🔴 تابعونا في بث مباشر حول اقتراح قانون "اختراق المواد الحاسوبية" يحذر مركز حملة من تداعيات المصادقة على قانون "اختراق المواد الحاسوبية" المقترح في الكنيست، والذي يمنح الشرطة الإسرائيلية صلاحيات تجسس غير مسبوقة على الأجهزة الإلكترونية. انضموا إلينا لنتعرف على أبعاد هذا القانون وتداعياته عبر بث مباشر من خلال إنستغرام، مع الصحفي مصطفى قبلاوي والمحامية عبير بكر. 🗓️الأربعاء 6، تشرين الثاني ⏱19:00 بتوقيت القدس
7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media
Media Production
حملة- المركز العربي لتطوير الإعلام الإجتماعي #DigitalRights = #HumanRights
7amleh -The Arab Center for Social Media Advancement is a non-profit organization that was awarded the Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Award in 2020. In 2022 7amleh received consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Affairs Council (ECOSOC) and became a member of The Global Network Initiative (GNI). 7amleh’s work aims to create a safe, fair and free digital space through building the capacity of civil society organizations in digital advocacy, digital safety and activism, monitoring and documenting digital rights violations against Palestinians carried out by various perpetrators in online spaces, including technology companies and different governments. 7amleh’s work involves preparing and publishing studies, reports and papers regarding digital policies and regulations that affect Palestinian digital rights, as well as organizing and leading evidence-based, multi-layered advocacy campaigns on the local, regional and international level to hold tech companies accountable and push them to comply with international human rights law as well as human rights and business principles.
- אתר אינטרנט
קישור חיצוני עבור 7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media
- תעשייה
- Media Production
- גודל החברה
- 2-10 עובדים
- משרדים ראשיים
- haifa
- סוג
- Nonprofit
- הקמה
- 2013
habankem 18
habankem 18
haifa, 3326504, IL
עובדים ב- 7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media
Nijmeh Ali, Ph.D
Consultant & Researcher in Middle East Politics: Migration & Refugee Expert
Mustafa Qablawi
Journalist and Mass media specialist
Tareq Albzour
Business Developer | Marketing Strategist | Digital Campaigns Consultant | Mentor | Trainer
Ahmad Zayed
Digital Security Train of Trainers || Electronic Crime Investigator || Java Developer
📢 Introducing the Violence Indicator, developed by 7amleh 🤖 Using AI Technologies, the Violence Indicator monitors and documents the spread of hate speech & violence on social media platforms 📌 For more, visit 7or.7amleh.org
How did the Palestinian digital rights status look like in October? 📌419 Digital Rights Violations 📌 353 Violent content 📌 Around 1 million violent and hateful content in Hebrew on social media platforms detected through our AI Violence Indicator 🔗 Report's link: https://lnkd.in/eTRfpdCe
🚨 How is the Israeli Damage to Gaza's Telecom Infrastructure Impacting Lives? 📖 Explore our latest report: "Gaza Telecommunications Infrastructure: Assessment to Damages and Humanitarian Impact": https://lnkd.in/drSNy_yQ
📢Joint letter regarding Meta's Insufficient Human Rights Due Diligence The MENA Alliance for Digital Rights has addressed an urgent letter to Sir Nick Clegg, President of Global Affairs at Meta, addressing concerns over it's recent “Israel and Palestine Human Rights Due Diligence” update (September 2024). We call for meaningful improvements in Meta's commitment to transparency and accountability in human rights. Read Letter: https://lnkd.in/diA8Fz_v Endorsed by: 7amleh, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), SMEX, Access Now, Digital Action, Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR), Masaar, ALQST for Human Rights, INSM Foundation for Digital Rights,ARTICLE 19, The De|Center, Kandoo
✒️ Nadim Nashif, executive director of 7amleh, a rights group advocating for Palestinians and supporting the Cisco workers, says they deserve transparency to ensure their work isn’t contributing to potential human rights violations. “All tech companies should be doing heightened human rights due diligence with regards to their business practices and policies in Israel and Palestine,” he says. 🔗 Read the full article on WIRED: https://lnkd.in/gETRd_UB
📢7amleh has released its new report, "Gaza Telecommunications Infrastructure: Assessment to Damages and Humanitarian Impact," which highlights the extensive damage and humanitarian impact caused by the ongoing war and genocide in Gaza since 7 October last year. The telecommunications sector has experienced widespread destruction, significantly affecting the lives of citizens in Gaza and disrupting essential services. 🔎The report provides detailed insights into the damage inflicted on the telecommunication sector in Gaza, with an estimated cost of $90 million by March 2024. The report reaches important conclusions and recommendations regarding the impact of the conflict on the telecommunications sector, and findings indicate that rebuilding this sector requires a comprehensive approach that meets the urgent and basic needs of residents in the short term, while also planning for long-term reconstruction to ensure the development of a resilient and sustainable infrastructure. 🔗Check out the report, by visiting our website: https://lnkd.in/drSNy_yQ
📢أطلق مركز حملة تقريره الجديد: "البنية التحتية للاتصالات في قطاع غزّة: تقييم الأضرار والأثر الإنساني،" الذي يسلط الضوء على الأضرار والأثر الإنساني للحرب المدمرة والإبادة الجماعية المستمرة على قطاع غزة منذ السابع من تشرين الأول من العام الماضي، والتي شهد فيها قطاع الاتصالات (الاتصال البعادي) تدميرًا واسع النطاق له تأثيرِ كبير على حياة المواطنين/ات في غزة وقطعٍ للخدمات الأساسيّة. 🔎يقدم التقرير تفاصيل دقيقة حول الأضرار التي لحقت بقطاع الاتصالات في غزة، والتي قُدرت بحوالي 90 مليون دولار حتى شهر آذار 2024، توصل التقرير إلى استنتاجات وتوصيات هامة حول تأثير الحرب على قطاع الاتصالات، وقد أظهرت النتائج أن إعادة بناء هذا القطاع تتطلب اعتماد مقاربة شمولية تلبي الاحتياجات الملحة والأساسية للمواطنين/ات في المدى القريب، مع التخطيط لإعادة إعمار طويلة الأجل تضمن بناء بنية تحتية مرنة ومستدامة. 🔗للاطلاع على التقرير، زوروا موقعنا الإلكتروني: https://lnkd.in/di_Yyuhv
📢 Join us on Wednesday with APC and IFEX to discuss the global impact of the genocide in Gaza on the freedom of expression. 📅Wednesday 30 Oct, at 16:00 Jerusalem time. 🔗 Register to the webinar now: https://lnkd.in/ddvKUjqk