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APP Group

APP Group

Manufaktur Kertas dan Produk Perhutanan

Central Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 471.102 pengikut

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APP serves as the holding company for multiple Indonesia pulp and paper manufacturing as well as forestry entities, catering to the increasing global need for high-quality tissue, packaging, and paper. Our products reach over 150 countries spanning six continents. APP Group serves as group name of pulp, paper and forestry entities under APP and its affiliates including the pulp and paper and forestry operation in China. Driven by a dedication to sustainability and ethical practices, we prioritize the well-being of our employees, society, and environment. Our approach involves harnessing technological advancements and fostering innovation, collaborating closely with communities, and upholding internationally recognized business and operational standards throughout our production and supply chain. Aligned with the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, our Sustainability Roadmap Vision 2030 steers our actions toward safeguarding environment, bolstering local communities, preserving biodiversity, and striving for carbon neutrality in all our endeavors.

Manufaktur Kertas dan Produk Perhutanan
Ukuran perusahaan
10.001+ karyawan
Kantor Pusat
Central Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta
Perseroan Tertutup
Paper, Tissue, Packaging, Pulp, Pulp & Paper Manufacturing


  • Utama

    Sinar Mas Land Plaza, Tower II, 5th Floor. M.H Thamrin Street No.51, Jakarta

    Central Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10350, ID

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    Lihat profil Ian Lifshitz

    Global Sustainability & Public Affairs Executive

    What a day & what a team! Amazing teamwork, thrilled to have run the LA 5k with the Charta Global team, APP’s exclusive sales channel for the US and Latin America. Proud to have worked with Charta and converting partner Visstun as the official cup sponsor of the LA Marathon, with all water stations using sustainable, PE free cups made from APP’s sustainable Foopak Bio Natura paperboard. APP Group Charta Global, Inc. Foopak

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  • hAPPy People, in the second week of Ramadan, APP Group in collaboration with Sinar Mas through the Sinar Mas Muslim Foundation (YMSM) has once again donated thousands of Al-Quran mushafs. All of the mushafs are printed on Quran Paper (QPP) made by APP Group. This Quran donation program has been carried out since 2008, with over 1.3 million mushafs distributed to various regions in Indonesia. Check out the post above for more detailed information, hAPPy People! === hAPPy People, di pekan kedua Ramadan APP Group bersama Sinar Mas melalui Yayasan Muslim Sinar Mas (YMSM) kembali mewakafkan ribuan mushaf Alquran. Semua mushaf Alquran dicetak di atas Quran Paper (QPP) buatan APP Group. Program wakaf Alquran ini telah dilakukan sejak 2008, lebih dari 1,3 juta mushaf Alquran telah disalurkan ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Yuk simak postingan diatas untuk informasi lebih detilnya hAPPy People! #APPGroup #WakafAlquran #YMSM

  • hAPPy People! Single-use plastics have become one of the world's biggest environmental problems. Every year, millions of tons of plastic waste pollute oceans and land, threatening ecosystems and human health. Meanwhile, many food and beverage packaging still use plastic-based materials that are difficult to decompose, worsening the global waste problem. Foopak Bio Natura is an innovative eco-friendly packaging solution that is food grade and biodegradable. With innovative technology, this product is biodegradable, supporting businesses and consumers in realizing a sustainable lifestyle. Check out more facts about Foopak in these #APPFacts. === hAPPy People! Plastik sekali pakai telah menjadi salah satu masalah lingkungan terbesar di dunia. Setiap tahunnya, jutaan ton sampah plastik mencemari lautan dan tanah, mengancam ekosistem serta kesehatan manusia. Sementara itu, banyak kemasan makanan dan minuman masih menggunakan bahan berbasis plastik yang sulit terurai, memperparah masalah sampah global. Foopak Bio Natura hadir sebagai solusi kemasan inovatif ramah lingkungan yang food grade dan biodegradable. Dengan teknologi inovatif, produk ini dapat terurai secara alami, mendukung bisnis dan konsumen dalam mewujudkan gaya hidup yang berkelanjutan. Simak fakta selengkapnya tentang Foopak dalam #APPFacts berikut ini. #APPGroup #Foopak

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  • hAPPy People! APP Group through its Foopak Greaseproof held another Takjil War today (13/3). In collaboration with Pisang Goreng Madu Bu Nanik, 1,000 takjil packages were distributed around Sinar Mas Land Plaza, Thamrin. These takjil are packed with Foopak, Halal & Eco-friendly packaging. This activity not only shares kindness, but also invites MSMEs to switch to packaging that more eco-friendly. Hopefully more people will be inspired! === hAPPy People! APP Group melalui melalui Foopak Greaseproof kembali menggelar Takjil War hari ini (13/3). Berkolaborasi dengan Pisang Goreng Madu Bu Nanik, dibagikan 1.000 paket takjil di sekitar Sinar Mas Land Plaza, Thamrin. Takjil ini dikemas dengan Foopak, kemasan yang halal & ramah lingkungan. Tak hanya berbagi kebaikan, kegiatan ini juga mengajak UMKM untuk beralih ke kemasan yang lebih peduli lingkungan. Semoga semakin banyak yang terinspirasi! #TakjilWar #APPGroup #Foopak #PisangBuNanik

  • hAPPy People! Today, Sinar Mas and APP Group participated in Ramadan Bazaar organized by Ministry of Forestry at Manggala Wanabakti Building in Jakarta. During this event, APP Group also donated 500 copies of the Quran and distributed more than 4,000 liters of premium packaged cooking oil at special prices for public and Ministry of Forestry employees. Sinar Mas and APP Group's involvement in this activity is part of the Company's commitment to continue supporting the Government and society, especially during this Ramadan season. Watch full details in the video below, hAPPy People! === hAPPy People! Sinar Mas dan APP Group berpartisipasi dalam Bazaar Ramadan yang diselenggarakan Kementerian Kehutanan di Gedung Manggala Wanabakti, Jakarta (11/3). Pada kegiatan ini, APP Group turut mewakafkan 500 mushaf Alquran serta menyalurkan lebih dari 4.000 liter minyak goreng kemasan premium dengan harga khusus untuk masyarakat dan pegawai Kementerian Kehutanan. Keterlibatan Sinar Mas dan APP Group dalam kegiatan ini, menjadi bagian dari komitmen Perusahaan untuk terus mendukung Pemerintah dan masyarakat, khususnya dalam momen Ramadan. Simak selengkapnya pada video berikut ini, hAPPy People! #APPGroup #APPNews

  • hAPPy People! We have two experts from APP Group, August (Regulatory Affairs) and Veronika (Sustainability), who will compete in the game of True or False! What questions await them, and who will come out as the winner? Watch the full video to find out, hAPPy People! === hAPPy People! Kali ini kita kedatangan dua expert di APP Group, yakni August (Regulatory Affairs) dan Veronika (Sustanability) yang akan bermain benar atau salah! Seperti apa pertanyaannya dan siapakah yang akan menjadi pemenang? Simak selengkapnya pada video berikut, hAPPy People! #TrueorFalse #APPGroup

  • hAPPy People, Happy International Women’s Day! Today, we celebrate the strength, resilience, and incredible contributions of women worldwide. APP Group is committed to fostering equality and empowering women in every step toward a more inclusive future. Together, let’s create a world that is fair and equal for all! === hAPPy People, Selamat Hari Perempuan Internasional! Hari ini, kita merayakan kekuatan, ketangguhan, dan kontribusi luar biasa perempuan di seluruh dunia. APP Group berkomitmen untuk terus mendukung kesetaraan dan pemberdayaan perempuan dalam setiap langkah menuju masa depan yang lebih inklusif. Mari bersama menciptakan dunia yang lebih adil dan setara! #APPGroup #IWD2025

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