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Living With Lymphoma


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Person having a serious discussion about a health diagnosis with family.
How To Explain Your Lymphoma Diagnosis to Friends and Family

Lead with what you’ve learned and create space for expectations

Contemplative person sitting on hand taking care of emotional needs after diagnosis.
Self-Care for People With Lymphoma

It’s important to take time for yourself as you go through your cancer journey

Illustration of person with raised hands. A syringe is over one hand; a green ribbon for lymphoma is above the other
Are Vaccinations Safe for People With Lymphoma?

Vaccination is a good idea before or after treatment

Patient planning with caregivers about her care for lymphona.
How To Prepare for Life With Lymphoma

A support system you trust and a care team you’re comfortable with can help you adjust

Two people sit on a bench
How To Care for Someone With Lymphoma

Listen to them, field questions from family and friends, and provide some normalcy

A small white bowl of yogurt with peanuts on top.
Can Diet Cure Lymphoma? Foods To Eat and Avoid

Certain foods like whole grains, eggs and nuts can boost your well-being during treatment

