The Hong Kong Institute of Architects’ cover photo
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects

The Hong Kong Institute of Architects

Professional Organizations

About us

Objects of The Institute The two main objects of the Institute are i) to promote the general advancement of architecture and to promote and facilitate the acquisition of the knowledge of the various arts and sciences connected therewith; ii) to raise the standard of architecture in Hong Kong and the standard of professional architectural services offered by members of the Institute. Professional Qualification In Hong Kong, registration of architects are governed by the Architects Registration Board (ARB) under the Architects Registration Ordinance (Chapter 408). Every year, graduates with recognized architectural education qualification and appropriate practical experience, aspiring to become a Registered Architect, can sit the Professional Assessment jointly held by the Institute and ARB. Successful candidates will be admitted as a Member of the Institute which, in accordance with the Architects Registration Ordinance, will be readily accepted as a Registered Architect by ARB. Alternatively for overseas professional architects with adequate relevant local experience, they can apply for HKIA membership and hence register as a Registered Architect in Hong Kong, through a Professional Induction Workshop followed with an interview held jointly by the Institute and ARB. Accreditation of Architectural Education The Institute works closely with the ARB to accredit the architectural courses offered by local universities and tertiary institutions and offers advice on the aspects of professional practice and practical experience in architecture. Apart from recognition in Hong Kong, architectural programmes accredited by HKIA/ARB are also recognised by Mainland as well as a number of overseas countries such as, Australia and New Zealand under Mutual Recognition agreement with respective accrediting authority.

Professional Organizations
Company size
11-50 employees
Hong Kong


Employees at The Hong Kong Institute of Architects


  • 📢 最後召集!報名延期!   你還未報名?這是你最後的機會!✨   建築好聲音1.0 比賽的參賽者報名截止日期延至 3月24日 (星期一) ! 🎤 千載難逢的音樂派對   香港建築師會員們,如果你熱愛唱歌或表演,快來加入這場音樂盛會!無論是與朋友還是家人一起,這是一個盡情展現才華/給學校加分的大好機會!🔥  📝 重要提醒   - 成功報名的參賽者和觀眾將收到香港建築師學會秘書處發送的確認電郵。   - 因場地有限,請務必提前報名! -當天設有現場觀眾投票,歡迎邀請家人朋友前來打氣支持! 📅 重要日程   - 參賽者報名截止日期(延期): 2025年3月24日 (星期一)   - 觀眾報名截止日期: 2025年4月6日 (星期日)  🎶 比賽詳情   - 日期 :2025年4月12日 (星期六)   - 時間 :下午 1:30 - 6:00   - 地點 :荔枝角  ✨ 比賽類別   1️⃣ 個人賽 :會員^獨唱一首歌。   2️⃣ 團體賽 :團體最多 12 人,由會員^作組長及參與表演部分,演唱合唱曲目。* ^香港建築師學會會員,包括但不限於Associate and Graduate會員。 🎵 報名流程   - 曲目自選 (整首長度 5 分鐘以內)。場內提供伴奏 (MMO) 和字幕播放,需提前一周提交相關資料。   - 比賽順序將以隨機抽籤決定!  🔗 報名表格 :   👉  📩 查詢   - 聯絡香港建築師學會秘書處的曾小姐 (Charlotte) 或音樂組主席黃蔚妍女士 (Vivian)。   📧   📞 3155 0403

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  • Seminar: Design Competition for the commemorative decorations for the 15th National Games, the 12th National Games for Persons with Disabilities and the 9th National Special Olympic Games - Design Chat Organiser: HKIA Competition Advisory Unit (CAU) Date: 26 March 2025 (Wed) Time: 6:45pm - 8:00pm Delivery: Physical at HKIA Premises, 19/F, One Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay Language: Chinese and English Admission Fee: Free Quota: 60 persons (Physical) Registration Details:

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  • The 18th Joint Professional Golf Tournament (JPGT) took place at the Clearwater Bay Golf and Country Club on 12 March 2025. Despite challenging weather conditions, including fog that made play difficult for our HKIA players, the tournament was a resounding success at this stunning but unfamiliar coastal course. We are thrilled to announce that HKIA Golf Team emerged victorious, winning the tournament for the first time in 18 years, competing against six other professional bodies : HKMA, HKDA, HKBA, HKICPA, HKIS and HKLS. Congratulations to all 15 HKIA participants for their outstanding performances. A special thanks goes to HKICPA for organising the tournament so impeccably. We believe everyone had a fantastic time at this memorable event.

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  • CPD Seminar: Existing high-rise buildings and what shall we do with them? Organiser: HKIA Academy Date: 27 March 2025 (Thu) Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm CPD Hour: 1.5 Delivery: Hybrid Mode (Physical at HKIA Premises, 19/F, One Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay + Zoom) Language: English Admission Fee: HKIA Members - $100; Non-HKIA Members - $200 (*Payment is non-refundable once made) Quota: 50 persons (Physical) + 500 persons (Zoom) Registration details:

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  • 各位香港建築師會員,喜歡唱歌表演的您,這是一個千載難逢的機會,與朋友或家人一同參與這場音樂盛宴! 由於場地有限,參賽者及觀眾需要提前報名。成功報名人士將會收到香港建築師學會秘書處發送的確認電子郵件。 建築好聲音1.0 比賽詳情 比賽時間: 日期:2025年4月12日 (星期六) 時間:下午1:30至6:00 地點 : 荔枝角 比賽類別: 1. 個人參賽 (必須為香港建築師學會會員,包括但不限於Associate and Graduate會員):每位參賽者單獨演唱一首歌曲。 2. 團體參賽 (香港建築師學會會員必須為組長及參與唱歌部分):每組最多可由十二位成員組成,演唱一首合唱歌曲。 報名詳情: - 報名:參賽者需提前報名 - 曲目選擇:參賽者自由選擇歌曲 (整首歌曲長度5分鐘以內),自備音樂/樂器。場來可提供伴奏(MMO)播放,MMO必須於比賽一星期前提交。 - 比賽順序:將隨機抽籤決定演出順序。 - 參賽者報名截止日期:2025年3月16日 (星期日) - 觀眾報名截止日期:2025年4月6日 (星期日) - 報名表格: 查詢: 香港建築師學會秘書處同事曾小姐(Charlotte) 或香港建築師學會音樂組主席黃蔚妍女士(Vivian)。 電郵 或致電:3155 0403。

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  • HKIA Special Award – Architectural Installation, Curation & Exhibition Design Project: E.CO Rotunda Architect: Department of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong Jury Report: The jury awards this project for its explorative and participatory approach to using bamboo construction as a means of placemaking for the village of Yim Tin Tsai and a way to preserve the intangible heritage of traditional craftsmanship. With careful consideration of the site context and approach, the architect and bamboo masters extended their collaborative research conducted three decades ago and transposed the traditional temporary bamboo structure for Xiqu plays into a distinctive rotunda-shaped event space at the village pier that partially stilted above the sea. Constructed with volunteer participants, the installation provides a heartfelt means to innovate upon the traditional technique while passing on the methods from one generation to the next. While temporal in nature, the installation poetically demonstrates the essence of architecture as a place of enclosure and assembly - an essence that transcends time and society. 香港建築師學會主題獎 -建築裝置、策展及展覽設計 項目: 【竹.地.人.和】生態竹亭 建築師: 香港大學建築學院 評審團報告: 評審團頒發此獎項予本項目,因其探索性和參與性的方法,利用竹子建築作為鹽田仔村地方營造的手段,同時也是保護傳統工藝非遺的方式。 建築師和竹藝師傅仔細考慮了場地背景,並延續三十年前的合作研究,將傳統戲曲的臨時竹棚轉變為鹽田仔碼頭上一個局部架空立於海面上的圓形活動空間。 這項目由志願者參與建造,對傳統技藝帶來一種由衷的創新,同時世代承傳。儘管建築物是臨時的,卻詩意地展示了建築提供圍合和作為集會之地的性質—一種跨越時間和社會的本質。 #hkia #annualawards2024 #HKIASpecialAward #architecture

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  • On 10th February 2025, nearly 200 guests and HKIA Council & Members gathered at Hong Kong Club to celebrate the “Spring Festival” and the inauguration of the 2025-26 HKIA Council. The evening was graced by the Guest of Honour, the Honourable Dr KO Wing-man, GBS, JP, who shared inspiring words that resonated with all attendees. We are honoured to have distinguished guests from various government bodies, including the Housing Bureau, Development Bureau, Belt and Road Office, and Commerce and Economic Development Bureau. We welcomed guests from the Architectural Services Department, Drainage Services Department, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Highways Department, Water Supplies Department, etc. The evening was a wonderful celebration that fostered connections and set a positive tone for the year ahead. We look forward to achieving great things together! 

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