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Architettura e pianificazione

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«La Casa bella» was born in January 1928. At the start of 1933, Giuseppe Pagano changed its name to «Casabella», a change of direction that coincided with the magazine’s acquisition by «Domus». In 1938, the magazine’s name was changed to «Casabella Costruzioni», and in 1940, to «Costruzioni-Casabella». In December 1943, the magazine was suspended by the Italian ministry of popular culture. Two years later, the publisher Gianni Mazzocchi restructured the magazine, confiding it to Franco Albini and Giancarlo Palanti. In 1946, 3 issues of «Costruzioni» were published, including a monographic issue about Giuseppe Pagano. The magazine was further suspended from 1947 to 1953, and in January 1954 «Casabella-continuità» was born, under the direction of Ernesto Nathan Rogers. The magazine ran under this title until January 1965. From August 1965 to May 1970, Gian Antonio Bernasconi headed the magazine, whose name was converted back to «Casabella». Alessando Mendini took over from Bernasconi and in 1976 was replaced by Bruno Alfieri, who was director from April to December of that year. From January 1977, Gruppo Editoriale Electa took over the publication, which was headed by Tomás Maldonado until December 1981. Vittorio Gregotti took over as director in March 1982. The current director, Francesco Da Co, has been running the magazine since March 1996. Electa was absorbed by Mondadori and from April 2002, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore has been publishing the magazine.

Architettura e pianificazione
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2-10 dipendenti
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Segrate, MI
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