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Basovizza, Friuli-Venezia Giulia 107 follower

One Stop Shop for Innovation in Energy Systems (with specialization on development and use of Fuel Cell - based Systems)

Chi siamo

CEnergy is an SME operating in the area of advanced technologies for energy conversion and storage. The main activities are: i) design, development and testing of prototypes, ii) development of process simulation models. Concerning prototypes development, CEnergy is specialized in the design and development of small size fuel cells generators and their integration in distributed generation systems. Concerning process simulation models of energy conversion systems, the main objectives are the identification of optimal system design and optimal operating control strategies in order to reduce emissions and operation costs and maximise energy efficiency and reliability. In general, CEnergy has a widespread competence on the analysis, design, and prototyping of energy generation and energy transformation systems. Furthermore, CEnergy offers consultancy services for power systems, including optimization and integration of micro-cogeneration units.

Sito Web
Servizi di ricerca
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Basovizza, Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Fuel Cell, hydrogen, CNG, Compressed Natural Gas, Energy Recovery, Energy Efficiency, Prototyping, Laboratory Tests, Energy Balance, gas loading/unloading e compressed hydrogen


Dipendenti presso CENERGY srl


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    Sistemi energetici avanzati: prototipazione e test funzionali, simulazioni di processo, monitoraggio e ottimizzazione 📌 CENERGY srl progetta e sviluppa test e simulazioni di processo di sistemi basati su celle a combustibile con l’obiettivo di ottimizzare l’operatività dei sistemi energetici attraverso modelli basati sui dati. Le elevate competenze accademiche e teoriche dell’azienda garantiscono il supporto in varie applicazioni marittime, per piccole imbarcazioni fino a grandi navi, contribuendo ad accrescerne il TRL. 🌐 CENERGY è coinvolta in numerosi progetti, nazionali ed europei, in ottica di miglioramento dell’efficientamento energetico e della mitigazione delle emissioni navali: da progetti per lo stoccaggio di carburanti gassosi, all’utilizzo dell’idrogeno liquido nel trasporto marittimo, a processi di carico e scarico di gas naturale compresso. 👉 Per approfondire le competenze e le traiettorie di sviluppo di leggi la scheda nel link al primo commento

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  • CENERGY srl ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Alessio Cendron, immagine

    New Construction Business Development Manager

    The technology has been designed and developed by Ricardo as part of the Sustainable Hydrogen Powered Shipping (sHYpS) project.  The module, recently given Approval in Principle (AiP) by Lloyd’s Register is undergoing testing at Ricardo's purpose built hydrogen and fuel cell testing facilities at Shoreham Technical Centre, UK.

    Ricardo - innovative fuel cell technology at Electric and Hybrid Marine Expo 2024 - Hydrogen Central

    Ricardo - innovative fuel cell technology at Electric and Hybrid Marine Expo 2024 - Hydrogen Central


  • CENERGY srl ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di sHYpS Project, immagine

    373 follower

    Exciting update from Trieste! On June 12th, the sHYpS Project Consortium convened in Trieste, Italy, for our General Assembly. Partners shared and discussed the latest strides we've made towards a greener maritime sector and mapped out our next steps forward. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and drive sustainability in the maritime industry! Navalprogetti Srl Viking VRV - A Chart Industries Company CENERGY srl Università degli Studi di Trieste Plug Power JEUMONT Electric Bergen Havn Kontor 17 MPM Gmbh CiaoTech - Gruppo PNO INNOVATION PLACE Ricardo plc Lloyd's Register CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency Clean Hydrogen Partnership #hydrogen #hydrogeneconomy #hydrogenstorage #smartship #innovation #transport #EUwaters

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  • CENERGY srl ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Jason Amiri, immagine

    Principal Engineer | Renewables & Hydrogen at Fyfe

    Liquid Hydrogen Application Overview: 🟦 1) Hydrogen can be stored as compressed gas, liquid hydrogen, hydrides, adsorbed hydrogen, and reformed fuels. Liquid hydrogen offers advantages including high hydrogen densities and purity, making it suitable for long-term storage, long-distance transportation, and economic efficiency. 🟦 2) Physical properties of hydrogen: Lower heating value = 118.8 MJ/kg Higher heating value = 143 MJ/kg Boiling temperature at 1 atm = -253 °C Melting temperature = -259 °C Density of gaseous hydrogen at 0 °C = 0.08987 kg/m3 Density of liquid hydrogen at -253 °C = 70.85 kg/m3 Density of solid hydrogen at -259 °C = 858 kg/m3 Heat capacity of gaseous hydrogen at 0 °C = 14.3 kJ/kg. °C Heat capacity of liquid hydrogen at °256 °C = 8.1 kJ/kg. °C Heat capacity of solid hydrogen at °259.8 °C = 2.63 kJ/kg. °C Liquid-to-gas expansion ratio at atmospheric condition = 1:848 🟦 3) Liquid Hydrogen Boil-Off The phenomenon of liquid hydrogen vaporising during storage is called boil-off, which results in energy and hydrogen loss. Factors affecting boil-off include thermal insulation, tank dimensions, and the hydrogen ratio. If the vaporised hydrogen is not released, the pressure inside the tank will increase. 🟦 4) Liquid Hydrogen Boil-Off mitigation: - Isomer change acceleration from ortho- to para-hydrogen during liquefaction, - The surface-to-volume ratio minimization of the vessel (e.g. spherical vessel), - Vessel super insulation to reduce the heat transfer from the environment, - Cryocooler utilization. - A combination of liquid hydrogen storage vessels and metal hydrides, where metal hydride absorbs evaporated liquid hydrogen, - Cryocoolers and passive insulation have also been developed to minimize boiloff - Shielding the liquid hydrogen vessel wall using liquid nitrogen, - Reliquefying the liquid hydrogen boil-off where the liquefaction plant and liquid hydrogen storage vessel are close. - boil-off gas can be used for power generation and fuel for tankers and trucks. 🟦 5) Liquid Hydrogen Standards: International Standardization Organization (ISO) ISO/TR 15916 ISO 13984 ISO 13985 United Kingdom - Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations (DSEAR), - Control of Major Accident Hazard (COMAH), - Pressure Equipment Regulations (PER), - Carriage of Dangerous Goods (CDG) regulations. - ATEX 137 (Directive 99/92/EC) - ATEX 95 (Directive 94/9/EC) United States - NFPA 2 - NFPA 55 - OSHA Process and Safety Management (OSHA PSM) - EPA Risk Management Plan (EPA RMP) Guidance - CG G-5.4 - CGA G-5.5 - CGA P-28 - CGA P-12 - CGA PS-17 - CGA H-3 - IFC 3005 - IFC 2209.3 - IFC 3203 - IFC 3204 - IFC 3205 - IFC 2204 - IFC 2209 - SAE AS6679 - NFPA 30A China - GB/T 34583 - GB/T 34584 - GB/T 29729 Source: see post image This post reflects my personal perspective and is for educational purposes only. 👇 What other codes, standards or guidelines have you used for liquid hydrogen application?

    • Liquid Hydrogen Application Overview:

1) Hydrogen can be stored as compressed gas, liquid hydrogen, hydrides, adsorbed hydrogen, and reformed fuels. Liquid hydrogen offers advantages including high hydrogen densities and purity, making it suitable for long-term storage, long-distance transportation, and economic efficiency.

 2) Physical properties of hydrogen:

Lower heating value = 118.8 MJ/kg

Higher heating value  = 143 MJ/kg

Boiling temperature at 1 atm = -253 °C

Melting temperature = -259 °C

Density of gaseous hydrogen at 0 °C = 0.08987 kg/m3

Density of liquid hydrogen at -253 °C = 70.85 kg/m3

Density of solid hydrogen at -259 °C = 858 kg/m3

Heat capacity of gaseous hydrogen at 0 °C = 14.3 kJ/kg. °C

Heat capacity of liquid hydrogen at °256 °C = 8.1 kJ/kg. °C

Heat capacity of solid hydrogen at °259.8 °C = 2.63 kJ/kg. °C

Liquid-to-gas expansion ratio at atmospheric condition = 1:848
  • CENERGY srl ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Clean Hydrogen Partnership, immagine

    42.771 follower

    The European Hydrogen Observatory bundled all information on National Hydrogen Strategies. Check them out under the link below 👇 #hydrogen #hydrogentechnologies

    European countries are taking bold steps towards a low-carbon economy 🌍🌱 🚀 63% of European nations have already unveiled their national hydrogen strategies, with an additional 6% in the draft stage, poised to officially join the ranks soon. 💧 The nuanced approach taken by each country is interesting. While all strategies prioritise hydrogen production, there's room for growth in its use across heating, manufacturing, and global trade routes. Explore more about European and national policies, legislations, strategies 👉 https://lnkd.in/dN2UzVf6  #HydrogenObservatory #HydrogenEconomy #CleanHydrogen

  • CENERGY srl ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Jason Amiri, immagine

    Principal Engineer | Renewables & Hydrogen at Fyfe

    Hydrogen Production - Technical Analysis of Autothermal Reforming (ATR) Plant with CO2 Capture - Energy and Mass Balance Diagram  🟦 1) ATR Hydrogen Production Process Description 1.1. Prereformed gas enters an ATR (refractory lined vessel) with an oxidation section and a catalytic reforming section. 1.2. The feed gas is mixed with oxygen from the air separation unit (ASU) and partially oxidized: CH4+ 1/2 O2↔ CO+ 2H2. Δ𝐻°rxn= −36.0 kJ/mol 1.3. This exothermic reaction is used to produce heat to drive the below endothermic methane reforming reaction: CH4+ H2O↔ CO+ 3H2. Δ𝐻°rxn= 205.8 kJ/mol 1.4. The autothermal reformer unit combines heat-generating reactions and methane-reforming reactions within a single system, unlike the SMR configuration, where reaction heat is generated outside of the catalyst tubes. 1.5. The process uses a molar steam-to-carbon ratio of 1.57 and oxygen-to-carbon ratio of 1.29 entering the reactor. 1.6. Syngas exits the ATR at a temperature of 1,090 °C (2,000 °F) and a pressure of 2.8 MPa (411 psia). 1.7. Syngas pass through a syngas cooler, leaving ATR, which is used to generate LP steam before being fed into the series of WGS reactors.  🟦 2) Acid Gas Removal: The ATR plant with capture uses an MDEA unit for pre-combustion capture, and there is no need for a post-combustion Cansolv system. High levels of CO2 capture are achieved through the separation of CO2 from the high-pressure syngas.  🟦 3) Fired Heater: In autothermal reforming, waste heat is recovered using a fired heater. The off-gas from the PSA is combined with air and combusted to generate hot flue gas. This gas is then used to improve plant efficiency by providing heat to various plant sections, generating steam, and preheating feedwater and natural gas. 🟦  4) An air separation unit producing a 95% by volume O2 product at 3.3 MPa has been considered. The ASU power requirement is 420 kWh/ton-O2. The amount of O2 supplied to the ATR depends on the heating value of the fuel gas, with residual N2 being vented. 🟦 5) Major Equipment list in study 5.1. Primary Reformer (ATR fixed bed, catalytic): Syngas Production: 429,000 kg/hr @ 2.8 MPa, 1093 °C 5.2. Sulfur Guard Bed (Fixed Bed, catalytic (ZnO)) Inlet: 107,000 kg/hr @ 3.0 MPa, 370 °C 5.3. Prereformer (Fixed Bed, catalytic) NG In: 107,000 kg/hr @ 2.9 MPa, 500 °C Steam In: 181,000 kg/hr @ 3.1 MPa, 399 °C 5.4. Syngas Coolers (STHE) Syngas Cooler: 845 GJ/hr LP Steam Generator 1: 120 GJ/hr LP Steam Generator 2: 18 GJ/hr LT Heat Recovery Exchanger: 141 GJ/hr AGR Precooler: 240 GJ/hr 5.5. ASU Main Air Compressor (Centrifugal, multi-stage) 8,000 m3 /min @ 1.6 MPa 5.6. Cold Box (Vendor design) 3,400 tonne/day of 95% purity oxygen 5.7. Oxygen Pump (Centrifugal, multi-stage) 2,000 m3 /min Suction – 1.0 MPa Discharge – 3.3 MPa ✅ Source: see attached image    ✅ My posts reflect my personal knowledge, experience, and advice.    👇 Can ATR + CCS help transition to cost-effective green hydrogen production?

    • Hydrogen Production - Technical Analysis of Autothermal Reforming (ATR) Plant with CO2 Capture - Energy and Mass Balance Diagram
    • Hydrogen Production - Technical Analysis of Autothermal Reforming (ATR) Plant with CO2 Capture - Energy and Mass Balance Diagram
    • Hydrogen Production - Technical Analysis of Autothermal Reforming (ATR) Plant with CO2 Capture - Energy and Mass Balance Diagram

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