Fresh graduate, are you still finding it hard to trust your ability, never stop comparing to others, and self-doubting yourself? Jika dibiarkan, rasa tidak percaya diri itu dapat memengaruhi kinerjamu bahkan menghambat dalam karir, loh! Yuk, cari tahu lebih banyak di konten ini! Don't forget to like and repost so others can read, learn, and gain value as well!
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA)
Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 617.936 pengikut
Tentang kami
As Indonesia's largest private bank, BCA continues to pursue sustainable development through its key principles of Customer Focus, Integrity, Teamwork, and Pursuit of Excellence. BCA seeks to provide an ideal working environment in which all workers can grow. BCA also makes constant contributions to the nation and empowers communities.
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- 10.001+ karyawan
- Kantor Pusat
- Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta
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Jalan MH Thamrin No. 1 Jakarta Pusat
Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 10310, ID
Karyawan di PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA)
Ever feel confused when given a project or task at work but have no idea on how to ask the right question? Padahal, dengan bertanya pertanyaan yang tepat bisa membantumu untuk hemat waktu dan meningkatkan efektivitas proses kerja! Let’s learn more in this content and share this to a friend you think might need this too!
Calling all tech-enthusiast youth! BCA is Hiring BDP IT and Business Analyst! Are you tech-savvy and passionate about building your career in the tech industry? Then this is your moment! Because BCA Tech Day is back! Dapatkan insight menarik terkait tips & tricks rekrutmen serta job opportunity hanya di sini! Don't miss the chance, register yourself here: Daftarkan dirimu sebelum 24 Februari 2025.
Taking a master’s degree while working? Why not?! Simak cerita Ivone, Trade Specialist di BCA, tentang perjalanannya sebagai scholarship awardee yang bekerja sambil menjalani S2! Mau juga berkarir di tempat yang mendukung pengembangan dirimu? Gabung di sini
It’s not just the company that chooses the team. Employees also choose their company, and here’s why Ivone chose BCA! Yuk, simak alasan Ivone yang memilih untuk terus bertumbuh dan berkarir di BCA hingga 10 tahun! Wish to grow and build your dream career with us too? Apply now at
BCA is looking for youth with an analytical mind to become our future Business Analyst! Kalau kamu tertarik untuk terlibat dalam pengembangan produk, sistem, bahkan aplikasi BCA sebagai business analyst, segera mulai perjalananmu di sini: BCA #BelieveYOUthCan!
Maintaining employee happiness is hard work with many aspects, but it also results in overall excellence! BCA juga percaya hal itu dan berkomitmen menyediakan budaya dan reward terbaik untuk para karyawannya. Tertarik untuk jadi bagian dari #TeamBCA? Yuk, bangun karir impianmu bersama kami, mulai dari sini: BCA #BelieveYOUthCan!
Fresh graduates, focusing only on researching the company’s products is unfortunately not enough. You also need to check this one: their culture and values! Tapi, bagaimana cara mengetahuinya dan mengapa hal tersebut penting, ya? Yuk, langsung aja cari tahu di sini! Repost and share this to help more people benefit from this content!