Foto di copertina di Cubit Innovation Labs
Cubit Innovation Labs

Cubit Innovation Labs

Servizi wireless

We unlock your innovation potential

Chi siamo

Cubit provides the best experts in IoT and Digital Twin technologies to transform ideas into innovative products, offering support to companies in the creation of strategies, products and services, to bring highly innovative solutions to the market, also through the creation of startup. Cubit was founded in 2007 by the University of Pisa, the Navacchio Technological Park and some Italian ICT companies to create a unique suite of technological services in a constantly evolving market. We collaborate daily with universities, public and private research centers and companies, to offer creative and tailor-made solutions to our customers, through our IoT and Fluid Dynamics Divisions. In our operating model, technological research and industrial experience are integrated in a continuous process of innovation and technology transfer, to really increase competitiveness of businesses. We offer ourselves as a qualified partner, able to lead companies through the digital transformation process, helping them build new and better products, solutions, and business models. IoT Division Cubit develops customized IoT solutions for its customers, designing advanced devices, which are connected via a wide range of technologies, and integrated into modern cloud platforms. We create complete IoT solutions, thanks to our solid, more than ten-year experience in the field of the Internet of Things in various application areas: from peripheral devices to back-end and front-end cloud, thus covering the design and development of hardware up to data analysis. Fluid Dynamics Division Cubit implements cutting-edge procedures in the field of fluid dynamics design, numerical simulations, optimization and experimental activities, using a cluster of 9216 cores which is owned by the company. We work in close collaboration with professors and researchers from the Department of Aerospace Engineering of the University of Pisa. Watch our videos:

Servizi wireless
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Cascina (PI)
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Hardware & Firmware Design, Prototyping, Testing and CE Marking, ICT, Internet of Things, Technology Transfer, Wireless Sensor Networks, RFID Applications, R&D Funding, Product R&D, Wireless Communications, Business Strategy, Project Management, Cyber Security, System Integration, Fluid Dynamics, Data Service, Numerical Optimization e CFD Consultancy


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