notice, so apartment comes fully furnished! Kitchen features a modern wooden bar and floating kitchen shelves for additional storage. Apartment is outfitted with sliding doors and an open floor plan, great for anyone with accessibility needs. Within walking distance of a boxing gym, courthouse and local law offices.”

If you’re in the NYC area and looking for swanky new digs you don’t need to furnish yourself, this sounds like the kinda deal that’s definitely worth considering for when the apartment frees up next Friday, October 19th. That being said, though, some deals are too good to be true and more often than not, you end up getting what you pay for.

Update: The Craiglist post was flagged and removed but we’ve got a couple of screenshots on our Instagram:

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