Congratulazioni ai nostri colleghi che si sono classificati al 4° posto nella Staffetta Mista per Aziende 10×1,2 km al #VicenzaRunningFestival, evento organizzato in esclusiva per le aziende associate a Confindustria Vicenza in occasione delle celebrazioni degli 80 anni dell'Associazione. Nello sport, come in azienda, il successo individuale è strettamente legato al successo del gruppo. La capacità di lavorare insieme, di sostenersi a vicenda e di condividere obiettivi comuni è fondamentale per raggiungere traguardi importanti. Bravi ragazzi! #AFVBeltrameGroup #condivisione #spiritodiappartenenza #orgoglioaziendale #humansteel
Attività minerarie
Vicenza, Italy 48.829 follower
Steel since 1896
Chi siamo
AFV Beltrame Group has operated in the steel industry for over a century, producing rolled sections for use in construction, shipyards, and excavators. The facilities, which have a production capacity of approximately 3.2 million tons, include three electric furnaces and ten rolling mills. These are scattered in six plants located in Italy, France, Switzerland, and Romania. Their geographical distribution is very advantageous given the areas where the products are consumed and those where raw materials are purchased. AFV Beltrame Group is commercially present in all European markets as well as in the Mediterranean region through shares in local companies, agents, or the internal sales force. All employees, amounting to approximately 2.000 people, are strongly committed and motivated to satisfy the customers’ needs through constant improvements in production, organization and level of service. AFV Beltrame Group has become number one in its sector in Italy and leader in the European market thanks to continuous innovation and the centuries-old culture of productivity and quality. These characteristics have brought the Group to make strategic choices aimed at constantly reaching key objectives: high-quality products, environmental sustainability, the safety of its workforce and energy savings.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per GRUPPO BELTRAME
- Settore
- Attività minerarie
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 1001 - 5000 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Vicenza, Italy
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 1896
- Settori di competenza
- merchant bars, reinforcing steel, special steel SBQ, special profiles, beams, Steel Producer e steel
Viale della Scienza 81
Vicenza, Italy 36100, IT
Rue E. Zola, 2
Trith Saint Léger, Trith Saint Léger 59125, FR
Gerlafingen, Gerlafingen CH-4563, CH
Str. Prelungirea Bucaresti, Nr. 162 Judentul
Calarasi, Calarasi 910125, RO
Dipendenti presso GRUPPO BELTRAME
In an increasingly sustainability-oriented world, companies need to demonstrate their commitment through transparent and verifiable statements. Digital Assurance plays a crucial role in this process, ensuring that the information provided is accurate and meets international standards. A Digital Assurance also guarantees reliability because the reports are verified by independent third bodies, efficiency and accuracy because it allows faster verification of the elements provided, reducing the risk of errors and improving data quality. Explaining the path taken by the Beltrame Group, Andrea Costa, Group Sustainability Supervisor & Sust. Energy Specialist: “Through a digital certification system created in collaboration with RINA, our carbon-neutral steel #Chalibria assures transparency, traceability and data integrity, in compliance with international regulations. A concrete commitment to the #decarbonization and #sustainability of our business.” Free registration here: #AFVBeltrameGroup #steel
Find out the challenges and prospects of the #steel industry in Romania. Read the exclusive interview with Carlo Beltrame, CEO of Donalam, on where he addresses crucial issues such as: - the need for EU policies that stimulate demand for low-emission steel; - the urgency of handling energy costs to ensure the competitiveness of companies; - Donalam's plans for the future, including investment and innovation. #AFVBeltrameGroup #steel #romania #decarbonisation #energycost
LME Groupe Beltrame is delighted to be taking part in the challenge launched by the ‘Toit à Moi’ association, from 7 March to 31 March, to help house and support people in very precarious situations. The association's principle is clear and simple: the street is for running, not sleeping! Every kilometre you walk, cycle or run represents one euro donated to the charity, with the aim of completing 500km in teams of 5 by 31 March. A formality for some... a challenge for others, but an unfailing motivation to succeed in transforming these kilometres into euros to support the charity. The results are due on 31 March, and for once the principle is not ‘may the best man win’, but rather that we can all win together! #AFVBeltrameGroup #LME #france #humansteel
#Health is our most sincere wish for all #women. For this reason, on the occasion of #March8th, it is our tradition to offer free medical screening to all our female employees. A concrete gesture that goes beyond traditional symbols, because we believe that taking care of your health means giving value to yourself. #AFVBeltrameGroup #humansteel #IWD Cerba HealthCare Italia
Si inaugura il 5 marzo la tre giorni dedicata al Futuro dell'energia al KEY Energy Transition Expo presso il Rimini Expo Centre, l'evento europeo dedicato alle tecnologie, i servizi e le soluzioni integrate per l’#efficienzaenergetica, le energie rinnovabili in Italia e nel bacino del Mediterraneo. Lo sviluppo e l'implementazione concreta delle fonti rinnovabili rappresentano oggi un tema centrale anche in termini di stabilità dei prezzi dell'energia e ancoraggio ai reali costi industriali. A raccontare l'esperienza del Gruppo Beltrame, Gianmaria Zanni, Energy COO nel panel del 6 Marzo: "Rinnovabili e consumatori: la scelta ottimale". L’evento, aperto al pubblico all'interno della manifestazione, sarà l’occasione per fare il punto sullo stato generale delle rinnovabili, evidenziando alcuni temi fondamentali: - Novità e attuazione del quadro istituzionale: un’analisi delle recenti normative e della loro concreta applicazione; - Prospettive per il consumatore: opportunità e vantaggi per chi sceglie le rinnovabili; - Illustrazione delle possibili opportunità: una panoramica delle opzioni preferenziali – soluzioni commerciali, patrimoniali, ibride (anche con autoconsumo) – con evidenza dei passi concreti da intraprendere per garantirsi il costo industriale e identificare le soluzioni regolatorie e industriali a maggior valore e più idonee alle diverse esigenze. Qui il programma: Introduzione Luigi Michi, KEY TO ENERGY Keynote Speech GUIDO BORTONI, Presidente del CdA di CESI Federico Boschi, Capo Dipartimento Energia del Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica Stefano Saglia, Membro Collegio ARERA Vinicio Mosé Vigilante, Amministratore Delegato GSE Antonio Gozzi, Presidente Federacciai e Duferco Tavola rotonda Modera: Francesca Egidi, Key to Energy Intervengono: @Cristian Banfi, Ceo Entracap fund @Ester Benigni, Direttore Affari Regolatori e Concorrenza - A2A @Carlo Giordano, Head of Business Unit Energy Management Edison Nicola Porcari, CFA Structured Finance BPER Mauro Caprabianca, Responsabile Programmazione territoriale efficiente, Terna Fioravante Clematide, Head of Sales, ERG Gianmaria Zanni, Chief Operating Officer – AFV Beltrame Group
At AFV Beltrame Group, we remain committed to strengthening the steel #industry in Romania and Europe. Through #Donalam, we continue to invest in innovation, efficiency, and #sustainability, ensuring that our operations stay resilient despite market challenges. Our long-term vision is to create a competitive and environmentally responsible #steel sector that supports local industries and communities. As Carlo Beltrame, CEO of Donalam, points out, the steel industry is at a turning point, facing both challenges and opportunities. A supportive regulatory framework and fair competition are key to securing a strong future for European producers. By working together, we can navigate this transformation and build a more sustainable and innovative industry. Read more about the market outlook here:
Rail is the way forward – and we prove it every day! Stahl Gerlafingen, our Swiss plant, relies on the power of rail freight. Our long-standing partnership with FFS Cargo demonstrates how efficient and indispensable rail transport is in Switzerland. Why Stahl Gerlafingen chooses SBB Cargo: Efficient and sustainable—Rail freight is cost-effective and reliable and significantly reduces CO₂ emissions. Our #steel stays sustainable from production to transportation. Tailor-made for rail transport — Our loading facilities are optimised for freight trains, and SBB Cargo ensures smooth, predictable logistics. Even our customers count on sustainable transport solutions. 2024: A year of impact - 10,664 freight cars moved - 561,551 net tons transported - 65,194,287 net ton-kilometers covered And together, we made a difference: - 5,290 tons of CO₂ saved – equivalent to planting 264,500 trees - 46,083 truck journeys shifted from road to rail These numbers speak for themselves: efficiency, reliability, and sustainability – when two strong partners work together. #AFVBeltrameGroup #Sustainability #SteelIndustry #logistics
Do you know the extraordinary journey of a piece of #scrap before it is reborn as new #steel? Watch the video to see how what is considered "waste" becomes the raw material for a cutting-edge industrial process, starting a production chain that is as sustainable as it is spectacular! ************* Conosci lo straordinario viaggio di un pezzo di #rottame prima di rinascere come #acciaio nuovo? Guarda il video per vedere come ciò che è considerato scarto diventa la materia prima di un processo industriale all'avanguardia, dando il via a una catena produttiva tanto sostenibile quanto spettacolare! #AFVBeltrameGroup #elettrosiderurgia #sostenibilità #steel #welovesteel
Con orgoglio annunciamo che la nostra Vicepresidente Barbara Beltrame Giacomello è candidata unica per la Presidenza di Confindustria Vicenza per il prossimo mandato 2025-2029. La scelta di candidarsi fa parte di un lungo percorso e numerose esperienze nel mondo industriale e associativo che l’hanno vista già Vicepresidente di Confindustria Vicenza con delega all’Education e Università dal 2016 al 2020 e Vicepresidente nazionale in Confindustria con delega all’Internazionalizzazione dal 2020 al 2024 oltre a ricoprire ulteriori incarichi istituzionali in altre realtà. Un grande augurio da parte di tutti noi!