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Royal Dutch Airline’s New Seating System Is My High School Cafeteria All Over Again

If high school taught me anything, where you sit—and who you sit next to—in the cafeteria is absolutely imperative to your social status and future happiness. And that lesson is now being retaught by KLM Royal Dutch airlines—they’ll let you chose your seatmate based on their social media profile.

According to a USA Today report, upon checking in to their flight, Royal Dutch travellers will be able to make their Facebook and LinkedIn accounts public with other people on the flight. They’ll then be able to choose who they sit next to based on common interests. The service will be optional, of course, travelers don’t have to open their profiles to public scrutiny if they choose not to. But I’d imagine there’s a good chance that those passengers would end up clustered around the token, inconsolable crying child. And nobody wants that. [USA Today via PC Mag – Image: Dundamin / Shutterstock]

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