Newsalert | Data Protection and Cybersecurity Il Senato ha approvato in prima lettura il Disegno di legge in materia di intelligenza artificiale, che regolamenta l'uso e lo sviluppo dell'IA in Italia, promuovendone un uso corretto, trasparente e responsabile e garantendo la vigilanza su rischi economici e sociali e sull'impatto sui diritti fondamentali. I Professionisti #Chiomenti hanno approfondito i principali aggiornamenti normativi nell'ultima newsalert, sottolineando l'importanza di monitorare l'iter legislativo di approvazione per adeguarsi tempestivamente alle nuove disposizioni e ridurre le aree di rischio sanzionatorio e reputazionale. Leggi qui il testo completo: #IntelligenzaArtificiale #AI #DataProtection #Cybersecurity #Datisanitari
Studio legale
Roma, Roma 44.402 follower
Professionalism with an international scope since 1948
Chi siamo
Chiomenti is the foremost law firm in Italy with an international outlook. The Firm puts at its clients’ disposal the services and advice of more than 450 dedicated professionals, whose experience, nationalities and skills cover multiple economic sectors and geographical areas. Chiomenti has structured its services and assistance in a framework that unites the specialisations in the various Practice Areas with the specific competences in the industrial and financial sectors. Deep knowledge of the law and an international outlook have always been the Firm’s distinctive characteristics. From 1948, the year in which Pasquale Chiomenti founded the Firm, Chiomenti has always known how deploy its independence and legal expertise in the service of businesses and institutions. To be closer to its clients, Chiomenti has offices in Italy – in Rome and Milan – and abroad – in New York, London, Brussels, and Beijing - and a global network. Chiomenti is among the founders of the "European Network", together with independent market-leader law firms: Cuatrecasas in Spain and Portugal, Gide Loyrette Nouel in France and Gleiss Lutz in Germany. Furthermore, Chiomenti is the member firm in Italy for "Lex Mundi", the world's leading network of independent law firms with representative firms in more than 100 countries.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per Chiomenti
- Settore
- Studio legale
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 501 - 1000 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Roma, Roma
- Tipo
- Società di persone
- Data di fondazione
- 1948
- Settori di competenza
- Corporate - M&A, Capital Markets, Banking and Finance, Financial Regulation, Dispute Resolution and Arbitration, Insolvency and Restructuring, Tax ad Tax Planning, IP, TMT and Data Protection, White Collar Crime and Business Integrity, Compliance e Private Wealth
Dipendenti presso Chiomenti
We are pleased to share that #Chiomenti has been reconfirmed as Top Ranked law firm in 21 practice areas within the Chambers and Partners Europe 2025 guide, with 52 professionals that received individual distinctions. The rankings are a result of a year of market research conducted through interviews with professionals, competitors and clients. Congratulations to the Chiomenti team for the excellent result achieved. #Chambers2025 #ChambersEurope #legalrankings
International Arbitration Notes | The 2025 English Arbitration Act: key amendments and takeaways On 24 February 2025, the Arbitration Act 2025 was formally approved, introducing a significant reform of the 1996 arbitration framework in England & Wales and Northern Ireland. This reform strengthens the efficiency, flexibility and attractiveness of London as a leading arbitral seat - an essential development for arbitration users who frequently designate London as the seat of arbitration in their agreements. #Chiomenti Professionals analyzed the key changes introduced and their practical implications in the latest #InternationalArbitrationNote, offering a preliminary guide for prospective arbitration participants and assisting them in evaluating the impact of choosing London during contract negotiations. Read the full text here: #InternationalArbitration #arbitration #ArbitrationAct2025
#Chiomenti parteciperà alla seconda edizione del Festival del Diritto e dell’Economia, in programma il 17 e 18 marzo presso la Luiss Guido Carli University di Roma. Un evento di riferimento per il settore giuridico ed economico, che riunisce professionisti, accademici e istituzioni per analizzare le principali trasformazioni che stanno ridefinendo il contesto economico e legale. Gregorio Consoli, Managing Partner, aprirà i lavori nella giornata del 18 marzo e a seguire Filippo Modulo, Managing Partner, contribuirà a un tavolo tematico dedicato al ruolo del giurista d’affari nelle operazioni di fusione e acquisizione. Raffaele Russo, Partner, parteciperà al dibattito sulle recenti riforme fiscali, approfondendo temi come il nuovo approccio al rapporto tra fisco e grandi contribuenti, la cooperazione fiscale e la fiscalità internazionale. Luca Andrea Frignani, Partner, fornirà invece il proprio contributo in un panel incentrato sull’internazionalizzazione della professione forense e sulle opportunità legate alla collaborazione internazionale. All'interno del tavolo tematico finance & banking, Irene Scalzo, Managing Associate, esplorerà l'evoluzione dalla finanza comportamentale alla finanza sostenibile, con un focus sui nuovi impatti dell'IA generativa. #FestivalDirittoEconomia #MergersAndAcquisitions #Finance #DirittoTributario #Internazionalizzazione
#Chiomenti has joined the United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative, reaffirming its commitment to a more responsible future. Since its launch in 2000, the UN Global Compact has brought together over 20,000 companies and organizations from more than 160 countries, fostering a shared vision for a sustainable global development. Being part of this network represents another concrete step towards advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and it reflects in responsabile business practices, in alignment with Ten universal Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, concrete actions to support society, and annual reporting to the UN Global Compact through the Communication on Progress (CoP), ensuring transparency and accountability in achieving its sustainability goals. UN Global Compact Network Italia #UnitingBusiness #UNGC
Yesterday at MIPIM, #Chiomenti hosted the conference "Italy and Beyond", where partners Umberto Borzi and Patrizia Liguti led discussions with industry leaders, experts and institutional representatives on the Italian real estate sector within a broader European framework. The dialogue reaffirmed Italy’s strategic dual role in the global real estate market: both as a key destination for international investment and as a competitive player expanding across Europe, further strengthening its leadership in the sector. Following an initial scenario analysis, the discussion addressed pivotal topics such as the role of institutional investors and asset managers in shaping the future of real estate, as well as the evolving challenges and opportunities in redefining Rome’s urban landscape. A special thanks to our speakers Mario Abbadessa, Giuseppe Amitrano, #RobertoGualtieri, Aldo Mazzocco, Carlo Ratti, and #GiancarloScotti for their valuable insights on the future of Italian real estate, and thanks to MIPIM for hosting our conference. #MIPIM #RealEstate
The Council for the United States and Italy is hosting its annual workshop, "President Trump, America, and the World: A Season of Change", on March 13-14 at LUISS University. This high-level event will bring together industry, business and finance executives, as well as professionals, media representatives, and scholars from both Italy and the United States, fostering dialogue on key issues shaping the relationship between the two communities. Salvo Arena, Partner #Chiomenti, head of New York office and co-head of the Private Equity practice area, will participate in the session "Cultural Diplomacy: The Power of Sport," alongside distinguished leaders from the sports industry, legal sector, and cultural organizations. In the discussion, he will focus on U.S. investments in Italian football, analyzing their strategic dimensions, return on investment, and impact on the sector's growth, sustainability and global competitiveness. #USItaly #PrivateEquity #SportsLaw
The 8th Mergers and Acquisitions in the Technology Sector Conference, organized by the International Bar Association, will take place in Geneva on March 13 and 14. This event will bring together leading professionals, legal experts and industry leaders to explore the latest trends, challenges and opportunities shaping M&A operations in a rapidly evolving tech-driven market. Annalisa Reale, Partner #Chiomenti, will moderate the roundtable on employee-related issues in tech M&A transactions. This session will offer valuable insights for dealmakers navigating complex transactions in the sector taking into account specific matters on remuneration, retention of talents, protection of know-how and other relevant employment issues for M&A Tech deals. #MergersandAcquisitions #IBA #Tech #Labour
La trasformazione aziendale è un tema sempre più centrale per lo sviluppo sostenibile delle organizzazioni. L'evento "Competenze che generano valore - Il capitale umano, creazione di valore aggiunto per la crescita e il cambiamento", organizzato da Studio Temporary Manager™ - A Valtus Company e Duke & Kay in programma il 12 marzo, riunirà figure di rilievo del mondo executive per esplorare tematiche strategiche legate alla gestione delle discontinuità e alle operazioni di aggregazione come leva per una crescita duratura. Massimiliano Nitti, Partner #Chiomenti, interverrà in qualità di speaker approfondendo insieme a professionisti ed esperti del settore opportunità e sfide di un mercato in continua evoluzione. Per consultare il programma dell’evento: #CrescitaSostenibile
Adottare misure rapide e decisive per raggiungere la parità di genere è essenziale per garantire un futuro più equo e inclusivo. In occasione della Giornata Internazionale della Donna, #Chiomenti rinnova il proprio impegno per promuovere la #genderequality e l’eliminazione di ogni forma di discriminazione e violenza, in linea con l'Obiettivo 5 dell'Agenda 2030 dell'ONU. Quest'anno lo Studio ha scelto di fornire un supporto concreto al Centro Antiviolenza Mai da Sole di Milano e all'associazione Giuridicamente Libera di Roma, due realtà che si occupano di fornire supporto immediato alle vittime, mettendo a disposizione un ambiente sicuro, consulenza psicologica e legale, e un percorso volto a ricostruire il proprio progetto di vita. Oggi, 8 marzo, ricordiamo l'importanza di un'azione collettiva per costruire una società che riconosca i diritti e il valore di ogni individuo, senza discriminazioni di genere. #InternationalWomensDay #WeCare