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IT Services and IT Consulting

Zadar, Zadarska 3,091 followers

Hospitality empowered by technology 🚀

About us

SEE leading hospitality management cloud system, Rentlio, that unifies and reinforces hotel operations. Carefully designed to enhance performance for hospitality professionals. Rentlio platform provides distinguished quality in the guest experience, while simultaneously exceeding revenue and performance expectations.

IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
11-50 employees
Zadar, Zadarska
Privately Held
Property Management System, Hospitality software, Cloud PMS, Channel manager, Hotel technology, Open API, Reservation management, Direct bookings, Hotel software, Hotel, Booking engine, Central Reservation System, SaaS, Revenue management, Hospitality software, Hospitality technology, Mobile application, Property management software, and Vacation rental management


Employees at Rentlio


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    Rentlio was named the best employer in four categories! 😍 MojPosao, the leading job advertising portal in Croatia and a member of the Alma Career group has been awarding best employers based on Pulser research for many years, and yesterday we won 4, which is the first time in 14 years that one company has won so many awards! It is also the first time these awards have ever been given to a company from Zadar! Achieving this in the research in which around 10,000 employees from over 60 companies participated speaks for itself. 💪 We won: 1. The best employer in the IT industry 2. The best employer among small companies 3. The best new entry and 4. Best of the best And talk about great timing, all of this is happening as we celebrate 10 years of Rentlio! These awards reflect our honest and respectful approach to each team member and the values we have shared at Rentlio since the first day back in 2014. Thank you to all Rentlio team members who participated in this survey and for making Rentlio such a wonderful company to work for. 💙 We also want to take a moment and congratulate other winners: Productive, who won the award in the Medium Company category; Infinum, who took first place in the Big Company category; In the Enterprise category, first place went to Rimac Technology. In other industries, the winners were Zubak Grupa in Commerce, FORTIUS INTER PARTES d.o.o. in Finances, Franck in Production, and Poliklinika LOHUIS FILIPOVIC in Healthcare. We are honored to be among such big names! #RentlioPro #Hospitality #HotelTech

  • How can your hotel stay relevant in a market where OTA channels spend billions on marketing? 💸 While OTAs dominate with massive budgets, hoteliers have the unique advantage of building personal, long-lasting, and loyal relationships with guests. With platforms like Rentlio Pro, your Booking Engine, personalized offers, fast communication, and detailed Business Intelligence insights, you can: ✅ Drive more direct bookings ✅ Gain valuable insights into your guest behavior and use those to ✅ Tailor your sales and marketing strategies You don't need billions, just the right technology to free some crucial time you can spend communicating and building genuine relationships with your guests. 🚀 Learn how to use Rentlio Pro to level up your guest experience and drive more sales. ➡️ #RentlioPro #OTAChannels #HotelTech

  • Pridružite nam se danas na besplatnom webinaru „Zadovoljni timovi, uspješne tvrtke: Iskustva iz prve ruke” koji organizira Alma Career Croatia! Među govornicima je i naš CEO, Marko Misulic, koji će podijeliti svoja iskustva koja je prikupio tijekom 10 godina na čelu Rentlija. A s obzirom na to da smo prije par mjeseci osvojili nagradu najboljeg poslodavca u čak 4 kategorije vjerujemo da će Markovo iskustvo inspirirati sve prisutne. 😊 📅 Danas, 19. ožujka, 14:00 – 15:00 h 🔗 Prijavite se za event na linku #Rentlio #AlmaCareerCroatia

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  • Great news for Rentlio Pro users, which you already know if you checked out our February newsletter. But to those who didn't: We've integrated with HubSpot, the world's leading CRM! 🚀 This powerful integration connects Rentlio and HubSpot to seamlessly sync guest data, reservation details, and the status of offers. With HubSpot's industry-leading tools and Rentlio Pro platform your hotel operations just got even smarter. We are constantly working on integrating advanced software to help our current and future customers build the ideal hotel tech stack. Visit our website for details about Rentlio integrations. ➡️ #RentlioPro #HubSpot #HotelTech #RentlioIntegrations

  • At Rentlio, our users don’t open tickets - they talk to a real person who understands and solves their challenges quickly. Because great customer support isn’t about waiting, it’s about getting things done, and the first response median time of our customer support is under 2 minutes. 👏🏻 So, we thought we should introduce you to the friendly faces behind our fantastic team. Today, we’d like to applaud Katarina Frljuzec; her expertise and dedication, as well as others, are why we have a 99% user satisfaction rate with our support team. ⭐ #RentlioPro #CustomerSupport #HotelTech

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  • Elena Klouda, from The Hotels Network, shared her impressions of Rediscover, praising the event's great organization. She also highlighted the importance of tech-focused events like Rediscover, especially in regions like the Mediterranean, where hoteliers might feel comfortable with the status quo but have much more to explore and innovate. Do you agree with Elena? This year, hoteliers will have another chance to discover why Rediscover is reshaping the hotel-tech industry in the region. Stay tuned for more information. #RentlioPro #Rediscover #HotelTech #TheHotelsNetwork

  • U našoj seriji videa u kojoj vam predstavljamo kolege i njihove uloge unutar Rentlija danas vam predstavljamo Valentinu Fišić koja je na poziciji Onboarding Specialista! Valentina je dio Onboarding tima koji osigurava da svaki novi Rentlio korisnik glatko, brzo i uspješno implementira Rentlio platformu. Kako izgleda rad Onboarding Specialista u Rentliju saznajte u novom videu na našem YouTube kanalu, link pronađite u komentaru. 🔗 #Rentlio #OnboardingSpecialist #HotelTech #RentlioPro

  • Among many hotels that have chosen #RentlioPro, we are proud to count Hotel Majer’ca, located on the beautiful Bohinj Lake in Slovenia, as one of them. Kristina Kamberi, Sales Manager at Majer’ca, shared how Rentlio Pro transformed their business. With seamless integrations for the Slovenian market, including Agencija RS za javnopravne evidence in storitve, AJPES, Finančna uprava Republike Slovenije, eBlagajna, Minimax, and more, Rentlio Pro helps create the perfect tech stack for hotels like Majer’ca. Thank you, Kristina, for choosing and trusting Rentlio! If you’re looking for a reliable cloud solution for your hotel, visit our website and learn more about Rentlio Pro. ➡️ #Rentlio #HotelTech #Testimonial

  • Building the right tech stack for your hotel can be a significant challenge. Fortunately, Rentlio Pro provides you with complete control over all hotel operations. 🚀 As a 3-in-1 cloud solution with PMS, Channel Manager, and Booking Engine, Rentlio Pro automates reception tasks, boosts revenue, and simplifies workflows for accounting and other departments. You can choose from 30+ integrations that cover everything from managing housekeeping and smart locks to handling payments and enhancing revenue management and guest communication. Additionally, our open API allows for seamless connections with other essential tools you may already use. Streamline your operations and focus on what matters most, your guests. Check the details about Rentlio Pro on our website ➡️ #RentlioPro #HotelTechStack #HotelTechnology

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