Foto di copertina di Babelscape


Servizi IT e consulenza IT

Rome, Latium 1.430 follower

Multilinguality at your fingertips

Chi siamo

Babelscape is a Sapienza startup company founded in 2016 and focused on enabling multilinguality in a user's applications. Our goal is to make human knowledge accessible to the world in simple, effective and innovative ways. Babelscape goes beyond the current landscape by providing cutting edge multilingual semantic technologies that seamlessly integrate, extend and manipulate encyclopedic and dictionary knowledge from heterogeneous sources, enriched with audio and visual content. The company's core mission is the creation and exploitation of the richest semantic network and knowledge base, covering the largest possible variety of languages and knowledge facets in machine-readable form. Thanks to knowledge transfer from the internationally renowned Natural Language Processing research group headed by prof. Roberto Navigli, we place ourselves on the market with very high professional profiles and the ability to provide a special attention to our clients' needs.

Servizi IT e consulenza IT
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Rome, Latium
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Knowledge Graph, Multilinguality e knowledgegraphs


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