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May 8, 2008

Google Translate Becomes the Best Free Online Translator

Google Translate's coverage has been expanded dramatically. It now supports the translation between any of the following languages: English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish (the new languages are shown in bold). From 26 language pairs, Google Translate now supports 506 language pairs and becomes the most comprehensive online translation tool available for free.

Obviously, the translation is far from being perfect or even coherent, but it's a great way to understand the central ideas from a text. Now that Google Translate supports so many languages, it's not hard to imagine that you'll be able to read almost any web page in your language and maybe any application will be able to use Google Translate's APIs to speak your language.

"Most state-of-the-art, commercial machine-translation systems in use today have been developed using a rule-based approach, and require a lot of work to define vocabularies and grammars. Our system takes a different approach: we feed the computer billions of words of text, both monolingual text in the target language, and aligned text consisting of examples of human translations between the languages. We then apply statistical learning techniques to build a translation model. (...) Automatic translation is very difficult, as the meaning of words depends on the context in which they're used. While we are working on the problem, it may be some time before anyone can offer a quick and seamless translation experience," explains Google Translate's FAQ.

{ via Page2RSS }


  1. Translation from one hardcore language (Polish) to another (Finnish) is awesome, especially that you have chosen complicated text about tax law :D

  2. Actually bro they are not too far from the actual results.
    Google has successfully translated my blog into hindi and much correctly and that too in a typical hindi :D
    SO must say it is the best :)

  3. Hmm, doesn't seem to be live yet. I still see just over 20 languages listed.

  4. What is terribly smart is the "suggest a better translation" button.

  5. @Anonymous:
    There are only 23 languages (or 24 if you take into account Traditional Chinese), but the number of combinations is 23*22=506.

  6. It's much better now. But it could be even better.

    I often translate from english to portuguese and vice versa. It would be perfect if there were 2 translate buttons: one to translate in one direction, the other doing it vice versa. Then I wouldn't have to change the language buttons all the time.

    Best regards

  7. @Ionut: I count 530 languages. The list is going to be published in the last article on Zorgloob.
    I've removed "from french to french" but not "Chinese to traditional chinese" and "chinese to simplified chinise".

  8. That's great news, glad to see Romanian is present.

  9. I'm from Poland and I don't understand this text. Realy hardcore!

  10. The text is from this web page [] and talks about tax exemption.

  11. I want to translate English to Mongolian or Mongolian to english.But haven't.And i want to insert mongolian language in google translate service .But i don't now how to do

  12. Just tried the Norwegian language, and it has some way to go, but I think it is surprisingly nice (see

    I am working on a project that could use this functionality and where the todays translation seems good enough.

  13. Ionut,

    Do you know when Gtalk ( will support the new language pairs?

  14. Romanian should be shown in bold, it's a new language.

  15. @Daniel:
    Vai, ce urât din partea mea!

    (Google's terrible translation: Vai, from my ugly!)

  16. Použitá statistická metoda je lepší než co tu bylo.

  17. I think this FANTASTIC! But still no Magyar (Hungarian)? :_(

    I use translators like this to help me start to learn and get used to a new language. Magyar seems to be a very low priority for everyone in linguistics. Oh well.

    I'm also hoping for Several Native American languages, but I doubt that will happen.

  18. I still use Babylon as my primary translation tool. It's free, translates with one click from/into 75 different languages.

  19. I tried Babylon, but it's not free (the price is around $100) and it only supports translation between 17 languages - screenshot.

  20. Hi, Good stuff!
    Here's a post and a short example on Google Translate and how it works on Wohill.

  21. It would be nice to have possibility to translate from languages like LATIN too.

  22. Dear Google ,
    We are to much people talking turkish not only Turkiye but also 25 country 250 million people(polish only 3o million,gerece only 12 mıllıon people ....)
    please help us.We are waitingto add turkish text translation

  23. Norwegian text:
    "er bosatt i Norge, bosatt i Norge"

    Translation: Norwegian » English:
    "are resident in Canada, who live in Norway"

    Question: How come Norway is translated into Canada???

  24. Want to get hebrew translation

  25. Google Translate works great for me in most of the cases, just would like to see better Russian translation, most of the time I get # and numbers as translation of Russian text (I'm using Babelfish for Russian to English right now), and yes, I want Turkish to English too.

  26. İ want Turkish, because it has about 150 million speakers, there are some languages like lithuanian,croataian etc. that the speaker number doesn't pass 10 millions.

    Google Translate Türkçe olsun!!!!!

  27. When are you going to get turkish??

  28. Turkish = must have.

  29. I would be great if you add Turkish too because It really has a great number of speaker and we Turks want to see our language with other languages on that list.

  30. Yes I have learned a few words of Turkish & would really like it your translator

  31. Hello all. I'm from Mongolia. I think that if it's possible to join google translating service development i would like to join. Because we need English to Mongolian translating service too much. How to join ?

  32. hi there
    Q. are you tied to a limited no.pages?
    and do you need widget on every page?

  33. I'd like to see Turkish as well.. It's rather strange to me that so many minor languages included and this isn't even though it's quite widely used.

  34. Haroon Raheem.
    It is a wonderfull Job that Provide by Google to us.We all appericatte Google efforts and hope that ,Google will continious it in futur.we also hope that as soon as possible w have PASHTO (AFganisch) in google Translater .
    With best regards

  35. I have use the google translate site to produce a widget with flags that you can include on your website, you can get the code here -
    The Article Store Translation Tool

  36. Magyar and turkish are a must !
    otherwise great free tool

  37. Please be so kind and add Turkish as soon as possible.

  38. I use Google translator frequently, mainly spanish-english. Now I talk to a lot of Turkish people and would really love to see Turkish added to the list. It's a must.

  39. Are there any problems for turkish language ? I think is one of the most accessed site in the turkey

  40. To translate my own web page, I tried Google translator and Yahoo babefish, and Google's translation is much better.

  41. Я прошу Вас добавить турецкий язык к этому списку. Ведь, действительно, очень много людей общаются именно на турецком языке, как о работе, так и о личном. Что касается меня, то я отношусь ко вторым: мой муж - турок, и я бы очень хотела общаться с его родствиниками, чтобы и они меня понимали, но т.к. "мой" турецкий понимает лишь муж, ему приходится всегда работать дома переводчиком. Хотелось бы, чтобы этих проблем небыло.
    С благодарностью!

  42. I ask you to add the Turkish language to the list. Because, really, a lot of people talking on the Turkish language, as on the work and the personal. As for me, I belong to the second: My husband - Turks, and I would very much like to communicate with his parents, that they understand me, but because "my" Turkish understands only the husband, he must always work from home translator. We would like to see it was not a problem

  43. Thank you for adding Turkish but there is some problems with translation However I think it will be better Thank you Google

  44. I would be great if you add Turkish too because It really has a great number of speaker and we Turks want to see our language with other languages on that list.

  45. When are you going to get turkish??

  46. thank you google for all the efforts you have placed in making this world connected. I do use your browser daily, your Google Earth, maps, and various other FREE tools you provide. Now, i am in Germany and need to translate german to english and i am very happy that you allow me to do my job and it doesn't cost me a single penny. I do look at your advertisement and will eventually buy the G-1 T-mobile phone to do my part to keep your great company in business. Please continue to support the world in your business model and provide us with tools that make a difference to so many people.
    Keep up with adding new languages and or invite people to do their part in helping google start the programming from the many languages in this planet. In other words, help a country get a group together of locals to start the software to translate. People on this blog request Turkish, well, invite and teach a group of Turkish or any other language begin helping Google add tursking on the translating list. everyday does their part and everybody wins. So how about it world. each country form a group of translators/programmer and help google and vice/versa begin to provide translator for EACH AND EVERY language in this planet. good luck.

  47. When are you going to get turkish

  48. Turkish has been added last week. Stop spamming this post!

  49. Need English to Mongolian

  50. Google translator needs more work. google is a great search engine :-)

  51. Dear Google we need Mongolian Language, please help us!


  53. The translation in romanian is awfull!

  54. Can you find another free service that provides better machine translation for Romanian? I don't think so.

  55. google translate program?
    turkish add very good

  56. Thank you very much indeed, for adding Turkish.

  57. Let me know that how can I write in Hindi? ( )

  58. Thank you very much indeed, for adding Turkish

  59. I want to translate English to Mongolian or Mongolian to english.But haven't.And i want to insert mongolian language in google translate service .But i don't now how to do

  60. May i know which language does google translate translates at its best??

  61. Macedonian language on google translate ?

  62. I think this is the most helpful job ever. However, I am a bit upset not to see my language (Khmer of Cambodia) listed. I would strongly suggest google to help add my language with more than 14 million speakers around the world into your list. I will provide you with everything needed to do this.

    My Cambodian and I would be proud of your work and seeing our language on your list. I hope you will help this poor country grow.

    Best Regards,

    Mao Piseth,

  63. What is terribly smart is the "suggest a better translation button

  64. Thank you very much indeed, for adding Turkish.

  65. Its a good start and there is improvement is needed in hindi translation of sentence.

  66. thanks for for adding last langs!

  67. Mongolian language please GOOGLE! help help help help....

  68. Yes, It is right that google translater is providing me best service to translate any language now i am able to read and write any language with this service. You know one of my friend is of phillipines i was feeling very bore because I was not able to communicate nicely. Now, I go to google translater and translate it and I can understand what he wants to tell or ask. I am very very obliged to google translater.

  69. thanks for for adding first langs!

  70. I am crazy of google translator, I am now 100% able to read and write any language with the help of google translator, it is providing me new facility of translating tool.It is also very easy to handle and use it, anyone can use it easily and can able to translate any language. One thing also the best, auto detect, from this i can detect the any language and can understand.

  71. Very nice but no support for Macedonian language

  72. Google Translate just keeps getting better and better. I feel like an ambassador for google and it's products as they are just the best. Google translate is no exception it simply is the best machine translator tool available today on the internet without exception.

  73. I think anybody loves this feature. I just can stop using it. Google is the bes thing that happened to man kind.

  74. It is right that google translater is providing me best service to translate any language now i am able to read and write any language with this service. You know one of my friend is of phillipines i was feeling very bore because I was not able to communicate nicely.

  75. I use google translator all the time to talk to my friends around the world. It's an awesome tool.

  76. Very nice but no support for russinan language .

  77. it helps me to read others langs. sites in english.

    wonder full tool.

  78. It's good for vocabulary, but I wish, when I search, "jump," and it gives me 10 results, it explains each one.

    It's not too terribly good with grammar, it can't grasp aspect, but that's difficult for some humans, so it must be hard for a computer.

    Ex: "I wish to see the dog on Monday"
    Result: "Я хотеть видеть собаку на понедельником"

    If you speak Russian, you'll know how terrible that translation is. (Not saying putting that phrase in there returns that result, just an example)

  79. I want to translate English to Mongolian or Mongolian to english.But haven't.And i want to insert mongolian language in google translate service .

  80. nice tool is just need more languages on the list.

  81. What is terribly smart is the "suggest a better translation" button.

  82. waiting for Mongolian lang. support. Hope google ll add it soon.

  83. Google translater really works very well. but hindi translater not too good , It need improvement.

  84. I want to translate English to Mongolian or Mongolian to english.But haven't.And i want to insert mongolian language in google translate service .

  85. This is great.. I need to translate some of my web pages into a couple other languages...

  86. I think anybody loves this feature. I just can stop using it. Google is the bes thing that happened to man kind.

  87. Thanks for the post. I know several different languages and am grateful for google and all of their online features.

  88. Google translater really works very well. but hindi translater not too good , It need improvement.

  89. The translator is not very precise but is a good starting point.

  90. translated with google (try to figure out how google works at this moment)

    "hi, I am from Romania. Google translate is quite good, but google have to worke on it. I make daily translations, so that help Google, but I do not know how the system works, and I do not know many people in Romania are working daily to improve translation."

  91. I agree that Google translator is the best free translator in word.i use it and i get most relevant answers form Google.i think anybody like this feature.Google always doing better and better.

  92. This is great.. I need to translate some of my web pages into a couple other languages...

  93. I would be great if when Google does Mongolian to include the Mongolian Cyrillic alphabet as well as a Roman alphabet versions.

  94. Google just keeps coming out with cool and innovative ideas that make lives easier.

  95. That's great news, glad to see Romanian is present

  96. I use Google's translation tool on all of my websites. It's a very versatile and accurate translation application. Having used other tools, such as Babylon, and Joomfish on Joomla sites, the Google tool wins hands down.

  97. Earlier I was using babelfish but now Google translator is the best !!
    It offers transalation with better accuracy..

  98. Mongolian language please GOOGLE! help help help help....

  99. I'm from Mongolia. I think that if it's possible to join google translating service development i would like to join. Because we need English to Mongolian translating service too much.

  100. A Translation to Bavarian or Frängisch would be cool.

  101. I always use Google toolbar to translate.This is Really great.

  102. i use the translator all the time, its really good!

  103. Google translate is much better than Babblefish!

  104. Why do you need a mongolian translation service? mongol hel sursan deer

  105. Hello, I work with Mongolians and love the people and country. Google needs Mongolian translation. they are hungry for new technology it would be a great help to them and to us in the US.

  106. Google Translator is #1 because it's actually the most accurate translation tool on the net.

  107. I cant believe its already made its way to number one. That didnt take long! lol

  108. To translate my own web page, I tried Google translator and Yahoo babefish, and Google's translation is much better

  109. I always use Google toolbar to translate.This is Really great.

  110. Google is great!

    I always use Google to translate, need some improvement but its the best!

  111. " Now that Google Translate supports so many languages, it's not hard to imagine that you'll be able to read almost any web page in your language " - as part of my job i have to read website in different languages this would have been impossible without google translator. Ive found it so much more accurate then any other translators and believe me ive used them all!!


  112. use translators like this to help me start to learn and get used to a new language. Magyar seems to be a very low priority for everyone in linguistics. Oh well.

  113. Earlier I was using babelfish but now Google translator is the best !!

  114. Turkish exists for months but not stable. Inconsitency is too high and hope to post lots of corrections for improviong service.

  115. I've never heard about it in the past, just tried it out, it's great!

  116. This tool works well but it must have be improved. For romanian language still generate a lot of problems.

  117. Keep up with adding new languages and or invite people to do their part in helping google start the programming from the many languages in this planet.

  118. use translators like this to help me start to learn and get used to a new language. Magyar seems to be a very low priority for everyone in linguistics. Oh well.

  119. I'm also hoping for Several Native American languages, but I doubt that will happen.

  120. This works great; but I'd like to see more accuracy with the translations.

  121. Google Translator certainly has the most variety, but the translation quality isn't that great. Babel fish does German better, if I remember correctly.

  122. It's probably a long ways until Google starts translating Mongolian. There are probably at least 50 other languages with bigger markets before Mongolian.

    In any case, we offer Mongolian and English translations. Feel free to check out our services.

  123. Google Translator has successfully translated my blog into any language i choose.

    This is so much better than babblefish. Thank you for showing me this very powerful tool.

  124. Hey, the concept is good, but hell its giving out text that makes no-sense at all, but its all due to fact that people talk online using slang, acronyms etc...

  125. Latin would be nice, otherwise good work.

  126. Great post but now there are many other free online translation tools available. check

  127. Google technology is the best. Ultimately you obviously are not going to find any technology that will totally replace what a human being can go, as technology can not be programmed to "give a crap" outside of the rules that it is programmed to do. However, another good step forward in innovation.

  128. Google offers some fantastic free tools and this one is one that is very handy as a webmaster.

  129. I did lot of french to english translation from google translation tool and I find it worked very well actually..
    There were grammatical errors but it was easy to understand though..

  130. is suspended and stopped working and have the Czech spelling checker installed in your computer

  131. google translator is the best, I always use it for my translation needs

  132. This has worked best for me. It's way better than all those other translaters out there.

  133. The best thing in google translator is that it supports various difficult languages also ,which are not that easy.

  134. It is easily the best translator. Though still not good enough.

  135. for me is the best translator in the world. easy and exact!

  136. now, if only there was mongolian too..... :)

  137. how good it is? because it does not have Cambodia(Khmer language)in this Google translate.

  138. Why is it when I try to translate something in Arabic to English it makes no sense?
    Can anybody recommend a decent translating site for Arabic?
    Google ain't cuttin it!

  139. The Google Translator is probably the best out there... but no online translator is always able to hold words in context and meaning... especially when using English as words can have more than one meaning.

  140. I've removed "from french to french" but not "Chinese to traditional chinese" and "chinese to simplified chinise".

  141. The Google Translator is probably the best

  142. Earlier I was using babelfish but now Google translator is the best !!
    It offers transalation with better accuracy..

  143. Wanna translate English to Mongolian or Mongolian to english.But doesn't work at all. we need smarter translation solutions!

  144. I use it all the time, now I have a site in Chinese that i read all the time thanks to this great project.

  145. I love Google translator and have used it many times to get some unique content. It will jumble things around a little but it works just as good as any other translator online that has no human involvement. I even get emails in other languages sometimes and use this tool to understand what my friends are talking about. Great tool.

  146. Sure, Google translator is the best. With years translations are more and more readable. Of course there are difference between languajes, some really need a lot of work, but in general Google translator is the best I have found.

  147. I use Google Translator often and found it useful. But I would like more functionality and better translate for HTML pages (with tags)

  148. Google technology is the best. Ultimately you obviously are not going to find any technology that will totally replace what a human being can go, as technology can not be programmed to "give a crap" outside of the rules that it is programmed to do. However, another good step forward in innovation.

  149. Such a wonderful tool and is doing much to bring the world together. Beats hands down most of the other translation tools. This could be the "Real" Babel fish from HHGTTG!

  150. As it adds more intelligence to itself its going to become better and better. Like a real person. I am waiting for the day when due to google's effort there will be no language barrier.

  151. I hope to see the end of monopolistic desktop OS nightmares. If it is as fast as Google Chrome, then it will probably earn a place on some of my old computers. Keep it up Google!

  152. Really Google technology is the best.I love Google translator and have used it many times to get some unique content.

  153. I love google translator and use it a ton!

  154. Google translator serves all my language translation needs well.

  155. Google translator is very helpful. As "hindi" is an added feature, I am very happy...thanks

  156. Google translator has helped me understand what is going on with other websites even though I didn't speak a lick of their native tongue. Great service/tool

  157. Google translator is an excellent tool it works very well I can read articles in other languages and understand them well because the translation is very well made . Thank You Guys excellent tool!

  158. without a doubt, Google Translator is the easiest to use. It sometimes jumbles words together, but any automated system will do that.

  159. Although not perfect, I find Google Translator extremely helpful. I appreciate your hard work. Millions of thanks.

  160. Google Translate has improved over the last few weeks.

  161. I use the google translator tool all the time. I used to use other ones like the altavista one. I think the google one is the best.

  162. So far I like it, but I haven't really tried any other online translators.

  163. Google translator is my savior!
    It's absolutely amazing and can properly translate full texts!

  164. Personally, I hate translation sites because they never do a good job. There are always very ridiculous mistakes. I rely on myself. I've learned 8 different languages and plan to learn more.

  165. translation is good for some emergency reasons, forget acuracy.

  166. always use Google translator, quite helpful.


  167. It is very helpful but since I don't know the language I am translating to, I don't know if the grammar is correct.

  168. No wonder Google is way ahead of the curve, the usability of all their app's and the sheer volume is amazing, I don't think even a bing-yahoo marriage will put a dent in this juggernaut.

  169. I use google translate on a daily basis and it is real accurate. I am glad this is available because it allows me to save money on translations that I do every single day!

  170. I use the Google Translate for my German homework and it's been a great help!

  171. The translation tool is one of my favourite, however it is very hard to come across foreign sites such as those from china.

    One of the reasons I think this happens is because of the keyword thing and obviously not applying to the non-english site.

    The translate tool though is amazingly accurate on even the chinese sites

  172. The translator is the most accurate tool out there period

  173. Google translate is much better then anybody else's translate tools

  174. I really liked the user friendly interface of Google Translator. And I agree that it is world's best language translator platform.

    I really find it very convenient and easy to handle all the in built features. Thank you Google for giving this best utility.

  175. I got to say Google translator has been a lifesaver for me many times. I have not used any other translator tool since I come across it

  176. Most awesome translating tool out there. A real lifesaver on daily basis.

  177. Google translator is amazing. I've used to dig babel fish as it was one of the best ones available but now, goggle is better than anyone else. I think their translation tool is better than most of the commercially available ones.

  178. Just an awesome tool...hands down. I use it all the time.

  179. It's still by far the best out there even today. Accurate enough to help me effectively communicate with oral and written spanish presentations in school.

  180. Gogle's newest tool sounds good. I like babelfish, but I still get a lot of errors.


  181. gelir gelmez goruşelim o zaman...sende kendine iyi bak jacop

    hello im english could you tell me what this means as no translator will i wonder if any one can help please do i would be very thankfull

  182. or could you tell me a site that could please thank you

  183. This is very useful tool. Anyways, in some languages like Vietnamese, it needs to be improved. It's so funny when I see some phrases translated.

  184. I think this tool is awesome and has really gotten better. I use it alot and can't say enough about it.

  185. It's still by far the best out there even today. Accurate enough to help me effectively communicate with oral and written spanish presentations in school.

  186. Google Translator doesn't support numbers translation :)
    Friends, I recommend your to use to translate any numbers to Russian and English languages.

  187. as i am a content writer i am very happy to know about Google translator. by this i can read and understand articles in other languages. Thank You Guys excellent tool!

  188. Obviously, the translation is far from being perfect or even coherent, but it's a great way to understand the central ideas from a text.

    Agree completely

  189. I use this all the time it's a fantastic free tool thank you.

  190. Hi there! Im Mongolian.
    how to participate Google's English to Mongolian translational project? any advice? We need Google technology too much! Mongolia needs machine translational system!

  191. did anyone see the google superbowl commercial? that's how i learned about the translate app
