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Top 5 iPod Alternatives

Okay, we kind of understand that not everyone out there is an iPod fanboy like us. Some people would actually prefer buying a different portable media player. Fine, we will cave and help you non-Apple lovers out with a list of the top five iPod alternatives. This list was compiled by T3 and it is pretty spot on, for the most part.

Coming in at numero uno on T3’s list is the Meizu miniPlayer, followed by the Creative Zen V Plus, iRiver T10, Sony Ericsson V630i and lastly the mobiBLU US2. From looks alone I would have liked to see the US2 higher up on the list and maybe swap out the Sony Ericsson V630i with the more U.S. friendly Sony NW-E505. We’d suggest going with one of these, only if you absolutely hate Apple, because they are obviously top dog.

T3’s Top Five iPod Alternatives [T3]

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