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Calligaris S.p.A.

Calligaris S.p.A.

Fabbricazione di mobili e arredi per la casa

Manzano, Udine 28.805 follower

✔️ Design brand that embraces change, taking care of living since 1923

Chi siamo

Calligaris was founded in Manzano, in the Udine province, in 1923. Antonio Calligaris started it out as a small artisan laboratory where he produced the Marocca chair, a typical product for the area, which would later become known as the “chair district”. In the following years, the company registered an amazing development, and started to open the first foreign branches (USA and Japan) and to expand the product range. Today, Calligaris group’s turnover is 142 million euros and it is distributed in 650 points of sale in 100 countries around the world, with an increasing export share of 70%. Its product range covers the entire furniture universe, from chairs - the original product - to tables, beds to occasional furniture, rugs to lighting and objects for a total of 820 products.

Fabbricazione di mobili e arredi per la casa
Dimensioni dell’azienda
501 - 1000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Manzano, Udine
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
arredamento casa, arredamento contract, home furniture, horeca furniture, ameublement maison e ameublement horeca


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