Wing Security

Wing Security

Computer and Network Security

Eliminating SaaS Related Threats


SaaS fuels modern organizations and is considered as the new cyber security perimeter. Wing Security enables companies to leverage SaaS without compromising their security posture by detecting and auto-remediating against threats that originate from SaaS applications and Shadow IT. Within minutes of onboarding, Wing non-intrusively discovers all SaaS apps used within the organization, classifies those apps based on known risks and threats, and then provides a comprehensive list of all issues that it finds connected to those apps, including any issues with the users using them, or the data being shared within them. Wing Security was founded by the former CISO and Head of Cyber Defense for the Israeli Defense Forces with the vision of giving users automated, self-service tools they need for SaaS application security.

אתר אינטרנט
Computer and Network Security
גודל החברה
11-50 עובדים
משרדים ראשיים
Tel Aviv
בבעלות פרטית


עובדים ב- Wing Security


דפים דומים


Wing Security 2 total rounds

סיבוב אחרון

סדרה א’

‏20,000,000.00 $

ראה מידע נוסף על crunchbase