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The Weird, Unholy Alliance of Tucker Carlson and Environmentalists

Tucker Carlson has used his platform to, among other things, undermine climate science and lie about renewable energy. Yet last week, he put out an impassioned plea to save the Maine woods, claiming that ā€œreal environmentalistsā€ should oppose a power line connecting Quebec hydropower to the U.S. Bizarrely, he and the Sierra Club are on the same page.

The segment and the alignment with traditional environmental groups paint a picture of how complex renewable energy projects can be for local communitiesā€”and what the upcoming culture war over renewables might look like.

The project that attracted Carlsonā€™s wrath is a proposed 145-mile (233-kilometer) transmission line owned by local power company Central Maine Power that is intended to connect hydropower produced in Canada to the grid in Massachusetts, all in the service of helping the state meet its ambitious climate goals. Construction began in February despite numerous legal challenges from green groups and a bitter public relations war that has dragged on for years in the state.

The tone of Carlsonā€™s segment is over-the-top dramatic, often in an unintentionally funny way. Most of it is set over a soundtrack of racing violins or pounding drums. At one point, the camera zooms in on an animal skull below footage of powerlines, as if to suggest instant death from coming into contact with a transmission lineā€”which, in case you need reminding, are pretty normal pieces of the energy grid. The segment also seems tailor-made to appeal to people in the region. One of the interviewees is filmed in what looks like a woodland lodge bar that prominently displays a bottle of Allenā€™s Coffee Brandy and a can of Moxieā€”two drinks produced in Maine and beloved by Mainersā€”on the bar next to him in the shot. Another says that ā€œthere is no doubt Tom Brady is the GOATā€ in a seemingly completely unrelated aside during his interview.

ā€œThe whole state of Maine will become an ugly placeā€ with the project, one of the interviewees tells Carlson.

While this dramatic production may seem funny, it also paints a picture of how aggressive opposition to new renewable energy projects can be even though many are relatively innocuous pieces of infrastructure in the grand scheme of thingsā€”and are necessary to avert catastrophic climate change. And yetā€”I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying thisā€”tone aside, Carlson does a not-terrible job of laying out some of the facts of the case. He describes the environmental issues with the proposed corridor, including how it endangers whatā€™s among the most robust natural habitat for the trout in the U.S., as well as the failure to consult with local communities. He even technically gives the emissions calculations of the project a (very small) sliver of airtime: The segment addresses the facts that cutting down trees eliminates their ability to sequester carbon and that the reservoirs that form behind hydropower dams emit methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

These issues are key reasons why environmental groups have opposed the transmission project as well, including that the project wouldnā€™t reduce overall emissions but rather just ship clean power that wouldā€™ve been used elsewhere to Massachusetts.

ā€œThis is a shell game,ā€ said Sue Ely, a staff attorney at Natural Resources Council of Maine. ā€œItā€™s not renewable energy, it doesnā€™t help Maineā€™s renewable energy industry, and itā€™s very damaging to Maineā€™s environment.ā€

NRCM filed a lawsuit last fall with the Sierra Club challenging the federal governmentā€™s environmental impact review of the project. Indeed, whatā€™s riled up most local oppositionā€”and what Carlsonā€™s report focused onā€”is the projectā€™s proposal to clear 53 miles (85 kilometers) of new transmission corridor in Maineā€™s North Woods, a 3.5 million acre chunk of wildland that borders Canada. The North Woods is the biggest undeveloped forest in the eastern U.S., and makes up more the half the state itself. Itā€™s also a big economic driver for a state thatā€™s been struggling in the post-industrial era, with a thriving timber industry and thousands of visitors each year. Tourism is an enormous sector of Maineā€™s economy; rafting, snowmobiling, and camping are all prominent sources of revenue in the North Woods that would be negatively impacted by visible power lines.

ā€œThere are tons of transmission corridors in the state, but CMP snaked this line right in between the protected areas,ā€ said Ely. ā€œThey slalomed through it.ā€

A spokesperson for Clean Energy Matters, the CMP-owned lobbying organization for the project, said in an email that these claims ā€œwere presented to and ultimately rejected by the Maine Public Utilities Commission and Massachusetts regulators.ā€ (The group also said in a statement to the Bangor Daily News that CMP wasnā€™t allowed to participate in the Carlson segment, and that producers used stock footage and ā€œfalse descriptionsā€ of the project.)

Even before Carlsonā€”who owns a home in Maine and has even broadcast his show from the stateā€”showed up with his cameras, there was plenty of mudslinging around the corridor project to be had on both sides. Clean Energy Matters has spent nearly $20 million in advertising on a pro-corridor campaign. Both groups like NRCM and the Sierra Club as well as Carlson in his segment repeatedly refer to CMP as ā€œforeign-ownedā€ (CMP is owned by Connecticut-based Avangrid, which, in turn, is owned by the Spanish energy giant Iberdrola)ā€”a term thatā€™s been used in other energy fights to stoke xenophobic fears and images of foreigner stealing American jobs.

The spokesperson for Clean Energy Matters pointed out in an email to Earther that some opposition efforts to the corridor project ā€œare funded by three corporations with oil, natural gas, and nuclear generating stations in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.ā€ Those companies are Calpine, Vistra, and NextEra, which have poured their own millions into advertising campaigns against the project. Clean Energy Matters has also attacked NRCM for what it says are ties to natural gas groups after NRCM got a donation from an anti-corridor group with murky funders.

ā€œItā€™s so vicious,ā€ Ely said of the fight. ā€œIt really hardens people.ā€

And, like many local fights, the actual issues at handā€”lowering greenhouse gas emissions and figuring out how to best fit renewables into the local landscapeā€”seem to be getting lost in the brawl. Caratunk, a 68-person town along the proposed transmission lineā€™s route, had been working with NextEra on installing a proposed 150-megawatt solar farm. The chair of Caratunkā€™s selectboard said in a 2018 letter to the Maine Public Utilities Commission that the CMP corridor project would prevent the development of this project and potentially other local renewables projects in the area. The selectboard chair appeared in the Carlson segment as a voice of local opposition, with no mention of the alternative solar project. While thereā€™s a chance the selectboard chair didnā€™t bring up the project with producers, itā€™s not out of the question to think that Carlsonā€™s team didnā€™t want to spotlight how opponents of the ā€œgreen energy scam,ā€ as they called the CMP project, might be in favor of other renewable energy ventures in Maine.

The brook trout in the North Woodsā€”or the lobster in the Gulf of Maine or any of the stateā€™s other ecosystems for that matterā€”canā€™t hang on much longer if our planet keeps baking at the rate itā€™s going. Weighed out on a cosmic scale, if cutting 53 miles through a pristine section of woods could help an enormous energy-using state keep its emissions down, it might be worth it, despite the big local tradeoffs. That seems to be the attitude of some conservation and environment groups in the state who have begrudgingly signaled their supportā€”or, at least, the end to their oppositionā€”for the project in recent weeks.

I asked Ely about this challenge. If the CMP project was bringing a completely uncontested source of renewable power into New Englandā€”or, perhaps, if a transmission line through the North Woods could be connected to a renewable project that serves Maine and creates renewable energy jobs in the stateā€”would the green groups be so opposed? She sighed.

ā€œI have felt really fortunate in this fight that I have not had to answer that questionā€”itā€™s a really good question,ā€ she said. ā€œIn Maine, if we really want to do what our governor saysā€”reach net zero by 2045, reduce our emissions by 80% by 2050ā€”itā€™s going to require this massive buildout of renewable energy resources and a massive electrification of everything we can possibly electrify. We need to grow our grid somewhere in the ballpark of three times, and that is going to require building these massive transmission structures. And this anti-transmission line fervor is really going to hinder our ability to reach our clean energy goals.ā€

Itā€™s that fervor Carlson seems intent on stoking, though based on his past body of work, itā€™s for reasons likely less in line with those of local environmental group.

ā€œThis corridor is more than an energy projectā€”itā€™s an attack against rural America and the people who live there,ā€ Carlson said in his segment. That is, of course, untrue, but heā€™s setting the stage for his audience to view all renewable energy projects with skepticism and as an attack on the environment. If conversations around renewable projects canā€™t stay honestā€”and if big companies that plan to profit off the energy transition donā€™t start thinking about the local impacts of what theyā€™re doingā€”there will be plenty of fodder for the culture war to come.

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