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Axed Group

Axed Group

Servizi pubblicitari

Latina, LT 1.080 follower

it is the creative thinking that transform technology in innovation

Chi siamo

We design and produce solutions based on new communication and digital media channels, with the strategic use new of technologies. AXED is a group of highly specialized companies which can act as a single partner, thanks to their integration into Axed. Axed companies have very diversified skills and expertise but all using the technology as part of their solutions. During these years of experience and presence on the market, each one has developed specific competences and its own client portfolio. The project began in 2001 and it developed in two stages: increasing the value of single firms by defining their own specific features. integrating processes in order to share services inside the group. The consolidation of the relationship between the companies has created new synergies which are producing significant economic results and growth in the entire group. Today Axed Group offers its clients the reliability of a single partner in the management of complex projects, with high quality integrated services.

Servizi pubblicitari
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Latina, LT
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Innovative Thinking, Technological Solutions, Movie and Digital Productions, Training and Administration, Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality, Automotive e Marketing & Management


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