The Best Source of American and World History

American History

All the periods of American History from Explorers to Today are covered in this section

World Timline World History Timeline

A timeline of World History, starting from the earliest history through the 20th century.

20th Century

Modern History from the turn of the 20th Century to 2022 are covered with seperate section for each continent

Wars Americas Wars

Learn about every American War: All the wars from Revolutionary War to Enduring Freedom are Covered

Elections Presidential Elections

The History of every Presidential Election from 1789 to 2020 are covered in this section.


The Powers of the Presidency, Congress, and the Congress are covered in this section.

Aviation History

The history of Aviation from the first balloons to the latest commercial aircraft and military aircraft are covered in this section.

States State By State

The History of every state, including the latest census stratisics on each state.

NationbyNation Nation By Nation

Information on all the nations of the worldis covered in this section.

US Naval History

The history of every US Naval vessel is included in this section.

History Railroads

The history of US Railroads are covered in this section with photos and descriptions.

News That Will Be History

Major news events that will in the future be part of history.The Russian Invasion of UKraine, Covid, Brexit and other major events.

Evian Evian Conference

The Conference was called in Jully 1938 on the eve of World War II as the crisis of Jewish refugees was building. The full text is in this section.

FDR FDR Historymaker

A complete biography of the life and presidency of Franklin Roosevelt is presented here.

JFK Historymaker

A war hero, young Congressman, and Senator and young President with a glamorous wife learn about President John F Kennedy.


Biographies of the greatest people of the 20th century, Presidents, First Ladies of the United States, leaders of the Civil War and more


This section includes all the important documents in American history.


Here you can find a selection of reviews of books in history. We welcome guest reviewers and try to add as many reviews as possible.

Relevant Background on Events

From the Russian invasion of Ukriane to Covid 19 and other pandemics this section provides historic background to important events.

Games Games

The newest section of the web site includes a series of puzzles made from historic photos and drawings.

Newstoday News of the Week

Hear the latest news from around the world evey week from the editor of Historycentral Marc Schulman

Amistad Amistad

After a slave rebellion aboard a ship,the case made it to the Supreme Court and the full text of case is presented in this section.

Israel History

The history of Israel from the beginning of the Zionist Movement to the present time is presented in this section.

Guest Posts

History posts from guests on a range of subjects ranging from the History of Mail Order Brides, Russian American Relations in the 19th century, and the History of War Music.



