China Construction Bank (Asia)

China Construction Bank (Asia)


Central, Hong Kong 33,450 followers

About us

China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited (“CCB (Asia)”) is the comprehensive and integrated commercial banking platform of China Construction Bank Corporation (“CCB”) in Hong Kong. Currently, CCB (Asia) has 38 service outlets in Hong Kong and offers a wide array of banking products and services to customers, including personal banking services, commercial banking services, corporate banking services, private banking services, treasury business and cross-border financial services, etc. We’re inviting high caliber professionals to share our vision and mark our success together.

Company size
1,001-5,000 employees
Central, Hong Kong
Public Company


Employees at China Construction Bank (Asia)


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    【建行(亞洲)成功完成發行首筆在岸人民幣債券(債券通) (「熊貓債券」) 】 建行(亞洲)宣布於9月9日成功完成發行其首筆在岸人民幣債券(債券通) (「熊貓債券」)。這筆熊貓債券第一期發行金額為30億元人民幣,票息率2.05%,年期三年,聯合資信評估評定信用評級為「AAA」,所得款項將用於建行(亞洲)的一般公司用途及人民幣業務活動和發展。此次發行吸引眾多境內外投資者踴躍參與,最終獲得分配的投資者包括大型境外市場投資者,以及包括銀行、券商、基金在內的主流中資市場投資者。 建行(亞洲)副董事長及行長張駿表示:「建行(亞洲)首次成功發行熊貓債券,彰顯了中資國有大行海外子行的責任擔當。我們將積極深入探索人民幣國際化進程,強化內地與香港資本市場的聯動發展,持續為其貢獻力量。本次熊貓債券的成功發行,為建行(亞洲)優化負債結構、拓展資金管道提供了新思路。建行(亞洲)將繼續關注人民幣市場動態,支援建設銀行集團在離岸人民幣業務領域的持續突破與長遠發展。」 作為香港金融管理局指定的離岸人民幣市場一級流動性提供行及債券通「南向通」做市商,建行(亞洲)一直扮演著離岸人民幣市場的主要角色,積極參與人民幣國際化戰略,拓展全面的人民幣及跨境銀行業務,在相關領域中實現多項創新和突破。 新聞稿: #中國建設銀行亞洲 #建行亞洲 #人民幣債券 #熊貓債券 #離岸人民幣市場 #人民幣國際化

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  • 【強化企業的可持續發展和披露 | 建行(亞洲)與香港品質保證局合辦「ESG聯繫分享系列」專題分享研討會】 建行(亞洲)在積極發展綠色金融服務的同時,亦致力在企業層面等不同方面推動企業社會責任及可持續發展。日前,建行(亞洲)與香港品質保證局聯合舉辦「ESG聯繫分享系列」專題分享研討會,並邀請多間企業參與,共同探討可持續發展在香港商界的實踐。香港品質保證局和香港中華廠商聯合會作為分享嘉賓,分別就ESG整合、歐盟實施CBAM、最新披露指引、行業趨勢等內容進行深入講解和分享,建行(亞洲)亦介紹了現有ESG貸款產品和綠色及可持續發展貸款顧問服務,分享本行如何以專業綠色金融領域知識為企業提供相關指導和支持。 透過是次研討會,建行(亞洲)希望幫助中小企業客戶在當前市場環境下,強化其可持續發展和資訊披露,推動實現經濟效益和社會效益的有機統一,鼓勵商界攜手共進、推動社會的可持續發展。 #中國建設銀行亞洲 #建行亞洲 #ESG #綠色金融 #推動可持續發展

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  • 【全力支持香港北部都會區開發建設 | 建行(亞洲)參加香港中資銀行界大灣區基建及融資考察團】 建行(亞洲)作為香港中資銀行業協會業務發展及大灣區事務委員會主任單位,一直致力促進和深化大灣區內各領域合作,為灣區發展積極作出貢獻。日前,建行(亞洲) 副行長屈詠琴女士 Daphne Wat 作為副團長,參加由香港中資銀行業協會舉辦的「香港中資銀行界大灣區基建及融資考察團」。考察團以「依託香港金融市場 融通北部開發資金」為主題,到訪廣州南沙區、珠海市,實地考察大灣區內重大基建項目,與廣州南沙區政府、中國交通建設集團交流座談,進一步深化大灣區金融合作,促進基建及融資經驗互鑒。 屈詠琴副行長在基建及融資交流座談會上,從商業銀行的角度,結合近幾年海外融資個案的例子,分享了對北部都會區建設提供融資安排的設想和建議。她表示北部都會區的基建領域巨大且有多層次的融資需求,需要吸引全球資金和私人資本等共同參與。建行(亞洲)將全力支持、促進香港北部都會區建設和發展,協助香港實施「南金融、北創科」的新産業佈局。 #中國建設銀行亞洲 #建行亞洲 #北部都會區開發建設 #大灣區金融合作

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    【提升「港人北上」消費支付體驗 建行(亞洲)提供「美好生活指南」】 為迎合港人的跨境生活模式,建設銀行在其全方位線上生活服務平台「建行生活」APP內,特別為港人用戶設計「港人北上」頁面,為北上消費的港人提供美食、購物、出行以至置業等多個生活場景的便利和優惠。用戶只需下載及以香港手機號碼註冊登錄,通過切換不同城市,即可準確定位對應城市的全方位資訊,再結合建行(亞洲)信用卡的應用,提升個人灣區生活體驗。 建行(亞洲)副行長陳麗明 Annie Chen 女士表示:「繼推出『龍通灣區』粵港澳大灣區個人跨境金融服務品牌後,『建行生活』APP中的『港人北上』頁面進一步滿足港人在大灣區的各種生活需要,為建行(亞洲) 將打造的本地線上生活圈奠下基礎。」「建行生活」APP透過平台與生活場景結合,匯集不同地區的商戶,為用戶帶來多樣的生活場景服務,融入生活日常,以科技便利生活,同時為經濟發展注入新活力。目前「建行生活」在內地已經開立367個城市專頁,用戶逾一億。 現時下載並註冊「建行生活」APP,同時綁定建行(亞洲)銀聯信用卡,即可領取高達480元人民幣灣區優惠券包,於深圳、廣州及珠海三個大灣區城市特選商戶使用。以上優惠受有關條款及細則約束,如欲了解更多,請瀏覽 #中國建設銀行亞洲 #建行亞洲 #建行生活 #跨境金融服務 #港人北上 #美好生活指南 【Enhancing payment experience for northbound Hong Kong travelers CCB (Asia) brings a Guide to Splendid Living for cross-border experience】 To cater to the cross-border lifestyle of Hong Kong people, CCB has launched a dedicated "港人北上" (Gang Ren Bei Shang) page in its comprehensive online lifestyle service platform CCB Lifestyle APP. The page provides Hong Kong people with convenience and privileges in various lifestyle scenarios including dining, shopping, travel, and even real estate when they make a journey northward. Users will only need to download and register the APP with their Hong Kong mobile numbers, and by switching between different cities, they can accurately locate and access comprehensive information of the corresponding cities. CCB (Asia) Credit Cards can also be used in the APP to further enhance the experience of living in the Greater Bay Area. Ms. Annie Chen, CCB (Asia)’s Deputy Chief Executive, stated: "Following the launch of our Greater Bay Area personal cross-border financial services brand, the "港人北上" page in the CCB Lifestyle APP further caters to the diverse needs of Hong Kong people living in the Greater Bay Area. The move also lays a foundation for the local online lifestyle circle that will be created by CCB (Asia)." By integrating various lifestyle scenarios into a service platform, the CCB Lifestyle APP brings together merchants from different regions to provide users with a wide range of lifestyle services. As a day-to-day APP, it facilitates daily lives with technology, and at the same time injecting new vitality into the economic development. Currently, the CCB Lifestyle APP has established 367 city-specific pages in Mainland China, with more than 100 million users. Download and register the CCB Lifestyle APP, and bind the CCB (Asia) UnionPay Credit Card to receive up to RMB 480 Greater Bay Area coupons which can be used at selected merchants in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Zhuhai. The above offer is subject to relevant terms and conditions. For more information, please visit #ChinaConstructionBankAsia #CCBAsia #CCBLifestyle #CrossBorderFinancialServices #GangRenBeiShang #GuideToSplendidLiving

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  • 【🏆🏆建行(亞洲) 榮獲《財資》2024年度多項大獎】 建行(亞洲)榮獲《財資》2024年度 3A - 可持續投資大獎、暨機構投資者、ETF 以及資產服務大獎中的多項獎項,以表彰我們出色的服務和優秀的從業人員。是次為建行(亞洲)連續五年蟬聯最佳公司信託機構獎 。自開展信託與代理業務以來,團隊一直致力於為客戶提供全面的公司信託與代理服務。建行(亞洲) 感謝客戶一直以來對我們的支持,同時也祝賀我們的團隊獲得這些榮譽! 【🏆🏆CCB (Asia) won awards at The Asset Triple A Sustainable Investing Awards 2024 】 CCB (Asia) always strives for excellence in the provision of comprehensive capital market trustee and agency services for our customers. Our efforts have garnered us prestigious awards this year from The Asset Triple A Sustainable Investing Awards for Institutional Investor, ETF and Asset Servicing Providers in recognition of our outstanding services and individuals. Thank you to our clients for their continued support, and a big congratulation to the team for these accolades! 獎項清單Lists of awards: 最佳公司信託機構獎 - 香港 (Best in Corporate Trust - Hong Kong) 最佳公司信託項目 - 中國債券類別 (Best Corporate Trust Mandate for Bonds, China) 最佳公司信託服務從業人員 (Best Individuals in Corporate Trust) 如欲了解更多, 請瀏覽 For more information, please visit: #CCBAsia #CCBA #TheAsset #SustainableInvesting #Banking #Awards #CorporateTrust

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    【「商」贏夥伴:建行(亞洲)榮獲⟪信報⟫「顯卓普惠金融大獎」】 作為中小企業「商」贏夥伴,建行(亞洲) 於⟪信報⟫企業品牌顯卓大獎2024中榮獲「顯卓普惠金融大獎」。建行(亞洲)了解本港中小企業的需要,通過金融科技致力為客戶創造價值,為中小企業提供優質、創新的金融服務,令企業可以全面掌握業務狀況,隨時迎接商機,實現企業可持續發展。 在建設銀行普惠金融發展策略的引領下, 建行(亞洲)將繼續發揮建行集團綜合性多功能的服務能力,以完善的境內外聯動優勢,持續創新産品,配合客戶的業務發展需要,提供完善的金融解決方案,與客戶攜手同行,成為中小企業的最佳銀行夥伴。 如欲了解更多,請瀏覽 #中國建設銀行亞洲 #建行亞洲 #商業銀行 #普惠金融 #中小企業 #商贏夥伴 【Win-win Partners: CCB(Asia) wins “Excellence in Inclusive Finance” in Hong Kong Economic Journal’s Corporate Brand Awards of Excellence 2024】 As the win-win partner of our SME customers, CCB (Asia) stood out in the Corporate Brand Awards of Excellence 2024 organized by Hong Kong Economic Journal and won the “Excellence in Inclusive Finance” accolade. CCB (Asia) understands the needs of SMEs and strives for creating values for our customers. With financial technology, we provide customers with quality and innovative financial services which enable them to manage their business and grasp new business opportunities any time. Led by CCB group’s inclusive finance development strategy and its integrated services capabilities, CCB (Asia) will synergize the advantage of cross-border collaboration and provide more innovative banking products and solutions to customers and become the best banking partner of SMEs. For more information, please go to #ChinaConstructionBankAsia #CCBAsia #InclusiveFinance #SME #WinWinPartner

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  • 【建行(亞洲)聯辦「財資中心和人民幣國際化研討會」】 日前,建行(亞洲)與中資銀行業協會聯合舉辦「財資中心和人民幣國際化研討會」,作為協會業務發展及大灣區事務委員會主任單位,建行(亞洲) 副行長屈詠琴 Daphne Wat 女士代表協會向到場嘉賓致歡迎辭。 本次會議邀請中國社會科學院世界經濟與政治研究院副所長徐奇淵先生、香港金融學院行政總裁馮殷諾先生、香港金融管理局外事部高級經理劉瑋峻先生及經理何遠滿先生、德勤中國稅務合夥人潘宗傑先生等多位專家,就人民幣國際化的新進展和新挑戰、人民幣國際化與財資中心的機遇、財資中心稅務政策及典型案例等議題作出分享。 國家電力投資集團、中移動香港、中化香港、中建國際等多家在港中資企業及財資公司的管理層、離岸人民幣及資本市場委員會、業務發展及大灣區事務委員會17間會員單位代表共50人出席了研討會,並就如何發揮香港自身優勢、把握新時期機遇,積極推進人民幣國際化發展及財資中心建設等方面交流討論。現場氣氛熱烈,企業代表亦表示活動成果豐碩,對公司相關工作有促進作用。 #中國建設銀行亞洲 #建行亞洲 #企業銀行 #財資中心和人民幣國際化研討會 #人民幣國際化 #中資銀行業協會

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  • 【建行(亞洲)舉辦「龍翔萬里 乘勢而上」投資午餐會】 建行(亞洲)攜手威靈頓投資管理和富通保險,日前於美國會舉辦「龍翔萬里 乘勢而上」投資午餐會,共有逾50位特選高淨值客戶參與。今次活動助力客戶應對市場變化、優化投資組合,把握新發展機遇,為2024年後續投資計劃做好準備。 副行長陳麗明女士 Annie Chen 向到場貴賓表示歡迎和感謝,私人銀行部投研團隊主管徐天佑先生為客戶分享市場投資策略分析,威靈頓投資管理業務拓展副總裁盧朗柏先生為客戶介紹降息週期環球債券及亞洲科技投資機遇,富通保險助理行銷總監李露璐分享香港保險市場的相關情況,著名建築師蔣匡文博士則為與會人士分享龍年趨旺佈局的心得及生動案例。各嘉賓與客戶踴躍互動交流,反應熱烈。建行(亞洲)將繼續從客戶角度出發,舉辦更多投資相關活動,助力客戶應對市場變化、把握投資機遇。 #中國建設銀行亞洲 #建行亞洲 #私人銀行 #財富管理 #財富策劃 #財富增值 #投資 【CCB (Asia) holds "Dragon Soaring Ten Thousand Miles Riding on the Trend" investment luncheon】 Together with Wellington Investment Management and FTLife Insurance, CCB (Asia) successfully held an investment luncheon at the American Club with more than 50 high-net-worth clients attended. With the theme "Dragon Soaring Ten Thousand Miles Riding on the Trend", the luncheon provided customers insights into market changes, investment portfolio optimization and new investment opportunities in the rest of 2024. Deputy Chief Executive Annie Chen expressed her welcome and appreciation to the distinguished guests. Vincent Tsui, head of the investment research team of the Private Banking, shared the analysis of investment strategies with customers. Besides, Adrian Lo, Account Manager of Wealth Business APAC Client Group of Wellington Investment Management, introduced the global bond market outlook during the interest rate cut cycle and Asian technology investment opportunities. Li Lulu, Associate Sales Director of FTLife Insurance has also shared the relevant situation of the Hong Kong insurance market. Renowned architect Dr. Michael Chiang shared tips for a good house floor plan in the Year of the Dragon. The guests and customers actively interacted during the event and the response was overwhelming. CCB (Asia) will continue to organize more investment-related events from a customer-centric perspective to help customers respond to market changes and seize investment opportunities. #ChinaConstructionBankAsia #CCBAsia #PrivateBanking #WealthManagement #FinancialPlanning #WealthManagementSolutions #Investment

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  • 【建行(亞洲)榮獲⟪明報⟫2024卓越財經大獎「工商服務:卓越企業現金管理服 務大獎」殊榮】 建行(亞洲)於⟪明報⟫主辦的2024年卓越財經大獎評選中脫穎而出,榮獲「工 商服務:卓越企業現金管理服務大獎」,充分肯定了建行(亞洲)在跨境金融服 務、金融科技應用、創新產品及服務開發等領域的傑出表現,備受業界及大 眾認可。 建行(亞洲)會繼續以客戶為中心,致力於將金融科技融入產品及服務中,助 力客戶實現資金效益最大化,與企業客戶攜手發展,成為企業絕佳的銀行夥 伴。 如欲了解更多,請瀏覽 #中國建設銀行亞洲 #建行亞洲 #金融科技 #現金管理 #企業銀行 【CCB(Asia) wins Financial Services: Excellence in Enterprise Cash Management Services in Ming Pao Awards for Excellence in Finance 2024】 CCB(Asia) stood out in the Awards for Excellence in Finance 2024 organized by Ming Pao and won the Financial Services: Excellence in Enterprise Cash Management Services with its recognized performances in the areas of cross-border financial services, financial technology application, innovative product and service development. By taking a customer-centric approach, CCB(Asia) will continue to strive to integrate financial technology into products and services to help customers maximize their financial benefits and become an excellent banking partner for enterprises. For more information, please go to #ChinaConstructionBankAsia #CCBAsia #FinancialTechnology #CashManagement #CorporateBanking

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  • 【承載社會責任與擔當 共繪四季華章 — 中國建設銀行2023年社會責任報告宣傳片】 2023年,中國建設銀行積極推動科技金融、綠色金融、普惠金融、養老金融、數字金融,全面履行企業社會責任,承擔起國有大行的責任與擔當服務社會,推動經濟社會高品質發展。一年來,中國建設銀行在履行社會責任工作及熱心公益方面獲得社會各界肯定,2023年榮獲最佳社會責任銀行等30多項境內外社會責任重要殊榮,MSCI ESG評級更躍升至AA級。 #中國建設銀行 #建設銀行 #建設美好生活 #2023社會責任報告 #中國建設銀行亞洲 #建行亞洲 #社會責任 #科技金融 #綠色金融 #普惠金融 #養老金融 #數字金融 #ESG #可持續發展 【Shouldering our social responsibility and duty, we make the four seasons beautiful — CCB's 2023 CSR Report video】 In 2023, China Construction Bank actively promoted technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance, comprehensively fulfilled its corporate social responsibility. The Bank shouldered the responsibility and commitment as a state-owned major bank to serve society while driving high-quality economic and social development. The Bank's dedication to fulfilling its social responsibilities and enthusiastic participation in public welfare activities garnered recognition from the society. The Bank was honored with over 30 prestigious domestic and international awards in 2023 including the Best Social Responsibility Bank, with its MSCI ESG rating upgraded to AA. #ChinaConstructionBank #CCB #MakingLifeWonderful #2023CorporateSocialResponsibilityRepor #ChinaConstructionBankAsia #CCBA #SocialResponsibility #TechnologyFinance #GreenFinance #InclusiveFinance #PensionFinance #DigitalFinance #ESG #SustainableDevelopment

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