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The 10 Craziest Things That Happened on Gotham This Season

With its utter refusal to even approach traditional Batman canon, Gotham has always been entertainingly bizarre. But season four was a cavalcade of craziness that would even give the Joker pauseā€”or Jokers, rather. If you donā€™t watch this delightfully bonkers show, hereā€™s all the madness you missed.

1) Gordon enlists the mafia to end Penguinā€™s reign of peace

Weā€™ve watched the showā€™s version of Jim Gordon go down a dark path plenty of times. His adherence to the law is tenuous at best, heā€™s worked with criminals and even done errands for them, and generally solves most of his problems with murder. But when this season started, the Penguin had basically solved Gothamā€™s crime problem. By issuing ā€œlicensesā€ to criminals, Cobblepot had brought the cityā€™s crime and murder rate to historic lows.

Jim Gordon was so mad about thisā€”that people had lost faith in the GCPD, and only because they had completely failed at their job for yearsā€”that he went to the ex-crimelord Carmine Falcone and his burgeoning crimelord daughter Sofia to ask for their help in defeating Penguinā€¦ and ending the cityā€™s era of peace and safety. Gordon succeeded, and both the crime and murder rates instantly shot back up. Great job, Jim. This is how the season started, and I still cannot get over it.

2) Poison Ivy drinks random Chinese ā€œpotionsā€ and gets older and sexierā€”again

Back in season three, Gotham decided it was done with its early teens-version of Ivy Pepper, the girl who would become Poison Ivy, and decided to introduce a mutant who had the power to age people turn her into an early 20-something with more sex appeal. It was contrived (and a little gross). And then Gotham decided to do it again in season four, in an even more bizarre way! Ivy, tired of not being taken seriously by the other villains, wandered into a Chinese apothecary, asked where the potions that would make her ā€œstrongerā€ are, drank a few random bottles, and then turned into an older, sexier 20-something with plant powers. Itā€™s just a very lucky thing she wandered into the shop that stores a potion that make you stronger, older, and give you plant powers.

3) Butch turns out to be Solomon Grundy

One of Gothamā€™s few completely original characters, Butch Gilzean had always been a perpetual henchman, most often to Penguin. In the season three finale, heā€™s shot directly in the forehead by Barbara, but instead of dying, he goes into a coma and is put in the hospital. Because this is Gotham, the hospitalā€™s policy when it start starts to run out of beds is to dump the coma patients in the toxic waste-filled ā€œSlaughter Swamp.ā€ When Butch emerged, he came out as the semi-iconic DC villain Solomon Grundy, a pale, white, possibly immortal, definitely able-to-regenerate monster-man who can only speak the 19th-century nursery rhyme that provides his name. It was a completely bonkers way to introduce the character, but it was also a weirdly satisfying way to turn one of the showā€™s original characters into part of DC Comics canon.

4) Penguin saves himself from Jerome by using the power of mime

After getting thrown in Arkham Asylum again, Oswald unfortunately found himself the object of Jerome ā€œbasically-the-Jokerā€ Valeskaā€™s attention. After he fails to drive Oswald insane, Jerome gets bored and decides to murder Penguin with an axe, but runs into a wall. An imaginary wall. Justā€¦ just watch the clip.

5) Raā€™s al Ghulā€™s incomprehensible plan

The leader of the League of Shadows is usually one of the smartest, most devious, most formidable of Batmanā€™s foes; after all, heā€™s hundreds of years old, and had plenty of time to form his plans, which usually involve 1) destroying large cities and 2) forcing Batman to be his heir. Gothamā€™s version of Raā€™s is somewhat lessā€¦ focused. His plans still include making Bruce Wayne his heir, although this is weird since Bruce hasnā€™t shown any signs of being qualified to run an ancient order of assassins yetā€”but even more bizarrely, Raā€™s also wants/needs Bruce to kill him with a magic dagger, like, right away, because heā€™s tired of life. Youā€™d think heā€™d want to stick around a few more years to make sure Bruce is actually up forā€”or at least willing to takeā€”the job. Nope!

But it gets crazier, because Raā€™s also decides to resurrect Barbara Kean, and also selects her as his heir. And when Raā€™s is in jailā€”for graphically slitting the throat of a child on a show that airs at 8:00pm ET, 7:00 pm Central, on a major network in primetimeā€”itā€™s Barbara that he passes some kind of weird, glowy energy thing to, which both summons the League of Shadows to Gotham City and proves to the assassins that Barbara is ā€œThe Demonā€™s Head,ā€ a.k.a. Raā€™s heir and the leader of the league. Even though Raā€™s is still 100 percent telling Bruce heā€™s his heir, right up to the point where he angers Bruce enough to stab him with the dagger.

6) Barbara becomes the head of an ancient league of assassins, with whom she does absolutely nothing

Thatā€¦ thatā€™s it, basically. Once Barbara gains control of the League of Shadows, an army of the most elite assassins the world has ever seen, she basically uses them to rule her tiny little section of Gothamā€™s underworld, even though we never see them actually do or achieve anything in this regard. Itā€™s such a waste that when Raā€™s is resurrected by by angry (and sexist) League members, his zombie attacks Barbara and steals the glowy Demonā€™s Head energy thingy back.

7) Batman shows up

Gotham has always been a show about the years before Bruce Wayne first puts on the cowl as Batman, an endgame the show seems like itā€™ll never approach given that Bruce has done none of the studying that will make him the Worldā€™s Greatest Detective, and only sporadic combat training. Most importantly, during the four years this show has been on, Bruce Wayne has never once seen a single bat. Not. One.

That didnā€™t stop Bruce from having a vision of Batman when he was drugged by one of the newest Poison Ivyā€™s hallucinatory death flowers. Watching Bruce get tormented by his future self was actually incredibly satisfying, although itā€™s incredibly bizarre Bruce would envision Batman, specifically, when heā€™s had zero encounters with or even thoughts about bats. Also pretty satisfying: Bruceā€™s vision of Gordon, finally sporting his iconic mustache.

8) The pig-head-wearing serial killer gets a musical number

Professor Pyg is a fairly new addition to Batmanā€™s rogueā€™s gallery in the comics, but as a killer who butchers his victims while wearing the cut-off face of an actual pig, he was tailor-made for Gotham. The show hired Fringeā€™s Michael Cerveris to play the villain, who targets Gotham Cityā€™s corrupt cops as part of an impossibly complex scheme by Sofia Falcone to take over the cityā€™s underworld. But Cerveris is also a long-time star of musicals, so the show couldnā€™t pass up the opportunity to have one of its most grotesque characters so a little song-and-danceā€”while, it should be noted, he was forcing Gothamā€™s rich elite to eat pies were that literally made out of homeless people.

9) The guy who was basically the Joker has a twin brother who is… also basically the Joker

One of Gothamā€™s biggest mysteries has long been what the hell was it doing with the Joker. This is because its character Jerome, introduced back in season one, has been the Joker in all but nameā€”from the grin to the laugh to the having-his-face-cut-off-and-then-having-it-stapled-back-on (a recent comics development). This season, he even got the characterā€™s trademark gas, that makes people laugh until they die with a horrible rictus on their faces, and nearly poisoned a large swath of Gotham with it via blimp.

Then Gordon shot and killed Jerome (his second death, but totally for real this time), but it turns out he had a ā€œgoodā€ twin brother named Jeremiah, who Jerome poisoned with a special version of the Joker gas that turned Jeremiah insane, gave him the Jokerā€™s too-wide smile and his bleach-white skin, but didnā€™t kill him. Now Jeremiah is terrorizing Gotham in his brotherā€™s place while dressing exactly like Jack Nicholsonā€™s portrayal of the villain in the ā€™89 Batman movie, but keeping a cool, calm demeanor instead of Jeromeā€™sā€”and the traditional Jokerā€™sā€”gleeful exuberance. So Jeremiah might not end up being the Joker either, which would be very, very Gotham.

10) Gotham basically introduces the Bat-Signal before Bruce Wayne has even seen a bat

Only four major characters died in the season four finaleā€”and only one of them has a solid chance of staying deadā€”which meant it was pretty tame by Gotham standards. But Jeremiah, with an assist from Raā€™s al Ghul, does enact his plan to cut off Gotham City from the rest of the world by destroying all of its bridges and plunging it into darkness and chaosā€¦ which is the exact same thing Bane does in The Dark Knight Rises. (Presumably Raā€™s and Jeremiah caught a matinee together.)

But for those who are trapped in the city, Jim Gordon wants to show there is a light in the darknessā€¦ literally, as he turns on one of the GCPDā€™s spotlight into the night sky. Bruce Wayne walks up and nods approvingly. He has not seen a bat yet.

Is there a method to Gothamā€™s madness? I donā€™t know. Probably not. But goodness gracious, do I enjoy its madness.

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