Analytics Arts

Analytics Arts

Consulenza e servizi aziendali

Milano, Lombardia 7.396 follower

Analytics Arts: Statistics is a form of art

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We help companies improving the use of analytics to make more informed, data driven decisions. We support companies with advanced analytics, offering segmentation services, market analysis and predictive models. We carry out both qualitative and quantitative market research to develop perceptual maps, concept testing, pricing models and brand evaluation. We also help companies improve their use of internal data by monitoring performance models, introducing new research methodologies and optimising dashboards.

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Consulenza e servizi aziendali
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11-50 dipendenti
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Milano, Lombardia
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    The Unsung Hero of Data Science: Data Cleaning 🧹💻 😂 We’ve all been there! In the world of data, the unsung hero is often the person handling data cleaning. It may not be the most glamorous job, but without clean and reliable data, the work of data scientists, analysts, and engineers would be far more challenging—if not impossible. This meme perfectly captures the sentiment. While the data cleaning guy might not see himself as the "messiah," the rest of us in the data field know just how crucial this role is. Clean data is the foundation for all insights, models, and decisions. How much time do you spend on data cleaning in your projects? Let’s talk about it in the comments! 🧹📊 #DataScience #DataCleaning #MachineLearning #AnalyticsArts

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    Una nuova ricerca commissionata da Volotea a Analytics Arts svela quali sono i fattori di maggior fastidio durante un volo aereo. In ultima posizione i capricci dei più piccoli. Riposo, musica e lettura le attività preferite a 10.000 metri. Il peggior incubo degli italiani durante un viaggio aereo è il vicino di posto maleducato, che risulta infatti essere la principale fonte di fastidio per il 47% dei viaggiatori che prediligono voli all’insegna di relax, musica e un buon libro. #volotea #analyticsarts #airlines #aviation #wetravelbiz #wetravelaviation Wetravelaviation Valeria Rebasti Gabriel Schmilovich Isgut

    Volotea: il vicino maleducato, il peggior incubo del passeggero -

    Volotea: il vicino maleducato, il peggior incubo del passeggero -

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    Discover the cutting-edge evolution of Behavioral Finance! 💡 🎯 Learn how Keirsey's Temperament Theory can revolutionize the field of financial advisory and wealth management by tailoring strategies to diverse client personalities. For a more in-depth exploration, we invite you to read our latest blog post written by Francesco Forni, where he delves into these concepts and provides valuable insights. Be sure to check it out! 📖 #BehavioralFinance #WealthManagement #Analyticsarts #FinanceInnovation #analytics

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    Can Large Language Models Replicate Human Behavior in Market Research? Recent studies (for reference the paper by Harvard can be found in the first comment) show that Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3.5 can simulate human responses effectively, providing quick, cost-efficient insights into consumer preferences. By integrating previous survey data, LLMs can generate realistic willingness-to-pay estimates and align closely with human responses. While LLMs won't replace traditional methods, they can offer valuable preliminary insights, helping researchers test and refine ideas faster.

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    Dear readers, the book industry is still going strong! 📚 Despite the explosion of digital entertainment, the #bookindustry is not only holding its own - it's growing! According to Research and Markets, the global publishing industry is expected to grow by $19.37 billion between 2023 and 2028. 📈 This showcase 📊 from Visual Capitalist indicate the number of books published in 2022 in the top countries in each global region, using ISBNs, a product identifier for cataloging and tracking book sales. In 2022, the US led the world with over 3 million ISBNs registered - almost four times more than Japan, the second largest market. 📖 South Korea, meanwhile, tops the list with the most publishers, reflecting its vibrant literary culture. These figures reflect a global passion for books, with different markets growing and evolving. From fiction to self-help, readers are still turning pages - whether they're physical or digital. What do you think? Is the future of publishing digital, or will books remain popular? #analyticsarts #books #reading #GlobalTrends

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    🍂 September is here—time for some fall shopping! 🛍️ But before you hit the stores, have you considered which brands are leading in CO2 emissions? 🏭 Knowing this can help you make more sustainable choices! 🌍 At the top of the list, we have Nike and the Inditex Group (which includes Zara, Bershka, and more), contributing 18.2 and 17.7 million tons of CO2 emissions, respectively. Among fast fashion brands like H&M and Adidas, Uniqlo (part of Fast Retailing) emits the least at 6.2 million tons. Still, that’s a hefty carbon footprint! 😮 Maybe this fall, second-hand shopping could be the best choice—for you and the planet. 🌿♻️ 💬 What’s your take? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 👇 More insights on Visual Capitalist! #Analyticsarts #datavisualization #SustainableShopping #FastFashion #SecondHand

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    Uncovering Consumer Preferences: A Qualitative Research Insight 🛍️💡   🔍 Ever wondered why customers choose sustainable fashion, beyond eco-friendly claims? A qualitative study involving interviews, focus groups, and digital ethnography reveals deeper motivations. Consumers, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, view sustainability as a reflection of their values and identity—not just a trend.  1️⃣ Sustainability is about values, not just labels.  Many consumers are driven by personal values, not trends. As one participant shared, "I don’t buy sustainable clothes just because they are good for the environment, but because they reflect who I am." Sustainability is a lifestyle choice, not just a consumer decision.  2️⃣ Community & social proof matter.  Buyers are heavily influenced by what their peers are discussing online or purchasing. Social proof is powerful, shaping decisions in the realm of sustainable fashion.  3️⃣ Price sensitivity vs. ethical spending.  While sustainable fashion can be more expensive, many consumers view it as a long-term investment. Balancing higher costs with ethical choices is an ongoing challenge, but the perceived benefits to the planet often tip the scale. 💡 This insight helped shift marketing strategies from promoting just the “green” aspect of products to showcasing how sustainable fashion aligns with a lifestyle of responsibility and community. By tapping into these values, brands can forge deeper connections with their audience. What’s your take on the role of values in consumer behavior? Share your thoughts below!   #MarketResearch #QualitativeInsights #ConsumerBehavior #SustainableFashion  #Analyticsarts Source:  

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    The World's Busiest Airports: A Post-Pandemic Comeback ✈️🌍 🌍✈️ As global travel continues to surge, the busiest airports in 2022 offer a fascinating snapshot of the aviation industry’s rapid rebound. This visual analysis highlights the world’s top airports by passenger traffic in 2022, a year marked by the reopening of many countries—but not all. U.S. airports dominated the list, with Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson leading the way at nearly 94 million passengers, thanks to strong domestic travel demand. However, regions like China were notably absent from the top 10 due to extended COVID-19 restrictions that lasted through 2022. Dubai (DXB) emerged as the leader in international travel, while Istanbul Airport saw passenger numbers soar, surpassing pre-pandemic levels by 23%. This analysis underscores the dynamic shifts in global travel patterns as different regions reopened at varying paces. Which airport have you traveled through most recently? Share your experiences below! ✈️🌍 #Travel #Airports #AnalyticsArts

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