Hactl receives top award at Social Enterprise Supporter Award Scheme 2024 Hactl於2024年度「支持社企機構嘉許計劃」獲頒最高殊榮 Hactl has been presented with the “Social Enterprise Supporter Excellence Award" by the Fullness Social Enterprise Society, in recognition of its continuing support for ethical consumption and social enterprises in Hong Kong. The “Social Enterprise Supporter Excellence Award” was launched in 2024, and Hactl is the only air cargo business among the 27 award winners to date. To be eligible for a “Social Enterprise Supporter Excellence Award", candidates must have received at least three nominations from social enterprises. This year, Hactl was honoured to have been nominated by no less than seven social enterprise partners. Hactl Chief Sustainability Officer Amy YM Lam received the award at a presentation ceremony. At the "Voices of Impact: Corporations x Social Enterprises" business forum held during the same event, Amy told the audience how Hactl has promoted sustainability through many and varied initiatives. 為表彰Hactl積極推動良心消費及支持社企發展,貨站今年榮獲豐盛社企學會頒發「卓越支持社企機構」大獎。豐盛社企學會於2024年首度推出「卓越支持社企機構」大獎, Hactl乃獲獎的27間企業中唯一獲取此殊榮的空運業機構。 所有獲頒「卓越支持社企機構」大獎的機構,必需獲三間或以上社企合作夥伴提名支持。今年Hactl非常榮幸獲得7間社企合作夥伴單位提名。 Hactl首席可持續發展官林苑薇於頒獎典禮上領獎,並於商業論壇《Voices of Impact: Corporations x Social Enterprises》中,分享貨站促進可持續發展的舉措。 #SuperTerminal1 #Hactl #aircargo #FullnessSocialEnterprisesSociety #SocialEnterpriseSupporterExcellenceAward #Organicfarm #FairTrade #Socialinclusion #Sustainability #香港空運貨站 #超級一號貨站 #空運 #豐盛社企學會 #傑出支持社企機構 #公平貿易 #共融社會 #有機產品 #商業論壇 #可持續發展
Hactl - Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited
Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage
About us
Launched in 1976, Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited (Hactl) is Hong Kong’s largest independent cargo handler, serving more than 100 airline companies and 1,000 freight forwarders. Hactl built, owns and operates SuperTerminal 1, the single largest multi-level air cargo terminal in the world, with an annual design capacity of 3.5 million tonnes. Hactl has the resources, dedicated personnel, and comprehensive facilities to handle all kinds of cargo, from live animals through hazardous and temperature-sensitive shipments to outsize and heavyweight items. Hactl complies with every relevant industry standard, including ISAGO (world’s first), WHO GDP (Hong Kong’s first), all four IATA CEIV certifications (pharmaceuticals, fresh, live animals and lithium batteries), and IATA Environmental Assessment (IEnvA) certification (Asia’s first). Hactl also offers complementary integrated logistics solutions through its wholly-owned subsidiary Hacis – whose SuperLink China Direct customs-bonded, cross-border trucking system connects China swiftly and efficiently with the world via Hong Kong. Hacis additionally provides value-added services to the e-commerce sector through its e-Commerce Fulfilment Centre.
- Website
External link for Hactl - Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited
- Industry
- Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage
- Company size
- 1,001-5,000 employees
- Headquarters
- Hong Kong
- Type
- Privately Held
- Specialties
- Physical Air Cargo Handling, Air Cargo Documentation Handling, Ramp Handling, Crew Transportation, and Intermodal Services
SuperTerminal One
Hong Kong International Airport
Hong Kong, HK
Employees at Hactl - Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited
An artistic journey towards sustainability 步向可持續之路:藝術之旅 Hactl has invited three local artists to create three pieces of artwork on the stairwell of its North Office Block at SuperTerminal 1. The artworks, spanning three floors, promote the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of “Climate Action” (SDG13) and “Life Below Water” (SDG14). To encourage staff to unwind and reflect on the relationship between humans and the ocean, Hactl also organised a "Relax and take the stairs” photo competition, in which entrants were invited to submit creative photos featuring the three artworks. The competition received an overwhelming response, with three particularly outstanding photos selected as winners by the contest judges. Hactl今年特別邀請了三位本地藝術家,以聯合國可持續發展目標「氣候行動」(SDG 13) 和「海洋生態」(SDG 14)為主題,創作了三件藝術作品,重新佈置了超級一號貨站北座四至六樓的辦公室梯間。 為鼓勵同事透過欣賞這些藝術作品放鬆身心和反思人類與海洋之間的關係,貨站更舉辦了「行樓梯、鬆一鬆」創意攝影比賽。比賽獲同事熱烈支持和參與,評審從眾多創意十足的作品中選出了三幅得獎作品。 #Hactl #SuperTerminal1 #aircargo #sustainability #unitednations #SDG #SustainabilityDevelopmentGoals #BaoHo #EasonPage #AkaC. #香港空運貨站 #超級一號貨站 #空運 #可持續發展 #聯合國 #可持續發展目標 #何文蕙 #曾家偉 #趙慧珊
First carrier signing of 2025 for Hactl Hactl迎來本年首家新航空公司客戶 Hactl has won the contract to handle new cargo airline Hungary Airlines’ scheduled services between its Budapest hub and Hong Kong. Hactl will provide one-stop-shop service for the carrier's new Hong Kong flights. Says Hactl Chief Executive Wilson Kwong: “We welcome Hungary Airlines to the Hactl carrier family; their new services further enhance Hactl’s global connectivity. We look forward to supporting their establishment and growth as an e-commerce specialist, which ties in well with our own focus on this important business area.” For details, please visit: https://lnkd.in/gV8CBp5e Hactl迎來新航空公司客戶Hungary Airlines。Hactl為Hungary Airlines往返其布達佩斯總部與香港的定期航班,提供一站式處貨服務。 香港空運貨站行政總裁鄺永銓表示:「我們非常歡迎Hungary Airlines加入 Hactl 客戶大家庭。他們的新航班服務,進一步擴大貨站的全球服務網絡。我們期待全力協助Hungary Airlines發展電子商貿業務,這亦是我們的重點發展業務之一。」 詳情請瀏覽: https://lnkd.in/gGCAGSfr #Hactl #SuperTerminal1 #aircargo #freighter #HKIA #hungaryairlines #budapest #香港空運貨站 #超級一號貨站 #空運 #貨機 #香港國際機場 #布達佩斯
Let’s honour every incredible woman today! 向每一位傑出女性致敬 As we celebrate International Women’s Day today, we thank every incredible woman who helps make Hactl a thriving, dynamic and inclusive workplace. From seasoned professionals to rising stars, working mums to fresh graduates, and everyone in between, we honour the diversity and talents brought by our female staff, and are excited to see a 35% growth in our female staff ratio over the past 10 years. On this special day, let’s meet four of our amazing colleagues and hear about their experiences of working at Hactl! 今天是國際婦女節,我們藉此感謝每一位女同事。無論是經驗豐富的管理人員或後起之秀、職業婦女或剛踏入職場的畢業生,每位女同事都讓Hactl發展成為一家更有活力和多元的企業。我們亦很高興看到貨站的女同事比例在過去10年 有35% 的增長。 趁著這個特別的日子,我們邀請了四位女同事與我們分享她們在Hactl工作的感想。 #Hactl #SuperTerminal1 #HKIA #sustainability #AirCargo #diversity #inclusivity #InternationalWomensDay #IWD #InspireInclusion #香港空運貨站 #超級一號貨站 #性別平等 #可持續發展 #空運 #共融 #多元
Hactl: “STAT Media Group Interview” at Air Cargo Africa In an interview with STAT Times Nikitha Sebastian at Air Cargo Africa, Hactl Chief Executive Wilson Kwong shared how Hactl can help current and potential airline customers to prepare for, and open up new opportunities for increasing African air cargo activities. He believes Africa has huge potential, adding that Hactl has continued to adapt to the evolving air cargo landscape through technological innovations to maintain high standards of service quality and optimise operational efficiency. Its new Cool Chain Complex, for example, together with Hactl's full suite of IATA CEIV-accredited facilities, would be able to handle the traffics of temperature sensitive goods such as perishables and pharmaceuticals to and from the continent. Wilson also invited African airports or cargo terminals to visit Hactl's SuperTerminal 1 during the interview, saying that Hactl would be honoured to share its expertise and experience with African industry leaders and explore opportunities for collaborations. You can watch the full interview at: https://lnkd.in/gkPfDJSg #AirCargoAfrica #Hactl #SuperTerminal1 #AfricanAirCargo #LeadershipInterviews #AfricaLogistics #TheSTATTradeTimes
Wilson Kwong, Chief Executive Officer, Hactl
Key to the future 未來之鑰 There is no limit to your potentials. At Hactl, you can develop your talents, enhance your professional skills, achieve your ambitions through teamwork while enjoying a balanced lifestyle. Join us now, your future is the key to our success! 每個人都擁有無限潛能。在Hactl,你可以發揮所長,提升專業技能,與團隊一起為未來奮鬥,並同時享受平衡的生活。歡迎加入Hactl團隊,你的未來是我們成功的關鍵! #Hactl #SuperTerminal1 #HKIA #AirCargo #potentials #JoinUS #香港空運貨站 #超級一號貨站 #香港國際機場 #空運 #Hactl團隊
Shell recognises Hactl as its first Strategic Collaborator on Renewable Diesel initiatives Hactl為Shell可再生柴油計劃的首個策略性合作夥伴 Hactl is entering into a new memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Shell Hong Kong Limited Shell, covering the supply of renewable diesel fuel for its ramp equipment and road vehicles. Shell is recognising Hactl as its first Strategic Collaborator on Renewable Diesel initiatives. The MoU also encompasses strategic collaboration on charging infrastructure for electric road vehicles and ground services equipment at SuperTerminal 1. Says Hactl Chief Executive Wilson Kwong: “By signing this MoU with Shell, we aim to set new and achievable goals for sustainable vehicle operations in the air cargo industry here and around the world.” Anne Yu, Managing Director of Shell Hong Kong Limited adds: " The signing of the MoU between Shell and Hactl is not only a strategic alliance between us, but also a shared commitment to social and environmental responsibility to advance the application of low-carbon energy to address the challenge of global climate change." For details, please visit: https://lnkd.in/gsSKUsrQ Hactl與香港蜆殼有限公司 (Shell),就Shell為Hactl停機坪地勤設備及汽車提供可再生柴油簽署諒解備忘錄(MoU),Shell更確立Hactl為其可再生柴油計劃的首個策略性合作夥伴。此諒解備忘錄亦涵蓋雙方將攜手於超級一號貨站設置全新電動汽車及地勤設備充電設施。 香港空運貨站行政總裁鄺永銓表示:「透過與Shell簽署此諒解備忘錄,我們希望推動本地及全球空運業於營運設備及車輛使用可持續燃料,為業界制定可實現的新目標。」香港蜆殼有限公司常務董事余靜雯補充:「這次蜆殼與香港空運貨站簽署合作備忘錄,不僅標誌着我們之間的戰略聯盟,更是對社會和環境責任的共同承諾,一起推進低碳能源的應用,以應對全球氣候變化的挑戰。」 詳情請瀏覽: https://lnkd.in/gwEi6xaZ #Hactl #SuperTerminal1 #aircargo #renewablediesel #Shell #groundservices #sustainability #lowcarbon #sustainablevehicle #香港空運貨站 #超級一號貨站 #空運 #香港國際機場 #香港蜆殼 #諒解備忘錄 #可持續燃料 #環境責任
Hactl wins again at the HKIA Community Cycling and Running Competition 再奪「香港國際機場同業單車及跑步比賽」殊榮 Hactl Chief Executive Wilson Kwong, leading an elite team of 10 sports enthusiasts, was pleased to take home the 2nd runner-up of “Best Team Leader” at the HKIA Community Cycling and Running Competition, after competing with 23 organisations from the airport community and government departments. Organised by the Airport Authority Hong Kong at AsiaWorld-Expo, this year’s event introduced the elements of running and fitness into the race. 香港空運貨站(Hactl)行政總裁鄺永銓帶領10名貨站運動精英,於「香港國際機場同業單車及跑步比賽」與23間機場同業機構及政府部門競技,並勇奪得「最佳隊長」季軍殊榮。 是次比賽由香港機場管理局於亞洲國際博覽館舉辦,今屆賽事特別加入跑步及體能項目。 #Hactl #SuperTerminal1 #HKIA #AirCargo #Aviation #HKIACommunityandCyclingRunningCompetition2025 #HKIAairportcommunity #AAHK #hongkongairport #香港空運貨站 #超級一號貨站 #香港國際機場 #空運 #航空 #香港機場管理局
Hactl success at International Award for Excellence in Air Cargo Hactl於「國際航空貨運卓越獎」榮膺兩項大獎 Hactl has won the “Air Cargo Sustainability Leader of the Year” and “International Air Cargo Marketer of the Year – Highly Acclaimed” awards at the 2025 International Awards for Excellence in Air Cargo, presented at a gala award ceremony in Nairobi, Kenya. Launched by The STAT Trade Times, the International Awards for Excellence in Air Cargo recognise outstanding contributions, innovations, and leadership in the industry. For details, please visit: https://lnkd.in/gKV2MN8s Hactl於2025年「國際航空貨運卓越獎」中勇奪「年度空運業可持續發展領袖」大獎及「年度最佳國際市場推廣 – 優秀獎」,頒獎晚宴於肯尼亞奈洛比舉行。由《STAT Trade Times》主辦的「國際航空貨運卓越獎」旨在表彰於空運業界具傑出貢獻,並於創新及領導力方面展現卓越表現的機構。 詳情請瀏覽: https://lnkd.in/gtHnxQxe #Hactl #SuperTerminal1 #aircargo #HKIA #TheSTATTradeTimes #InternationalAwardsforExcellenceinAirCargo #2025Awards #Nairobi #Sustainability #Marketing #香港空運貨站 #超級一號貨站 #空運 #香港國際機場 #國際航空貨運卓越獎 #年度空運業可持續發展領袖大獎 #年度最佳國際市場推廣獎 #可持續發展 #市場推廣 STAT Times Wilson Kwong Joanna Li
Hactl Chief Executive Wilson Kwong will be speaking at the “How Africa air cargo could be set to soar” panel on 19 February at Air Cargo Africa 2025 in Nairobi. He will join industry leaders to discuss how industry players can help increase Africa’s share of global air transport activities, and leverage the inherent advantages of the continent. We look forward to seeing you there! 香港空運貨站行政總裁鄺永銓將出席2月19日於奈洛比舉行的「2025 非洲航空貨運博覽會」,並於「如何推動非洲空運業蓬勃發展」論壇中與一眾業界領袖探討業界如何充分發揮非洲的優勢,提升其於全球空運業中擔當的角色。 期待與你在博覽會見面! #Hactl #SuperTerminal1 #HKIA #AirCargo #AirCargoAfrica #TheSTATTradeTimes #Africaaircargo #香港空運貨站 #超級一號貨站 #香港國際機場 #空運 #非洲航空貨運博覽會 #慕尼黑展覽 #肯亞 #非洲空運 #全球空運 STAT Times