Join ITS Iceland at the 15th edition of the ITS World Congress, from 16 to 20 September 2024, in Dubai. You don´t want to miss the opportunity to learn about Mobility Driven by ITS. #ITSDubai2024
Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage
Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæðið 60 followers
Intelligent Transport System in Iceland
About us
ntelligent Transportation System (ITS) er bæði safnhugtak fyrir upplýsingatæknihlið samgangna- og flutningsgeira og formlegur félagskapur sérfræðinga í tengdum atvinnugreinum um allan heim. Greinarnar eru samtvinnaðar og hafa oft sömu markmið en grunnstarfsvettvangur þeirra er ólíkur svo tengingar hafa skort þeirra á milli. ITS á Íslandi er hugsaður sem vettvangur fyrir þessa geira hérlendis og tenging yfir í sambærileg félög erlendis. Markmið félagsins er að skapa vettvang til að styðja faglega hagsmuni opinberra og einkarekinna fyrirtækja sem og fræði- og vísindamanna á sviði upplýsingatæknivæddra flutningskerfa (ITS) í samvinnu við opinbera aðila. Stofnfundur ITS á Íslandi fer fram í september 2019. Til stofnfundar verður boðið þeim aðilum sem eiga erindi í félagið, stofnunum, opinberum og einkareknum fyrirtækjum sem og einstaklingum og menntastofnunum. Á stofnfundi verða lagðar línurnar fyrir fyrstu ár félagsins sem og önnur hefðbundin aðalfundarstörf. Kosin verður stjórn úr hópi stofnmeðlima, sem sjálf skiptir með sér verkum. Leitast verður við að fá sem flesta að borðinu við stofnun til að gera samtökin strax að öflugum talsmanni innan geirans.
- Website
External link for ITS-Ísland
- Industry
- Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage
- Company size
- 1 employee
- Headquarters
- Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæðið
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2019
Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæðið 105, IS
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We are proud to have hosted our first annual awards ahead of our plenary meeting in the Swiss capital, Bern. Congratulations to Trond Hovland of ITS Norway AS winning Network Person of the Year Award sponsored by SWARCO. Read about wins for ITS AUSTRIA, Intelligent Transport Systems UK, ITS Türkiye and Connekt thanks to sponsorship of The Traffic Group Limited, Ohmio, Idaso Ltd and Neology, Inc. Read all about it here:
Bendum á þetta áhugaverða vefþing sem ITS Nordic+ stendur fyrir þann 31.okt næstkomandi um rafvæðingu þungra ökutækja m.m.
➡️Join us for an exciting webinar on the 31st of October from 13:00-14:00 CET and listen to our speakers Inger Erikka Alsaker Lundetræ Fount Tommi Rissanen Kempower and Marie Knutsen-Öy Einride discuss electrification, grid capacity, optimization, and smart charging of heavy-duty vehicles. Electrification of heavy-duty vehicles isn't just about reducing CO2 emissions—it's also about redefining the future of transport. Beyond cutting emissions, this transition opens doors to new innovative business models and jobs and positions the Nordics as a global leader in electrification. As we’ve seen with the EV revolution, robust infrastructure is the backbone of this transformation. How do we strengthen the ecosystem to ensure the Nordics lead the way in heavy-duty charging infrastructure so that others can learn and adapt? Link to attend the webinar in the comments. ITSDanmark | ITS Estonia | ITS Finland | ITS Norway | ITS Sweden | ITS-Ísland | ITS Latvia | Nordic Innovation
ITS-Ísland reposted this
Ambassador Olav Myklebust spoke at the opening of the #Nordic+ pavilion at 30th Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) World Congress in Dubai. The Ambassador highlighted sustainability and the impressive achievements in the electrification of #Norway’s mobility sector through dynamic collaboration between private and public partners. Thank you Nordic+ for the unique opportunity to learn about the latest innovations in smart mobility and digitalization of transport and engage with leading #Nordic companies. Embassy of Finland in Abu Dhabi | Embassy and Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the United Arab Emirates | ITS Nationals Network | ITS Norway | ITS Finland #ITSNetherlands #ITS #Mobility #Transportsystems #ITSDubai2024 #NorwayinUAE
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Today’s pitchings at Nordic+ Pavilion H7-G13. Welcome to enjoy a cup of coffee and interact with our speakers. ITS Congresses ITS Nordic+ ITS Norway #ITSLatvia #ITSSweden #ITSDenmark
Nordic+ básinn vinsæll að vanda 🥰 ITS-Ísland ITS Nordic+
ITS-Ísland reposted this
ITS World Congress Dubai 2024 - ITS Nordic+ Pavilion Pitching Program!🎤 Sjekk ut hvilke virksomheter som deltar og hvilke tema de skal snakke om på sin pitch! Kom forberedt og møt opp å bli kjent med nye mennesker og virksomheter - kanskje du møter din nye samarbeidspartner!🤩🤝 👉 Du kan alltid finne det fullstendig oppdaterte programmet (det kan bli endringer) på nettsiden her: #ITSNorway #Nordicplus #ITS #intelligentetransportsystemer #transport #mobilitet #samferdsel #teknologi #digitalisering #ITSDubai2024 ITSDanmark | ITS Estonia | ITS Finland | ITS Sweden | ITS-Ísland | ITS Latvia | Connekt | Nordic Innovation | ITS Congresses
ITS-Ísland reposted this
Join us for a Nordic+ and Connekt webinar about the ITS World Congress in Dubai (September 16th- 20th) and everything happening there and at the Nordic+ pavilion. You'll also meet all the companies exhibiting at the Nordic+ pavilion. #ITSDUBAI2024 ITS Norway ITS Finland ITS Sweden Connekt Latvian IT Cluster / DIH Nordic Innovation Semel Oy Helsingin kaupunki – Helsingfors stad – City of Helsinki Tampereen kaupunki - City of Tampere Fintraffic Sitowise VTT Remoted Vinka Oy Lahden Seudun Kehitys LADEC Oy - Lahti Region Development LADEC Ltd Finnish Meteorological Institute Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficom / Transport- och kommunikationsverket Traficom ScanwAi Tietoevry Nodeon BISS ADVENTUM TECH Latvijas Mobilais Telefons SIA FanApps TNO TripService Technolution Trafsys WTW Software Norwegian Coastal Administration - Kystverket Q-Free VIA – næringsklyngen for transportinfrastruktur Triplesign System AB Edeva
ITS-Ísland reposted this
ITS Nationals Network webinar – Exploring project funding opportunities for ITS National Organisation members across Europe🌍 The Network of National ITS Associations (ITS Nationals) is made up of 30 national ITS organisations. Each of their members on a national level are interested in the many opportunities for developing and implementing Intelligent Transport Systems at both European and National level. This webinar, 19th of June 11:00-12:00 CET, will set out examples of the funding possibilities available and provide learnings from the NAPCORE (National Access Point Coordination Organisation for Europe) project. Ragnhild Wahl from ITS Norway will talk about ITS project opportunities in the Nordics, Fabio Nussio from Agenzia Roma servizi per la Mobilita' Srl (Service Mobility Agency for the City of Rome) will talk about ITS opportunities in Italy and Damaris Anna Gruber from NAPCORE about ITS implementation & harmonization: a use case from the NAPCORE project. 👉 Read more and sign up here: #Nordicplus #ITS #intelligenttransportsystems #transport #mobility #technology #digitalization ITSDanmark | ITS Estonia | ITS Finland | ITS Norway | ITS Sweden | ITS-Ísland | Latvian IT Cluster / DIH | Nordic Innovation
Webinar on the 7th of May - ITS and natural catastrophes
ITS-Ísland í samvinnu við ITS Nordic+ eru með vefþing þann 7.maí um náttúruhamfarir og notkun ITS til upplýsingagjafar. Skráning fer fram hér: