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AIKO - Infinite ways to autonomy

AIKO - Infinite ways to autonomy

Fabbricazione di componenti per il settore aeronautico e aerospaziale

Torino, Torino 8.778 follower

TRL 9 Artificial Intelligence for space missions.

Chi siamo

AIKO research-centered, innovative and futuristic mission is clear: developing algorithms infused with Artificial Intelligence, to increase the autonomy of current space missions. Artificial Intelligence has entered a new period of scientific relevance. It's time to leap from the traditional, rigid, Earth-bound space systems to autonomous, sentient ones. Scientific data must be prioritized, telemetry data must be interpreted with improved accuracy, failures must be mitigated, design must be optimized. AI-based algorithms not only offer increased performances with respect to traditional architectures, but are an enabling technology for advanced mission concepts.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di componenti per il settore aeronautico e aerospaziale
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Torino, Torino
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Artificial Intelligence, Space Systems, Space Missions, Expert Systems, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Big Data, Deep Learning e Automation


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