Foto di copertina di Enerbrain


Informatica e servizi

Turin, Piedmont 9.500 follower

For an intelligent use of energy

Chi siamo

Founded in 2015 within the Innovative Enterprises business incubator of the Politecnico di Torino, Enerbrain has developed energy retrofit solutions for large buildings that allow drastic cuts in consumption as well as a significant improvement in internal comfort. Thanks to innovative IoT hardware and powerful algorithms in the cloud to fine-tune energy usage in real time Enerbrain allows operational savings. The main focus goes beyond energy by providing the best indoor air quality and educating occupants in order to generate a wider social impact thanks to engagement tools and a new way to access data across devices. Compatible with all HVAC systems, Enerbrain system provides the application of plug & play sensors in the building and a device to act to regulate in real time ventilation, heating and cooling based on the reference parameters: outdoor and indoor temperature, relative humidity, CO2 and occupants in the building connected with powerful algorithms. A smart innovation, which quickly affects the energy management of a building without changes to the existing systems or without drastic structural changes. In most cases it takes two days of installation to cut energy consumption by 30% forever, improving the indoor air quality and the thermal comfort. The system integrates a unified management through an analytical dashboard, also accessible through an app. A win-win model for energy efficiency that is rewarded trough the savings in bills and takes on a strategic value for the enhancement of real estate assets.

Informatica e servizi
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Turin, Piedmont
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
energy efficiency, IoT, facility management, ICT, building management system, energy monitoring, energy management system, smartbuilding e smart energy management


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Raccolta fondi

Enerbrain 4 round in totale

Ultimo round

Serie B

6.174.547,00 USD

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