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Legendary Programmer Dies for the Second Time

Those working in tech owe much of their livelihood to Dennis Ritchie. The New-York born pioneer was among the early Bell Labs alums, and is credited with both creating the C programming language and co-developing Unix.

Unfortunately for those mourning his passing today, he died five years ago.

Among the first to Tweet about Ritchie’s second death were two people who really ought to have known better: Om Malik and Sundar Pichai, respectively the venture capitalist founder of GigaOm and the CEO of Google. Cnet spotted the screw up as it was unfolding.

Their tweets were followed not long after by similarly dashed-off crumbs of digital grief from the founder of Craigslist, the executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation, the CTO of Hubspot, and the co-founder of CloudVolumes.

Though Malik tweeted out a correction, the damage was already done: Twitter included the New York Times’ obituary for Ritchie as “top news” for a search of his name, with October 13, 2016 as the publish date. (The obituary was actually published on October 13, 2011, when Ritchie died.) Various tweets containing the link were flagged as a“top news story,” adding credence to the idea that Ritchie had died for a second time.

Second funerals and hoax deaths have become commonplace, especially given the speed at which social media can spread misinformation. But it’s particularly odd to see it being endorsed by the platform itself. We’ve reached out to Twitter for details and will update if we hear back.

Ritchie died five years ago at his home in Berkeley Heights, NJ after a long fight against prostate cancer and heart disease. This is the world he helped to build.


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