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Latest Leaked Pic of HTC Aria Comes With Rumored “Liberty” Name-Change

A clearer shot of the HTC Aria we saw last week has surfaced, however it sounds like the phone has been renamed as the HTC Liberty. Unless it’s a different Android phone altogether…UPDATE

Either way, so far there’s not a lot to go on for this mysterious phone. Reports have suggested it has a resolution of 320 x 480, and an ARM 11 processor. Also mentioned this week is the HTC Bee, which has turned up in the xml code of HTC’s website and is destined for Verizon, according to Tweeter Conflipper who was first to spot the presence of the Bee. [Conflipper via AndroidCentral via Phandroid]

UPDATE: It could possibly be called the HTC Intruder as well. Or that’s a completely separate phone as well…

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