About us

BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited (“BOC Life”) was founded in Hong Kong and has served the local market for years. We have grown to be one of the top life insurance companies in Hong Kong, with a commitment to offering comprehensive services in life insurance, wealth management and retirement protection. BOC Life’s shareholding is owned by BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited and Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited. In addition to the channels of tied agency, brokerage, telemarketing and eChannel, BOC Life distributes its acclaimed products in Hong Kong via the professional relationship managers at the branches of Bank of China (Hong Kong), Nanyang Commercial Bank and Chiyu Banking Corporation. We strive to provide our customers with tailored insurance and financial planning services that meet their unique needs and personal financial goals. BOC Life’s solid financial strength has been affirmed by international rating agencies, including the financial strength ratings of “A” by Standard & Poor's, and “A1” by Moody’s Investors Service.

Company size
201-500 employees
Public Company


  • Primary

    13F, Cityplaza One, 1111 King's Road, Taikoo Shing

    Central, HK

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Employees at BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited


  • BOC Life excels at the “Hong Kong Insurance Awards 2024” BOC Life is dedicated to building a wellness ecosystem. Through "Live Young" Rewards Program, we foster a culture of social and interactive sports participation, emphasizing the significance of exercise and healthy lifestyle habits for overall well-being. The “Live Young" Rewards Program encourages over 110,000 users to embrace an age-defying lifestyle, engage in exercise with friends and families, and enjoy greater benefits of physical activity. Since its launch, the program has received positive feedback from users. The "Live Young" Rewards Program achieved the top three in the "Excellence in KOL Collaboration Award" and the "Excellence in Customer Acquisition and Engagement Award" at the esteemed "Hong Kong Insurance Awards 2024", standing out among over 150 entries and earning recognition from the industry . The Hong Kong Insurance Awards 2024 is co-organised by the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers and SCMP to recognise the outstanding performance of insurers and elites in the insurance industry. The Hong Kong Insurance Awards is one of the highly regarded industry awards in Hong Kong. Big congratulations and bravo to our award-winning Live Young team for a job well done! . Big applauses also to our customers for their continued support to BOC Life! We will continue to serve our customers with quality service and products, striving to be their trusted life partner. #BOCLife #HongKongInsuranceAwards2024 #OutstandingMarketing #LiveYoung #YourLifePartner

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  • 【中銀人壽全力支持HKMA/BOC Life Hong Kong Sustainability Summit 2024 倡議跨界別合作推動可持續發展】 中銀人壽致力推動可持續發展,透過2024香港可持續發展峰會(HKMA/BOC Life Hong Kong Sustainability Summit 2024),匯聚跨界別領袖深入探討可持續發展重要議題,共同倡議以創造永續社會價值為目標🎯的商業舉措。中銀人壽執行總裁鄧子平聯同投資總監翁敬誠、品牌及企業傳訊總監焦揚出席峰會,與跨行業專家交流切磋,討論了如何藉多元化的企業項目培育人才、開創社會價值和共贏,並分享了聚焦教育、創科以及再就業為主題的成功實戰案例。 我們亦藉此機會,安排了大學合作夥伴的學生參加峰會,提高大學生對可持續發展以及商界跨行業協作的認識,為培養他們成為未來香港可持續發展的人才打好基礎。 鄧子平執行總裁為峰會致開幕辭,另外翁敬誠總監和焦揚總監也為"使命商業" (Business with Purpose) 環節擔任講者,向與會者分享了中銀人壽ESG初創加速器計劃,作為政府、商界、環保機構和初創企業攜手推動社會可持續發展和共贏的亮點。 公司將繼續與各界並肩同行,促進香港的可持續發展,構建智能、低碳和共融的綠色未來! #中銀人壽 #高質量可持續發展 #HKMABOCLifeSustainabilitySummit2024 #BusinesswithPurpose #ESG初創加速器計劃

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  • 中銀人壽與香港文學舘夥伴合作推出「香港小作家培訓計劃」 中銀人壽致力為香港培育未來棟樑。公司夥拍香港文學舘推出的「香港小作家培訓計劃」(計劃),可謂糅合文化藝術與青少年教育於一體,為本港學童提供語文教育、培訓和指導課程,透過多媒體和多元化的互動活動,培養學童對語文寫作和創作的興趣及實踐,提升他們的寫作技巧和表達能力。 這項計劃包括一系列主題活動,有各種小作家培訓工作坊、文學舘參觀活動、由著名作家主持的文學講座、寫作比賽以及「流動文學舘」的駐校活動等,豐富多采、興味盎然。 我們剛安排參加「中銀人壽小財智編程師計劃」的學校和同學,參觀了駐校的「流動文學舘」,透過聯乘互動,為超過200名小學生帶來豐富的文學體驗,啟發學童的創意潛能。 衷心期待更多活動在本季推出,把文學欣賞和創作的熱潮帶給青少年和香港社會,成為培育本港年輕作家的亮點。 #中銀人壽 x #香港文學舘 #BOCLife #您的終身夥伴 #文學創作及推廣 #香港小作家培訓計劃 #文學發展與傳承

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  • 【BOC Life supported BOCHK Private Wealth Exclusive Fireworks Gala】 To meet the needs of high-end customers and elevate their experiences, BOC Life supported BOCHK Private Wealth to host the Exclusive Fireworks Gala at Cuisine Cuisine in ifc mall, Central on 1 October 2024. Over a hundred esteemed guests, along with BOCHK and BOC Life senior executives, attended this vibrant event in commemoration of the occasion. During the eventful gathering, Mr. Alfred Cheung, Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Sales Officer of BOC Life, shared his view on family wealth management and legacy planning across generations with the guest. Entertaining performances were arranged to make the evening even more memorable. The dinner concluded just as a spectacular fireworks display lit up the sky over Victoria Harbour. All guests were able to admire the breathtaking fireworks up close and enjoyed a wonderful evening together.

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    A Night of Fireworks Brilliance: Private Wealth Exclusive Gala As the People’s Republic of China celebrated its 75th anniversary this year, we welcomed our Private Wealth customers to an evening of culinary excellence and visual splendour. Under the starlit sky, customers savoured Michelin-starred cuisine while witnessing a spectacular fireworks display with their loved ones. Recognising our customers’ commitment to robust wealth growth and family prosperity, we curated an evening of both celebration and insight. Industry experts illuminated market dynamics in the wake of recent Fed rate cuts, while a notable personality shared from his own experience as a son regarding the importance of family legacy planning. The festivities crescendoed with dazzling entertainment, culminating in breath-taking fireworks that commemorated our nation’s anniversary. Relive the magic now through our event highlights video! #BOCHK #PrivateWealth #NationalDay #Fireworks #WealthManagement #Legacy

  • 【BOC Life Soars to New Heights in Training and Development 】 Focusing on high-quality growth, BOC Life not only achieves stellar business performance, but also soars to new heights in training and development. Through innovative, dynamic and holistic talent development and retention strategies and measures, the company has nurtured many high flyers and top-performing elites, reaching the pinnacle of excellence! Josephine Wong, Assistant General Manager of Training and Development, has won the "Distinguished Trainer Award" at the prestigious "Award for Excellence in Training and Development 2024" presented by the Hong Kong Management Association, which is hailed as the Oscars of the Training Industry. This highly regarded industry accolade signifies another remarkable triumph for BOC Life’s award-winning team. Congratulations and bravo to Josephine and the Training and Development Team!   #BOCLife #PinnacleofExcellence #AwardforExcellenceinTrainingandDevelopment2024 #NurturingTopPerformingElites #YourLifePartner

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  • 【BOC Life’s excellence in business, customer service and sustainability won industry recognition】 BOC Life is thrilled to have clinched multiple prestigious awards in RMB business, customer service and sustainability arenas in 2024 at the well recognised Awards organised by Hong Kong’s leading media groups. These accolades encompass the "Outstanding Insurance Service - Annuity Insurance Award”, "Outstanding Insurance Services - Savings Insurance Award”, "Outstanding Insurance Service - Customer Service Award" along with the distinguished "Outstanding Social Sustainability Award". These are further commendations to the company’s exceptional performance in driving business, customer service and sustainable development excellence. Representing BOC Life at the award presentation ceremony were Mr. Chi-wai Ngai, Chief Marketing Officer, Mr. Amos Chan, Chief Operating Officer and Ms. Vivienne Chiu, Chief Brand and Communications Officer. BOC Life will keep up its steadfast efforts in living its brand promise as stakeholders’ trusted life partner. #BOCLife #YourLifePartner #BusinessandServiceExcellence #Sustainability

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  • 【中銀人壽義工「金秋展關懷」 凝心聚力為長者佳節送暖】 中銀人壽致力關愛社群、策劃多元化的企業公益活動回饋社會。今年中秋佳節,中銀人壽企業義工隊舉辦了一系列「金秋展關懷」義工活動,逾200位同事積極響應,踴躍參與及支持活動,為長者們金秋送暖獻上關愛。 ❤️《手工艾草按摩錘工作坊》 一眾跨部門的義工同事分別在現場及線上參加公司舉辦的「手工艾草按摩錘工作坊」,親手製作色彩絢麗的艾草按摩錘,冀盼這些滿載愛心的艾草按摩錘,能為長者紓緩經絡、按摩養生,令其身心放鬆、舒暢! 💛《袋袋有福》 企業義工隊親手為長者裝福袋,將各種禮物放進約100個滿載愛心和祝福的福袋,寓意「袋袋有福」,送予長者,令其歡度佳節。 💙《金秋送暖 長者探訪》 由管理層和跨部門同事組成的企業義工隊藉「金秋送暖 長者探訪」活動,探訪深水埗長者中心,給老友記送上福袋及佳節祝福,當天義工們除了跟長者聊天、一起做健體操,還跟他們一起合唱懷舊金曲應節,現場充滿佳節的歡樂氣氛、關懷與支持。 感謝一眾同事凝心聚力,踴躍為長者送上祝福。中銀人壽企業義工隊活動將繼續關愛社群,共建溫馨和諧的社區。 #中銀人壽 #BOCLife #您的終身夥伴 #中銀人壽企業義工隊 #金秋展關懷 #中秋節快樂

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  • 中銀人壽2024上半年業績表現持續領先市場 中銀集團人壽保險有限公司(中銀人壽)公佈2024年上半年業務表現卓越,持續領先市場: · 截至2024年6月30日為止的新造標準保費為111億港元,較去年同期大幅上升近8成,增長強勁。¹ · 本地業務與去年同期比較增長85%,位居市場第一。² · 人民幣保險產品表現逆市上升,人民幣新造標準保費較去年同期比躍升約23%,市場佔有率更升至55%,逾十年獨佔巿場鰲頭。³ · 直接渠道⁴業務持續名列市場首位,較去年同期大幅上升近一倍,市佔率亦逾52%。¹ · 專屬代理人均產能更列市場榜首。⁵ 中銀人壽執行總裁鄧子平表示:「中銀人壽在今年上半年應市場需求推出儲蓄和萬用壽險產品,並繼續聯動中銀香港,提供針對高端客戶的專屬產品如瑆鑽私人財富終身壽險計劃,多元化渠道策略令公司跑赢市場,帶動業務表現續創佳績。」 展望未來,中銀人壽將繼續聚焦高質量發展,優化業務結構和多渠道優勢;透過跨行業聯盟推動全方位的優質跨代「享老」藍圖規劃,照顧金齡族身心靈、財務及健康需要,並即將推出相關保險產品加以配合,開拓全新概念的旅居享老計劃,領航享老金融服務。此外,公司也會促進跨境業務,招聘並强化具銀行及優才背景的專業理財團隊,以科技導向,配合健康生態圈及數碼平台的互動推廣,研發更多切合客戶需要的產品和服務。 詳情請參閱中銀人壽網頁: https://lnkd.in/gSQaxc-U #中銀人壽 #BOCLife #您的終身夥伴 1按保險業監管局就2024年1月至6月公佈之「香港長期保險業務的臨時統計數字」(「保監局2024年上半年統計數字」)(https://lnkd.in/gdjhnUmn 2本地業務按保監局2024年上半年統計數字中表L1(b)的在岸業務數據計算。新造標準保費即新造業務之年度化保費及整付保費收入的百分之十之總和。 3自2013年起數據。 4包括直接郵寄、電話銷售及互聯網銷售。 5參考 (i) 由市場研究公司Pi Financial Services Intelligence出版之HK Life Insurance Intermediary Monitor期刊所記錄的專屬個人保險代理市場人數(截至2024年6月30日),及 (ii) 保監局2024年上半年統計數字中的個人新造直接業務(整付保費收入及年度化保費),對比中銀人壽同期的相關內部數據所作的大概統計評估。人均產能即人均新造標準保費,人均新造標準保費以新造標準保費總額除以專屬個人保險代理人數,並以2024年上半年作計算。

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  • 【Outstanding performance in financial crime compliance won industry accolade】 BOC Life’s dedicated efforts in driving risk control and full business compliance won industry recognition by winning the “Financial Crime Compliance Service of the Year 2024” at the “Hong Kong Business Awards 2024” organised by APAC Insider.   This award not only highlights the company's dedication and hard work in upholding the highest compliance standard, but also commends our outstanding performance in financial crime compliance.   We will continue to deliver high-quality products and professional services to fulfill customer satisfaction.   #BOCLife #YourLifePartner #ExcellenceinFinancialCrimeCompliance #APACInsider #HongKongBusinessAwards2024  

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