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Our New Batman, Ben Affleck, Fights To Save Real-Life Bats

Bats are a crucial component of healthy ecosystems. They eats massive amounts of insect pests and, like bees, are important pollinators. White-nose syndrome, plus wind farms and habitat degradation, mean they’re in trouble. Batman (and Lois Lane) have come to the rescue.

To celebrate National Bat Week, which is this week, Batman v. Superman stars Ben Affleck and Amy Adams, together with director Zack Snyder, find out why bats are so important and how we can help them. “As a movie that benefits from the bats, we thought we’d build these habitats to raise awareness,” says Snyder. The materials they used for their bat-house building blitz were actually recycled from the sets of Batman v. Superman.

If you want to help bats yourself, you can build a backyard bat house! It’s actually fairly simple, and the Organization for Bat Conservation can tell you how.

[EarthTouch; Organization for Bat Conservation]

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