Amigos a gyerekekért // Amigos for children

Amigos a gyerekekért // Amigos for children

Civic and Social Organizations

Egyetemistákból álló alapítvány vagyunk: beteg gyerekeket motiválunk a gyógyulásra, nyelvtanuláson és játékon keresztül


Amigos is a recognized Hungarian non-profit initiative helping children suffering from chronic diseases. Our team consists of university students who are eager to make the world a better place. The organization's main goal is to make the suffering bearable. We achieve this by teaching the children various languages and playing with them.

Civic and Social Organizations
Vállalat mérete
51–200 munkavállaló


Alkalmazottak a Amigos a gyerekekért // Amigos for children


  • Köszönjük Albert a támogatást! 💚

    Albert Sárospataki profiljának megtekintése, grafikus

    Chief Executive Officer at Billingo

    Amikor néha elkedvetlenedek, vagy nehezebb napom van, sokszor inspirálódok és merítek erőt Sára Fábián és az Amigos a gyerekekért // Amigos for children csapata munkájából: mintegy 250 Amigo, 20 kórházban több mint 1300 gyerekkel foglalkozik személyesen éves szinten. Hogy lehet ez? Sára története elképesztő. Ő kiskorában pont ugyan olyan gyerek volt, aki kórházi ágyhoz volt nagyon hosszú ideig kötve, mint akiket most látogatnak a csapatával. A kórházban töltött ideje alatt elhatározta gyerekként, hogy olyan kórházban lévő kiszolgáltatott gyerekeknek szeretne segíteni, mint amilyen ő maga. Ma az ország egyik legnagyobb olyan szervezetét építette fel, mint amit ott gondolatként megfogalmazott. Ezen a történeten mindig elgondolkodok. Vajon hányan adjuk fel az álmainkat? Vagyon hány meg nem valósított ígéretünk volt önmagunknak az életben? Vajon mennyi mindent érhettünk volna el, ha igazán akarjuk? Amikor ezeket a kérdéseket magamnak is felteszem, rájövök, hogy minden azon múlik, hogy akarom-e. Ez egy döntés, elhatározás, majd pedig kitartás. Nem máson múlik, csak magamon. Igazi erőleves. Sára 10 éve kezdte el építeni az álmát, amit a saját kórházi ágyán fogalmazott meg. Meglépte, amit sokan nem mernek meglépni: a saját magának tett fogadalmát. 10 éve küzd és tesz azért, hogy minél több kórházban élő gyermek mosolyát visszaadja, barátokat és támaszokat biztosítson az Amigokkal, hogy átsegítsék őket az érzelmi nehézségeken. 10 éves lett az Amigos a gyerekekért alapítvány, amire méltán lehet büszke nem csak a csapat, nem csak a támogatók vagy a támogatott gyerekeknek a hozzátartozói, hanem egy egész ország. Ők példát mutatnak, valóban tesznek. Valóban tesznek azok helyett is, akiket egy ország hatalmazott fel arra, hogy tegyenek. Önzetlenül, tiszta szívvel. Számomra ezért sem volt kérdés, hogy számos fronton támogassam a missziójukat. Az Ilka utcai Bethesda gyermekkórház egy éves örökbefogadásán túl, aminek eredményeképp egy éven keresztül gondtalanul dolgozhatnak abban az egységben az Amigók, ott segítem őket, ahol csak tudom. Stratégiában, erőforrásban, időben, jelenlétben. A most 10 éves Amigos a születésnapján megérdemli, hogy valóban ünnepeljük őket. Fontosnak tartom, hogy ők is kapjanak vissza érzelmi, szurkolói és partneri támogatást, hogy minél nagyobb erőbedobással folytassák az útjukat. Kérlek, csatlakozzatok ti is hozzám, támogassuk együtt Sáráékat, akár már 2500 forinttal, egy reggeli árával, vagy bármennyivel: Isten Éltessen, Amigos! ❤️🥳🫶🏻 Én büszke vagyok rátok! 🤗😘 A képen kedvenc kis Amigóinkkal, akik az Ilka utcai Bethesda gyermekkórház bejárásunkkor megleptek életem legnagyobb, nevemre készített emlékplakettjével a kórház egy éves örökbefogadása okán, amivel büszkén sétáltam vissza pár kilométert az irodámig.☺️

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  • Let's show that friendship really is a superpower! 📣 Support us so that we can be there for ill children next year, for which we now need to raise 10 million HUF! We decided 10 years ago to become friends to children who have lost their old peers due to a long illness. Since then, we have made hospital life easier for tens of thousands of children in 20 hospital units in 6 cities by learning, playing, laughing and crying together - using the power of friendship to help their healing. 💚 Help them too, join us and be part of this special mission!With every donation you make, we can make another day in hospital brighter for our little friends. 🔗Support our campaign here [] Be the friend a child needs right now! 🌟

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  • The time has come, to introduce Anna, Annus and Dávid, who work in our sustainability team to ensure our operations are supported from the financial and marketing sides. 👩💼 Anna Mikó has been strengthening our fundraising team for the past year! She keeps in touch with corporate partners and looks for new potential collaborators. She also works on grants, joint projects, and tenders. ⛰️ In her free time, Anna loves immersing herself in nature, spending time with family and friends, and trying out new hobbies like analogue photography. ✨ When we asked about her favorite memory, she shared: “When I got off the metro at Nyugati Square and saw the Amigos billboard every day, it was a very cool collaboration!” 🙋♀️ Anna Eszterhai has been supporting us since 2023 and has had the chance to try herself out in multiple roles: “I started as an intern, helping with the KALANDobOZZ project. Then, as a project manager, I took over the development of Párparádé. A little later, I continued my journey by being responsible for private donations and donors.” Annus is now responsible for keeping in touch with Amigos Family members, one-time donors, and she also leads fundraising campaigns such as Merch and the 1% campaign. 💃 Outside of these numerous responsibilities, she loves visiting theatres and concerts, being in nature, playing board games, and spending time with her loved ones. ✨ As for favorite memories, she said: “For me, shared lunches and the milestones we celebrate together are always very positive memories." 👨 Dávid Balla has been working with us since February and supports our mission with his knowledge of communication and marketing as the Head of Communication. “Fortunately, I don’t have to do this alone, as many Amigos are involved in content production, post writing, and video production through various social media backing teams!” ✨ When asked about his favorite memory, he highlighted: “The yearly strategic retreat. I realized how useful and important it was for planning our 2025 strategy and how it brought us closer as a team. It was a great experience!” 🏃 Outside of Amigos, he loves watching and playing sports with his friends, especially basketball and American football, but he also enjoys reading and watching movies! We couldn’t evolve and be here without your hard work Anna, Annus, and Dávid! Thank you for the passion, and creativity you bring to Amigos every day! #Amigos #volunteering #meettheteam

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  • If it weren't for our student volunteers, the Amigos, the Foundation wouldn't exist, so recruitment is a major and important project twice a year. 💥 To get the word out to as many people as possible, this year, with the support of JCDecaux Hungary , we have put up posters in 5 locations around the city. ✨ 📣You can find our posters in the following locations: - Széna Square (tram 4-6 - towards Széll Kálmán Square) - Újbuda Centre (Fehérvári road) (tram 17,41,47, 56)  - Corvin-district (tram 4-6 stops) - Bajcsy Zsilinszky road - Báthory street ( trolleybus 72 - towards Arany János utca) - Deák Square - platform level Thank you for your support! 💚

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    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
  • Amigos couldn’t exist and evolve without our dedicated team, who support our mission as employees! We are incredibly grateful for the work, creativity, passion, and unique viewpoints they bring to our team! Today, you have the chance to get to know two people from our sustainability team, Sára and Dóra ( stay tuned for part two, to get to know Anna, Annus, and Dávid), who ensure our operations are supported by the financial and marketing sides. 💁♀️ Sára Fábián is the creator of Amigos, which she founded in 2014 with ten of her friends. Today, Sára serves as the CEO of Amigos President of the Board of Trustees and also helps coordinate the sustainability team. As CEO, Sára works to ensure smooth operations, represents the foundation, and builds relationships and partnerships to further support our mission. Together with the Board of Trustees, she also works on ensuring the longevity of the foundation, defining long-term goals, milestones and building strategies. ✨ Her favorite moments in Amigos come from: “Teamwork. When we think and create together, and everyone throws themselves into their responsibilities with passion, the results are always wonderful.” 💚 When we asked her to summarize Amigos in one word, she responded: “I cannot say such a word, as it means so much more than any single word alone.” 👩 Dóra recently joined our team, ensuring that our HR, finance, and administration operations run smoothly and transparently. Her favorite moments are coming from the learning process itself and the new adventures she embarks on with our team. 🛠️ Outside of the office, she loves spending time with her family and working on DIY projects. Thank you for your hard work and dedication, Sára and Dóra, we couldn’t evolve and be here without you guys! #Amigos #volunteering #meettheteam

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  • 🌟 Be Part of an Unforgettable Journey with Amigos! 🌟 Are you a university student passionate about languages and eager to brighten the days of children in hospitals? Looking for a community where you can make lifelong friends, gain valuable experiences, and support a meaningful cause during your university years? 💚 Join Amigos, a nationwide community of university students dedicated to helping hospitalized and disadvantaged children through the power of language learning, friendship, and play. As an Amigo, you can: 👉 Make a difference in just two hours every two weeks by bringing joy to sick children, 👉 Gain hands-on experience in communication, event planning, and even team leadership through our year-round projects, 👉 Build lifelong friendships with peers from all over the country in cities like Budapest, Szeged, Szombathely, Debrecen, Pécs, and Miskolc. 🧸 No child should feel alone. Your support can help ensure that hospitalized children never have to face their challenges in isolation. Apply to join the Amigos team by September 15th! 🔗 Find all the details and the application process here: #volunteer #amigos #hospitalvolunteer

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  • We are happy to share with you that we are on the Edison1oo list by Edisonplatform by Bridge Budapest! 💥 We have become part of an innovative community where, working together with parents, teachers and developers, we can play our part in preparing our children for the challenges of the 21st century. With the help of university student volunteers, Amigos visits ill children in hospital to motivate them not only to return to school after hospital, but also to recover through playful language learning, crafts and other developmental activities. Our foundation believes that friendship can work wonders! 💚 📲 Browse the list and vote for us to win the Audience Award!  🙌 You can vote at We are proud to be one of the Edison100 organisations! 🌟 #edisonplatform #edison100

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  • 🏃♀️ Let's move together - for a greater goal! 🏃♂️ 💚 Physical activity is an amazing way of preserving your somatic & mental wellbeing - and it is also an effective tool do represent something as a community! Numbers don't lie: instead, they might serve as hard evidence that a group of people really believes in something. 💚 With our 10th Birthday approaching, the Amigos Community decided to keep the "Sport Month Challenge" alive and raise the stakes even higher. We have set our goal to complete 10.000 kilometres of any kinds of sports activity - together, for the children! 💚 Now, our volunteers go on long hikes, ride their bicycles around lake Balaton and many other destinations, choose to take a walk instead of a bus tour when discovering a new city, organize canoe trips - you name it! 💚 The sport "month" has started on the 15th July and lasts until the 1st of September and already has quite a remarkable history. Back in 2020, most of our volunteers also got to experience what is feels like to be >locked down< between the 4 walls of a lonely room. So came the idea to break out and regain the feeling of freedom: through movement, nature, community & friends. #amigos #volunteer #sportmonth #activity #community

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    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
  • In the past weeks, thanks to the annual internal feedback and Profiles International Hungary, we have had the opportunity to get to know each other even better on an individual and team level. 💥 The ProfileXT competency assessment looks at the whole person in terms of work, providing the person an objective mirror of how they work, how they are perceived by their environment, what is key to working with them, how they learn and what kind of work they can be successful at on a sustained basis. It has helped us to get to know each other better and to discover strengths and development opportunities that we can draw on in our everyday work. By discussing the results in a team coaching session, we gained a deeper insight into how our colleagues work, which greatly facilitates more effective teamwork and communication between us. 🙌🏼 We are grateful to Profiles for this opportunity, which contributes to our collective development and strengthens our cohesion. Initiatives such as this allow us to be more successful not only individually but also as a team. Thank you! 💚

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  • It might be summer, but the hospital visits never stop! 💚 Our dedicated volunteers understand how vital it is for children, especially during the summer break, to feel connected and experience the pure joy of play 🤩. Curious about what our summer hospital visits look like? Here are some heartwarming highlights! ✨ Bazsi Amigo spent an unforgettable afternoon with four amazing children. They raced against time and each others in Dobble 🃏, created together through colouring and drawing 🖌, and received some of our booklets to continue the fun and learning even when we aren’t there! ✨ Dóri and Lala transported the kids to a magical world filled with puppies 🐶, flowers 💐 made of balloons, sparking giggles and endless smiles! ✨ Balázs discovered that the kids he visited were passionate football fans ⚽. Naturally, they dove into our football-themed booklet, followed by a Dobble and our memory game. ✨ Anna and Márk lit up the children with joy during their visit as they played with building blocks, UNO, and of course, Dobble 🤩. 🙏 We are incredibly grateful for our committed and passionate volunteers who ensure that laughter and learning are always within reach even in the summer! If you would like to support us in bringing smiles to children’s faces throughout the year, follow the link below. Together, we can achieve our dream of having an Amigo by the side of every sick child. 🫵😍 #Amigos #volunteering

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    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez

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