Vendita al dettaglio di abbigliamento e moda

Romano di Ezzelino, VI 6.553 follower

Wherever You Feel Emotions

Chi siamo

CMP è il marchio di abbigliamento sportivo dello storico Gruppo F.lli Campagnolo. In CMP amiamo il nostro lavoro. Offriamo prodotti che nascono da una grande attenzione nei vostri confronti combinando tecnicità e stile italiano sulla scia della grande tradizione manifatturiera del Gruppo F.lli Campagnolo. Applichiamo le migliori tecnologie per creare capi per diverse attività e adatti a tutti i momenti della giornata: dall’outdoor al fitness fino ad una quotidianità vissuta in modo dinamico, i nostri capi non temono rivali. In CMP sappiamo quello che facciamo. Grazie all’ampia collezione si possono trovare capi performanti e adatti a tutte le condizioni climatiche. Che siano le nostre giacche in piuma naturale o uno dei nostri incredibili Softshell, i nostri capi assicurano protezione e massimo comfort. Il nostro know-how ci ha permesso di creare tessuti di qualità assoluta: il nostro pile è declinato in diversi pesi e infiniti colori, garantisce isolamento termico e morbidezza ed è alla base della storia del Gruppo F.lli Campagnolo.

Vendita al dettaglio di abbigliamento e moda
Dimensioni dell’azienda
501 - 1000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Romano di Ezzelino, VI
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Abbigliamento sportivo


Dipendenti presso CMP


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    On September 7th and 8th, Bassano del Grappa hosted the #VenetiAssoluti Championships of athletics, turning the city into a stage where the new sports talents had the chance to compete for regional titles. Over 700 athletes from 54 clubs competed with passion, making these days a special event for the area and the future of sports. We at CMP are proud to have supported these young sporting talents. Being present in our city Bassano, alongside those who, with dedication and sacrifice, are building their athletic journey, motivates us to continue investing in the potential of future generations. We will continue to support young #athletes, offering our backing with the same determination that drives them to pursue their dreams. #CMP #CampionatiVenetiAssoluti #Atletica #BassanodelGrappa #Sport #Competition

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    4 days. 180 people. 54 teams. Endless emotions. The #CarnicaUltraTrail was more than just a race, it was a shared journey fueled by passion for #sport and love for our stunning mountains. Supporting events like this enriches us, and this year, in particular, we’re especially proud. We had the privilege of helping to highlight the story and athletic feat of Giuseppe Iob, who conquered the 177 km of the #CUT24 with his handbike, showcasing unparalleled determination. His journey will be featured in a documentary film, which we are honored to contribute to, set to be proudly presented this winter at the 10th edition of the #CortomontagnaFestival in Tolmezzo (UD). 📸 While we wait, let’s relive the most exciting moments of this incredible adventure through these images. #CMP #CarnicaUltraTrail #CUT24 #Sport #Inclusivity #TrailRunning

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    Another extraordinary chapter of the #CharingGolfTour is about to come to an ending and we are proud to have supported this event once again, combining #sport, #nature and #solidarity. At #CMP, supporting initiatives that bring value to the community is fundamental and the Charing Golf Tour perfectly embodies this spirit. Every swing, every hole, is not just a sporting gesture but a concrete contribution to the #IstitutoSeraficoDiAssisi, which is dedicated to providing rehabilitation, psychological support and healthcare services. We’re ready for the final stage of the tour, taking place on September 20-21 at #GolfClubBergamol’Albenza — it will surely be an unforgettable day! #CMP #Charity #Sport #CharingGolfTour #Golf #Sport

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    The daily grind often consumes us, but we never forget to take time to introduce our company to young people training for careers in our industry. In this instance, we hosted students from the Master in Marketing and Brand Management at CUOA Business School, providing them with insights into how a sports brand is built and developed. Ad maiora!

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di CUOA Business School, immagine

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    Nel 1948, un banco di lana nella piazza di Bassano del Grappa segnò l’inizio della storia di F.lli Campagnolo, azienda di abbigliamento e calzature outdoor, oggetto della recente company visit degli allievi del Master in Marketing e Brand Management 7ª edizione. La mattinata è stata divisa tra la visita allo showroom e al magazzino, seguita da una plenaria. Durante quest’ultima, ci sono state illustrate le strategie aziendali recenti, con un focus sul digital marketing utilizzato sia nei mercati B2B che B2C. Inoltre, abbiamo scoperto Jeanne Baret, il brand indipendente dedicato alle donne avventurose e dinamiche che non rinunciano alla loro femminilità. Un ringraziamento speciale ad Alice Testi, responsabile marketing e comunicazione, che ci ha fatto scoprire l’anima di CMP: un brand inclusivo e dal DNA tutto italiano. Michele Bianco | Sandra Puicher Soravia | Alessia Seminerio

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    For several years, we have been actively collaborating with the Pontedilegno - Tonale Consortium, a partnership that takes us to the sites of this beautiful mountain district during our photo shoots and involves us in providing the right equipment to the consortium personnel and the facilities of this wonderful area. We are always very committed to supporting events and projects that enhance and valorize our territory, and we are pleased to have offered our support for the promotion of the new trekking tour, the Presanella Epic Trail. A trekking challenge of both difficulty and beauty, covering 63 km and a 4,700-meter elevation gain, to be completed in 5 days of pure adventure. You can anticipate the charm of this experience by watching the video! #CMP #PonteDiLegnoTonale #PresanellaEpicTrail #Partnership

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    1st goal achieved with Piantando | Certified B Corp for the #PlasticFreeSummer project ⤵

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Piantando | Certified B Corp, immagine

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    1° obiettivo raggiunto! 👉 Insieme a CMP abbiamo raggiunto il primo traguardo di questa fantastica estate all'insegna della sostenibilità: 1 tonnellata di rifiuti abbandonati raccolti! ♻️ Grazie alla collaborazione con le associazioni di Plastic Pull, ci siamo attivati in tutta Italia, riqualificando spiagge, strade e parchi. #PlasticFreeSummer non è solo un hashtag, è un impegno concreto che ci vede protagonisti sul campo. E questo è solo l'inizio! La collaborazione con CMP e i brand del Gruppo F.lli Campagnolo per il 2024 prevede tante altre iniziative per un futuro più verde. #CMP #PlasticPull #sostenibilità

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    Summer is the perfect time to immerse yourself in nature, but it’s also a crucial opportunity to think about our environmental impact. We are proud to be partners of the #PlasticPull project by Piantando | Certified B Corp, an environmental initiative aimed at collecting and disposing of litter in the environment, with a particular focus on roads, parks, coasts, and seabeds across Italy. With over 150,000 kg of waste collected and more than 700 clean-ups organized, Plastic Pull is a concrete example of how we can actively contribute to protecting our planet. In 2023 alone, our team helped collect 1,000 kg of waste and involved 90 volunteers in six clean-up events. This year, we are excited to have participated in the #PlasticFreeSummer initiative, contributing to the collection of 3,000 kg of waste from beaches, parks, and other natural environments. We believe that every small action counts, and together we can make a difference for a greener and cleaner future. We hope that our efforts serve as an example for all outdoor enthusiasts, as well as other companies. Read more on our latest blog post ⤵ #CMP #WhereverYouFeelEmotions #Sustainability #PlasticPull #PlasticFreeSummer #Environment #SustainableFuture

    Per un domani più pulito e consapevole

    Per un domani più pulito e consapevole

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    At the end of July, we had the pleasure of participating in the "Test&Taste" event organized by BOSCAINI SCARPE S.R.L. at the magnificent Villa Mosconi Bertani. It was an unmissable opportunity to test our trekking and trail running products, presented by our Brand Manager Alessandro Marchioron , all within the beautiful setting of the Valpolicella hills. In synergy with the #InVigna event and with the exceptional participation of Marco Olmo, winner of numerous Ultra Trails, we offered participants the chance to test the products across two beautiful trails. The day concluded with a sunset aperitif in the vineyards of Tenuta Santa Maria. It was a unique experience of #togetherness and #connection, surrounded by the beauty of nature. Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make this event so special. Here are some snapshots of the day! #CMP #WhereverYouFeelEmotions #Test&Taste #TrailRunning #Trekking #Valpolicella #Event

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    On July 31st, we had the honor of participating in the event "Le firme dello Sport" at the Italian Embassy in Paris, marking the beginning of the #Olympics! With over 200 guests, including journalists, athletes, opinion leaders, partners, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders from the Italian-French sports market, the event organized by ASSOSPORT and ITA - Italian Trade Agency was a true success. We had the opportunity to dress the talented performers with our #sportswear and accessories, showcasing the quality, design and functionality of our products. We thank the organizers for allowing us to share this moment of celebrating the excellence of the Italian sports industry with many other friendly companies. We wish everyone a fantastic Olympics, filled with inclusion, respect, commitment and unity. #CMP #WhereverYouFeelEmotions #OlimpiadiParigi #LeFirmeDelloSport #Assosport #ICE #EccellenzaItaliana

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    We are proud to announce that we are the official sponsor of the #SlovakParalympicCommittee! #Sport is more than just competition: it is a symbol of inclusion, sharing, and overcoming limits, and these athletes demonstrate that true strength lies in determination and team spirit. It is an honor to outfit the Slovak Paralympic Committee with their official uniforms and support the journey of these extraordinary athletes, celebrating the values of #Paralympic sport together. For #CMP, inclusion is the true triumph of sport. #CMP #WhereverYouFeelEmotions #ParalympicGames #NazionaleSlovaccaParalimpica #Inclusion

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