Today, we celebrate the talent, dedication, and resilience of women who continue to shape the world around us. Your voices, ideas and contributions matter. Today and every day. To the women at Factory — your impact is felt in so many ways, and we’re grateful for all that you do. 💛 Thank you for the energy, expertise, and perspective you bring every day. Happy International Women’s Day! 💐
Software Development
Virovitica, Virovitičko-podravska 3,195 followers
Pimcore development II Remote-friendly company
About us
We are Factory — a remote-first company focused on executing the most complex digital business transformations based on Pimcore technologies. We are also the first and only strategic Pimcore partner in the Adriatic region, with significant experience in various international projects — mainly in the DACH and USA markets. We believe in bringing extra value to every project we are working on, and we’ll always go above and beyond to solve any issue. Our team of consultants and top experts will find a solution to the most challenging business problems — you can count on that! If you need a reliable partner to help you with digital transformation, don’t hesitate to contact us ➡️ Do you want to join our team and work in Factory? Here is the link for you ➡️ Take a look at our Pimcore knowledge base here ➡️
- Website
External link for
- Industry
- Software Development
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Virovitica, Virovitičko-podravska
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2012
- Specialties
- Consulting, Experience design, Technology support, Web development, Business software, ecommerce, Pimcore development, and Digital transformation
Poduzetnička zona 18
Virovitica, Virovitičko-podravska 33 000, HR
Lorenza Jagera 2
Osijek, Osječko-baranjska 31 000, HR
Employees at
Alen Egredžija
Team Lead, Senior Frontend Developer at
Ivica Horvat
Factory CEO, Pimcore enthusiast, PIM, DAM, MDM implementation expert, and a passionate business problem solver
Matej Sudar
Co-owner, CXO at
Marko Cuca
Software Developer at Plava tvornica d.o.o.
Localization is more than just translation — it’s about ensuring product data, currencies, regulatory requirements, digital assets, and more are ready for each specific market. Without a structured system, errors multiply, approvals take longer and product launches are delayed. 📍 In our latest blog, our Business Analyst Mario, explains the essential features of a Product Information Management (PIM) system that simplifies product localization and ultimately lead to faster time to market. Read here.👇
Pimcore has been recognized in the 2025 Gartner Magic Quadrant™ for Digital Experience Platforms! 🙌 The latest report provides key insights into the DXP market, showing how Pimcore challenges the status quo with its unified platform. Find out how it helps businesses increase efficiency and maximize ROI — download the full report below.👇
Zašto smo se odlučili specijalizirati za Pimcore, kako je tekao cijeli proces i koje su prednosti takve odluke? Naš je CEO Ivica otkrio više detalja na ovu temu za portal Netokracija, a sve o tome možete pročitati na linku. 👇
We’re happy to see Pimcore recognized as a Market Leader in the Fall 2024 Customer Success Report on Product Information Management Software by FeaturedCustomers. 🙌 👏 📍 Find out why Pimcore's PIM stood out by downloading the report in the post below. 👇 #ProductInformationManagement #PIM #CustomerSuccess #Pimcore
Our latest Fall 2024 Product Information Management Software Customer Success Report is released where Pimcore has been placed as Market Leader by FeaturedCustomers Get the full report here: #b2b #customersuccess #software #report #ProductManagement #ProductInformation #pimsoftware
Što je bolje - rad iz ureda, hibridni model ili 100% remote? 🤔 Naš CEO, Ivica Horvat, upravo je na tu temu razgovarao s Ivanom Bešlićem (Sofascore) te Ivanom Božićem (Ars Futura) u sklopu novog Netokracija podcasta. 📍 Zašto smatramo da je remote za nas najbolji izbor iza kojeg i dalje čvrsto stojimo i kako takav model rada funkcionira u Factoryju, saznajte u podcastu.
Što sve podrazumijeva rad poslovnog analitičara i zašto je njihova uloga jedna od ključnih za uspješnost projekata? 🧐 Naš je Mario otkrio sve o tome i podijelio kako izgleda svakodnevni rad u ulozi koja spaja biznis i tehnologiju. Više o funkcioniranju poslovnih analitičara u IT okruženju, pročitajte u članku.
Factory je dio razvojnog tima koji od samih početaka stoji iza Meddox aplikacije, a najnovija integracija s Poliklinikom Aviva važan je milestone u njezinom razvoju jer pacijentima omogućuje primanje medicinskih nalaza direktno u aplikaciju – sigurno, brzo i uvijek nadohvat ruke. 📋 Posebno smo ponosni što sudjelujemo u izgradnji ovog jedinstvenog projekta i zajedno stvaramo digitalno rješenje koje izravno pomaže pacijentima te doprinosi učinkovitijem i pristupačnijem zdravstvenom sustavu. 😊 📍 Mi i dalje nastavljamo raditi na novim funkcionalnostima, a sve o posljednjoj možete saznati u članku! #meddox #digitalhealth #healthcareinnovation