‘Leadership has no gender’ - catch Anju Jayaram, Cofounder, Women’s Web & Director, Vocallea Networks Pvt Ltd LIVE on AntWalk discussing and sharing lived experiences from her own leadership journey.
An exclusive conversation with Anju Jayaram, Director at Vocallea Networks Pvt Ltd and Co-founder at Women's Web, as we kick off the countdown to our book “Leadership Has No Gender: Unscripted Leadership Stories.” Our book features Ms. Anju Jayaram sharing her inspiring leadership journey, addressing the obstacles she faced and her triumphant rise as a leader. Join us in exploring her narrative of resilience and achievement. Tune in to our LinkedIn to catch the live today at 3 PM. Keep an eye out for more enlightening discussions at AntWalk! #antwalk #competencyovercredentials #businesscapabilityplatform #hr #leadershipbeyondgender #booklaunch #bookcontributors #empoweringvoices #awbooklaunch #letsigniteletstransform