Arwin & Partners

Arwin & Partners

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Milan, Lombardy 1.809 follower

Strategic financial communications, Investor Relations, Sustainability and ESG consultancy

Chi siamo

ARWIN & Partners is a full-service communications firm providing strategic financial communication advisory services, Investor Relations and Sustainability & ESG consultancy. We specialise on Sustainability & ESG in Italy by helping listed and non-listed companies in developing and implementing their ESG and Sustainability strategies. In addition, we advise corporates and financial institutions in complying with their mandatory and voluntary such as the SFDR, EU Taxonomy and CSRD, while proactively communicating their sustainability strategy to all stakeholders (investors, suppliers, customers, regulators, etc.). The team is comprised of seasoned professionals who have a combined experience of over 100 years in Investment Banking, Trading and Investor Relations Investor Relations – related personal achievements include a Top 10 European Ranking in 2017 – Runner-Up to 3rd-place across sectors European Large Caps IROs Investor Relations – related team achievements – heading the IR Department: - Best Corporate Governance & Disclosure across sectors, - Ranking in top position by sector (banking), - Third best European IR team across sectors, - Ranked second in Western Europe across sectors

Servizi ambientali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milan, Lombardy
Società di persone
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Strategic Financial Communications, Sustainability&ESG, Investor Relations e Responsible Investing


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    Dear Customers, Partners and Friends, please enjoy our September ESG monthly Newsletter. Key highlights: * ESG Regulatory Updates 1-GRI & TNFD - publish interoperability mapping on nature and biodiversity disclosures The Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) and the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (“TNFD”) have together published an interoperability map and guidance document This provides a detailed overview of alignment between the TNFD Disclosure Recommendations and metrics and the GRI Standards, including GRI 101: Biodiversity 2024 and relevant disclosures from the GRI Universal and Topic Standards  2-EFRAG - releases study on ESRS early reports EFRAG released its report ‘State of play as of Q2 2024 | Implementation of European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS): Initial Practices from Selected Companies' The study analyses preliminary practices so far of implementing the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and highlights related challenges  3-EU - legislative hydrogen and gas decarbonisation package The EU legislative hydrogen and gas decarbonisation package came into force, comprising the Regulation (EU) 2024/1789 on the internal markets for renewable gas, natural gas end hydrogen (the “H2 Regulation”), as well as the Directive (EU) 2024/1788 on common rules for the internal markets for renewable gas, natural gas and hydrogen (the “H2 Directive”)  4-ESMA - publishes translations of its Guidelines on funds’ names The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial markets regulator and supervisor, has published the translations in all official EU languages of its Guidelines on funds’ names using ESG or sustainability-related terms and the related timeline * Updated list ESG Conferences #esg #esma #csrd #esrs #efrag #gri #tnfd

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    Significant Risk Transfer and #esg in the context of banks #investorrelations and #equitystory

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    As usual, we advise a thorough read through this #esg and #investorrelations document. 😊😊

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    Dear Customers, Partners and Friends, Please enjoy our August ESG monthly Newsletter. Key highlights: * ESG Regulatory Updates   1.       European Commission – CSDDD published in the Official Journal –       The CSDDD came into force on 25 July 2024, and member states will have until 26 July 2026 to transpose the CSDDD into their national laws –       In-scope companies will be subject to far-reaching obligations to implement processes to identify and take action against operations adverse to human rights and with negative environmental impacts, as well as those throughout their value chains   2.   ESAs – put forward measures to support corporate sustainability reporting –       The ESAs published a Final Report with the Guidelines on Enforcement of Sustainability Information (GLESI) and a Public Statement on the first application of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) –       The purpose of the GLESI is to provide guidance to build convergence of supervisory practices on sustainability reporting   * Updated list ESG Conferences * Appendix I: Article 8 and Article 9 Fund ex SFDR account for 61% share of total AuM in Q2 2024 –       In Q2 2024, Art. 8 and Art. 9 funds accounted for 53% of the total number of funds launched in the EU –       Art. 8 and Art. 9 AuM funds stood at €5.8 trn at the end of June 2024, increasing the share to 61% of the EU funds   Appendix II: European Sustainable Funds flows – Q2 2024 in Review –       In Q2 2024, total European investment fund universe recorded approximately $87.3 bn of inflows –       European sustainable funds attracted $11.8 bn in net inflows. Passive funds represent $12.4 bn of net inflows - active funds recorded approximately $0.6 bn of outflow #ESAS #ESG #SUSTAINABILITY #CSDDD

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Arwin & Partners, immagine

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    Dear Customers, Partners and Friends, Please enjoy our August ESG monthly Newsletter. Key highlights: * ESG Regulatory Updates   1.       European Commission – CSDDD published in the Official Journal –       The CSDDD came into force on 25 July 2024, and member states will have until 26 July 2026 to transpose the CSDDD into their national laws –       In-scope companies will be subject to far-reaching obligations to implement processes to identify and take action against operations adverse to human rights and with negative environmental impacts, as well as those throughout their value chains   2.   ESAs – put forward measures to support corporate sustainability reporting –       The ESAs published a Final Report with the Guidelines on Enforcement of Sustainability Information (GLESI) and a Public Statement on the first application of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) –       The purpose of the GLESI is to provide guidance to build convergence of supervisory practices on sustainability reporting   * Updated list ESG Conferences * Appendix I: Article 8 and Article 9 Fund ex SFDR account for 61% share of total AuM in Q2 2024 –       In Q2 2024, Art. 8 and Art. 9 funds accounted for 53% of the total number of funds launched in the EU –       Art. 8 and Art. 9 AuM funds stood at €5.8 trn at the end of June 2024, increasing the share to 61% of the EU funds   Appendix II: European Sustainable Funds flows – Q2 2024 in Review –       In Q2 2024, total European investment fund universe recorded approximately $87.3 bn of inflows –       European sustainable funds attracted $11.8 bn in net inflows. Passive funds represent $12.4 bn of net inflows - active funds recorded approximately $0.6 bn of outflow #ESAS #ESG #SUSTAINABILITY #CSDDD

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    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Arwin & Partners, immagine

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    Dear Customers, Partners and Friends, Enjoy our July ESG monthly Newsletter. Key highlights: *ESG Regulatory Updates 1. ESAs – final Reports on greenwashing in the financial sector (financial -institutions) The ESMA final Report recommended market participants take steps to further integrate ESG risks into risk management systems and controls. Validation and diligence on ESG data should be addressed as robustly as financial information and increasing external verification of ESG data and enhancing transparency on ESG data methodologies were also highlighted The EBA final Report provides an overview of greenwashing risk in the banking sector and its impact on banks, investment firms and payment service providers, with a focus on the changes during the last year 2. ESAs – propose improvements to the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) The ESAs call for a coherent sustainable finance framework that meets the need of both the green transition and enhanced consumer protection The suggested categories included a sustainable products category (products that invest economic activities and assets that are already sustainable) and a transition product category (products and assets that aim to become sustainable over time) 3. EU Commission – Nature Restoration Law approved by the Council The EU Council approved the Regulation on Nature Restoration. This landmark legislation focuses explicitly on restoring the EU’s natural environments The Regulation lays down rules to contribute to the long-term and sustained recovery of biodiverse and resilient ecosystems across the Member States’ land and sea areas through the restoration of degraded ecosystems. It is a key element of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 which is part of the European Green Deal *Updated list ESG Conferences #ESG #ESA #SFDR #ESMA #EBA #Biodiversity

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    Dear Customers, Partners and Friends, Enjoy our July ESG monthly Newsletter. Key highlights: *ESG Regulatory Updates 1. ESAs – final Reports on greenwashing in the financial sector (financial -institutions) The ESMA final Report recommended market participants take steps to further integrate ESG risks into risk management systems and controls. Validation and diligence on ESG data should be addressed as robustly as financial information and increasing external verification of ESG data and enhancing transparency on ESG data methodologies were also highlighted The EBA final Report provides an overview of greenwashing risk in the banking sector and its impact on banks, investment firms and payment service providers, with a focus on the changes during the last year 2. ESAs – propose improvements to the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) The ESAs call for a coherent sustainable finance framework that meets the need of both the green transition and enhanced consumer protection The suggested categories included a sustainable products category (products that invest economic activities and assets that are already sustainable) and a transition product category (products and assets that aim to become sustainable over time) 3. EU Commission – Nature Restoration Law approved by the Council The EU Council approved the Regulation on Nature Restoration. This landmark legislation focuses explicitly on restoring the EU’s natural environments The Regulation lays down rules to contribute to the long-term and sustained recovery of biodiverse and resilient ecosystems across the Member States’ land and sea areas through the restoration of degraded ecosystems. It is a key element of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 which is part of the European Green Deal *Updated list ESG Conferences #ESG #ESA #SFDR #ESMA #EBA #Biodiversity

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    Ieri, 20 giugno 2024, si è tenuto l’evento "ESG In the Banking Sector: an Investor Perspective" . Organizzata da Arwin & Partners in collaborazione con Investor Update la tavola rotonda e’ stata ospitata nella sede milanese di CBA. I relatori, Angelo Rocco Bonissoni, Giovanni Radicella, Paola Sabbione e Dominic Watt, moderati da Mara MILANI e Piero Munari, hanno esposto, ad una platea di IRO e IRM delle maggiori banche italiane, il punto di vista degli investitori sull’importanza degli investimenti ESG e sull’efficacia di una corretta comunicazione finanziaria. L’evento ha rappresentato un importante momento di confronto tra rappresentanti del mondo bancario e investitori. #ESG #investorrelations #IRO #IRM #bankingsector #sustainability #sustainableinvestments

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    The situation around Golden Goose's failed IPO shows that midcap IPOs in Europe have less margin of error, according to the FT.

    Much debate around the "pulled" Golden Goose IPO and midcap #ipo in general. From an #investorrelations perspective, current market conditions require a very thorough and pervasive preparation process. Article from the FT. "...And this leads to the next issue for European flotations: midcap IPOs have less margin for error. Investors have seen how volumes dry up and so are careful not to take on too large of a position. They also demand greater price concessions."

    Caution kills the Golden Goose IPO

    Caution kills the Golden Goose IPO

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    Joining forces with #cba and #investorupdate for a unique event on #esg investors dedicated to the banking sector. A must for the banking sector #investorrelations community.

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    Arwin & Partners è lieta di annunciare il prossimo evento in collaborazione con Investor Update, “ESG In the Banking Sector: an Investor Perspective” che si terrà il 20 giugno 2024 alle ore 12.00 presso CBA – Corso Europa, 15 – Milano. All'Evento interverranno illustri professionisti del settore, tra cui Angelo Rocco Bonissoni, Founding Partner di CBA, Giovanni Radicella, Responsabile Ufficio Investimenti Obbligazionari di Arca Fondi SGR, Paola Sabbione, Co-Head European Banks Equity Research di Barclays, e Dominic Watt, Partner di Investor Update. I relatori condivideranno le loro visioni e approfondimenti sull'importanza dell'integrazione degli aspetti ESG negli investimenti bancari. Desideriamo ringraziare CBA per l'ospitalità. Per informazioni scrivere a:

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    Arwin & Partners è lieta di annunciare il prossimo evento in collaborazione con Investor Update, “ESG In the Banking Sector: an Investor Perspective” che si terrà il 20 giugno 2024 alle ore 12.00 presso CBA – Corso Europa, 15 – Milano. All'Evento interverranno illustri professionisti del settore, tra cui Angelo Rocco Bonissoni, Founding Partner di CBA, Giovanni Radicella, Responsabile Ufficio Investimenti Obbligazionari di Arca Fondi SGR, Paola Sabbione, Co-Head European Banks Equity Research di Barclays, e Dominic Watt, Partner di Investor Update. I relatori condivideranno le loro visioni e approfondimenti sull'importanza dell'integrazione degli aspetti ESG negli investimenti bancari. Desideriamo ringraziare CBA per l'ospitalità. Per informazioni scrivere a:

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