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Twitter Boosts Stimulus Overload with New Realtime Activity Feeds

In case a constant cascade of quips and links wasn’t enough from Twitter, you’ll now have access to an even more activity, TechCrunch reports, making it easier to see the social nebula orbiting around you. Get ready for more ego.

The update replaces the @Mentions tab with @[Your Name Here] and Activity. The former shows everyone talking about you, as well as when you’ve been retweeted or favorited. The activity pane will show what’s going on with the people you follow—their retweets, list-addings, favorites, and the link. Think of it as the Facebook newsfeed, only for people you probably don’t care as much about. This latter tab seems like a dizzying amount of information, and one of dubious utility. But if you’re a data carnivore, or lonely, this should plenty for you to gnaw on. [Twitter via TechCrunch]

Either way, Twitter is moving further from minimalism.

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