Risk and return, optimized. Proper investment requires understanding both according to your aptitude and goals.
At Estee, we have always brought attention to the fact that risk and return are totally interlinked in any investment. Attractiveness of any investment should involve analysis and understanding of both. In bull markets of past 3-4 years, everyone loved high returns but did not fully understand the market risks. In today's environment suddenly our arbitrage fund is looking amazing. The products are doing what they were supposed to do. The below table shows the returns of various products in different time period. Long Alpha (PMS) and Gulaq Gear 6 are 100% equity products they out performed the index on return and had similar risk as index. Gulaq Gear 3 (and a combination of Long Alpha and I-Alpha) would have similar return as the index but about half the risk. Estee Advisors Gulaq