Savvy Greens - Consulting Sustainability

Savvy Greens - Consulting Sustainability

Environmental Services

Ahmedabad, Gujarat 2,737 followers

It will cost you more if you don't build it green

About us

Savvy Greens is a sustainability consulting arm of Savvy Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd. specializing in helping architects and developers adopt a design and construction approach in which humans and nature coexist. Our Services comprises of Green Building Certification (IGBC, GRIHA, LEED, EDGE, WELL, GREENPRO and GREENCo), GHG Emission Reporting, Sustainability Reporting, SDG Reporting, Building Commissioning, Water Audit, Energy Audit, Waste Management Operations and Facilitation, Daylight Simulation and Life Cycle Analysis, Thermal comfort Analysis, Shading analysis for optimizing facade design. Savvy Greens has successfully transformed over 25 lakh million sq. ft. of warehouse and factory space, 10 million sq. ft. of township and homes, 2000 Acres of cities and resorts, and 50 lakh sq. ft of interior and commercial spaces.

Environmental Services
Company size
11-50 employees
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
water audit, energy audit , Life cycle analysis, GHG Reporting, Sustainability Reporting, Green Building Certification, Building Simulation, Building Commissioning, Waste management operation and facilitation, SDG Reporting, Manufacture process certification, Green building, Warehousing, IGBC, GRIHA, CII, Sintali, ADEC, EDGE certification, net zero, pollution free, IFC, and GreenCo


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