Il giorno 14 gennaio si è svolta la competizione "Ad Un Passo Dalla Nazionale 2025" per accedere alla finale di EOES Italia. Si tratta delle Olimpiadi delle Europee delle Scienze Sperimentali, in cui squadre di 3 studentesse/studenti partecipano ciascuno per una disciplina scientifica (biologia, Chimica, Fisica). Vi hanno partecipato circa 45 scuole italiane, ciascuna con la propria miglior squadra. La nostra scuola ha aderito anche quest'anno, grazie al lavoro dei nostri insegnanti del Dipartimento di Scienze. Con orgoglio vi annunciamo che i nostri tre studenti DP1: Maurizio Cugurra, Francesco Lazzarone e Nicolò Zingarelli si sono guadagnati l'accesso alle Finali Nazionali a Padova, che si terranno dal 19 al 21 febbraio con le altre 11 migliori scuole d'Italia! Bravissimi! Ora tifiamo tutti per voi!
Deledda International School - IBO World School in Genoa
Istruzione primaria e secondaria
Genoa, Liguria 180 follower
Chi siamo
DIS provides an international education that fosters academic growth within a caring community for students. The school promotes the appreciation of the diversity of people and cultures, provides an environment conducive for learning and teaching, and offers a rigorous international curriculum that, in the lower years, is blended with the national curriculum.
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- Istruzione primaria e secondaria
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 201-500 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Genoa, Liguria
- Tipo
- Istruzione
Corso Mentana, 27
Genoa, Liguria 16128, IT
Dipendenti presso Deledda International School - IBO World School in Genoa
Anche quest’anno, nei giorni 13, 14 e 15 novembre il DIS sarà presente al Festival Orientamenti ai Magazzini del Cotone, Porto Antico. Il nostro stand sarà al 2° piano, Modulo 6. Saranno presenti docenti e studenti, pronti a darvi tutte le informazioni sulla nostra meravigliosa scuola. Vi aspettiamo numerosi!!
Our MYP3 cohort has just completed their State Exam (Esame di Terza Media). We are immensely proud of each student's outstanding performance: 100% passed, with 53% achieving scores of 9 or 10. Congratulations to all MYP3 students on their remarkable accomplishments. Below, we present our statistics in comparison to the Italian State School.
Here we are, at the end of this wonderful adventure in the F1 in Schools competition! Our DIS students, represented by TACHYONS team, worked with great effort and dedication for the finals and this paid off: the team has been awarded as best PROJECT MANAGEMENT among all the 10 finalists. The prize was given in consideration of the content of the project management portfolio and the way in which the students were able to explain it to the judges, a great result! During the race the students did everything they could do to be fast but some other teams were faster, that’s part of the game; for the future all the experience acquired will be paramount to design and manufacture faster cars. The project, led by our design teacher, mr Roccatagliata, would not have been possible without the help of other stakeholders who contributed to the process: Ms Shababi with her support for the portfolios, Ms Colucci and Mr Conte with their support for the aerodynamic improvements of the car and scrutineering, Mr Rosina with his great contribution for the manufacturing of the 3D printed parts, mr Vigo, our alumnus working at Williams racing, with his tips and recommendations for the design of the car, University of Genoa with wind tunnel "Giovanni Solari" team, held by Prof. Piccardo for the testing of the aerodynamic of the car. It has been a wonderful experience that students will never forget! Last but not least a big thank to all the sponsors who believed in the team and invested economically for a sponsorship, also in this case without their support the project would have remained only in the theory stage without becoming reality.
Deledda International School - IBO World School in Genoa ha diffuso questo post
Lo scorso venerdì 17 maggio ci siamo riuniti nell'Aula Magna del nostro istituto per festeggiare la Classe 2024. Alcuni studenti frequentano il Deledda International School - IBO World School in Genoa fin dalle scuole elementari, mentre altri sono arrivati all'inizio delle scuole medie o del liceo. L'Assessore a Servizi civici, Politiche dell’istruzione e Informatica del Comune di Genova, Dott.ssa Marta Brusoni, il Presidente della Fulgis, Dott. Massimo Lusuriello e la Direttrice della Fulgis, Dott.ssa Susanna Fadda hanno preso la parola e diversi studenti del DP2 hanno condiviso le loro esperienze. È stata un'occasione gloriosa e tutti noi auguriamo alla Classe 2024 il meglio per il loro futuro! #Fulgis #DeleddaInternationalSchool #ibdiplomaceremony #ibo #IBOSchool #ibstudent #DiplomaDay #classof2024 #Genova
+ 1
Excellent job for our DP1 Business Management students who placed first in "Impresa in Azione". Next step: National Finals in Parma, end of May!
On the 27th April 2024 our two "F1 in schools" teams went to Imola for the semifinals. They did an excellent job, placing 5th and 6th in the ranking and making us really proud of them as this has been a hard competition against 28 teams (12 schools) in the qualification phase. We are delighted to announce that the Tachyons team, placing 5th, is admitted to the National Finals, which will take place on the 16th June at the Dallara circuit. Go Tachyons!