Baywei Sonars - SEA POSSIBILITIES introduced its new, small Baywei M4 #multibeam #sonar and its M7 #multibeam #echosounder with integrated #GNSS and #IMU on Intergeo (September). These tiny systems includes field-exchangeable SVProbe.
Now, - in the week of the #SonarWiz Training - we are happy to introduce the upgrade of these two devices. With immediate effect, the baywei M4 and M7 is available with 512 TRUE beams and 10 mm range resolution.
The above means, in the 40kUSD – 90kUSD price ranged “shallow water multibeam sonar systems” market, the Baywei M4 and M7 has the best features:
- 512 beams, 130 DEG swath,
- up to 200 m depth measuring range, with 10 mm range resolution,
- 1.0 x 1.4 DEG angular accuracy, and
- the best GNSS RTK positioning accuracy, combined with
- the best heading, pitch-, roll-, and have-accuracies.
Never the less, our systems are able to seamlessly use LIDAR (Norbit iLidar).
(...and, once more, we are using field replaceable SV Probes, - which decreases the operation cost and the downtime.)
For sure not the cheapest system in the shallow water multibeam market, but with far the best specification and built on market leaders' (Norbit, Applanix, Trimble and AML) components. These all together guaranty the best possible result you can expect from a MBES with pricetag WELL BELOW 90kUSD.
#hydrospatial #bathymetry #survey #multibeam #sonar #ASV #USV #ZODIAC