Fortalecimiento de las capacidades nacionales para la salvaguardia eficaz del patrimonio cultural inmaterial en Cuba, República Dominicana y Haití

  • Presupuesto del proyecto:
    • 434.989 US$
  • :
    • Norway earmarked contribution to the Fund
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 01/06/2012 - 01/12/2014
  • Documentos:

Países beneficiarios: Cuba, Haití, República Dominicana


This project has a twofold objective: strengthening the national capacities on intangible cultural heritage in each of the beneficiary countries by a number of training workshops and by supporting and giving policy advice to governmental and non-governmental institutions in the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage.

Through the workshops on implementation of the Convention and on inventorying, both the Dominican Republic and especially Cuba have received advice, technical assistance and support on their work on intangible cultural heritage, sustaining projects that contribute to the safeguarding of the intangible cultural expressions. Aruba has received support and policy advice on several occasions and more recently Haiti has already benefited from one policy advice mission. Following the workshops, field work has been done so far in the Dominique Republic and Cuba in a selected community for the participants to gain a real hands-on experience.

Noticias y actividades:

12/08/2013 - 03/12/2014 – Inventory of traditional musics in Senegal01/11/2011 - 01/06/2014 – Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage through the Strengthening of National Capacities in Lao PDR
