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September 30, 2020/Living Healthy/Sleep

5 Tips to Make Your Sleep More Restful

Ideas to help get better ZZZs

A person in bed with their eyes closed reaches for their smartphone

Sleep. For some, it’s a challenge. Anxious thoughts or tossing and turning can disrupt your ability to get good ZZZs. If lack of sleep rules your nights, it can really mess with your days. You may feel sluggish, find it difficult to concentrate, feel irritable, groggy and dull.


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But getting a solid night of restful sleep is important for far more reasons than a sense of wellbeing. Research shows poor sleep can have major effects on your health including memory problems and greater likelihood of getting into a car accident.

It may help to know that everyone experiences trouble falling or staying asleep once in a while. In the meantime, Nancy Foldvary-Shaefer, DO, offers these tips to get a good night’s rest.

1. Let the light in

Dr. Foldvary-Shaefer says “Your body has an internal clock that lets you know when it’s time to go to bed.” This circadian rhythm is important for letting your brain know when it’s time to sleep and stay awake.

To reset your circadian rhythm, make sure you get plenty of bright light or sunshine each day. This will not only help you sleep at night, it can give you more energy throughout the day.

2. Cut screen time

It can be difficult to stop scrolling on headlines or flipping through your friends’ photo shares. But it’s important to allow yourself time to step away from headlines and social media.

Screen time before bed — or worse, while you’re in bed — will not foster healthy sleep patterns.

“Try setting a curfew one to two hours before you go to bed where you turn off your electronic devices to wind down for the night,” says Dr. Foldvary-Shaefer.


3. Eat the right foods

Nutrition plays a role in how well you sleep. “Food relates directly to serotonin, a key hormone that — along with Vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid — helps promote healthy sleep,” says Dr. Foldvary-Shaefer.

She recommends eating foods that calm the body, increase serotonin levels and get you ready for restful sleep. These include complex carbohydrates such as:

  • Whole-grain breads and pasta.
  • Lean proteins such as chicken or turkey.
  • Heart-healthy fats such as walnuts, cashews and pistachios.
  • Beverages such as warm milk or chamomile tea.

4. Use sleeping pills safely

If you’re tempted to use an over-the-counter sleep aid to get some rest, think again. Dr. Foldvary-Shaefer recommends cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI) instead. “CBTI is more effective that long-term use of sleep aids,” she says. Go! to Sleep is a web-based CBTI program developed by experts that you can try yourself at home.

For the rare night when you need a sleep aid, there are a few good guidelines to keep in mind.

  • Allow enough time for a full night’s sleep.
  • Don’t try them the night before a big, event-filled day.
  • Watch for side effects.
  • And only use sleeping aids for short periods of time. “If you have ongoing insomnia, it’s best to talk to your doctor,” says Dr. Foldvary-Shaefer.

5. Don’t nap too long

If you like to take a nap every day, try limiting them to 10 or 15 minutes. That makes it easier to hit the ground running when you wake up. Napping too long or too often can have a negative effect on sleep patterns and cause sleep inertia, which is the feeling of grogginess or disorientation we experience after waking from a deep sleep.

6. Limit alcohol

That nightcap before bed may help you fall asleep easily, but it can end up robbing you of a good night’s rest. As the alcohol is metabolized during the second half of the night, it creates more fragmented sleep. This can mean vivid dreams, sleepwalking, nightmares and even breathing problems because alcohol relaxes your muscles. It can also mean waking up to use the restroom in the middle of the night. It’s best to limit drinks in the late evening or eliminate them entirely.

What to do when you work the night shift?

Working non-traditional shifts in a job can interfere with your body’s internal clock and can lead to trouble sleeping. Dr. Foldvary-Shaefer recommends following a regular bedtime routine and making your environment conducive to sleep even if you sleep by day.

“Keep your bedroom dark, cool and quiet, and let the people in your life know what hours you work and when you will be sleeping, so they know when to leave you alone,” Dr. Foldvary-Shaefer suggests.


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