ENTER international

ENTER international

Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro

Bassano del Grappa, Vicenza 2.415 follower

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Chi siamo

ENTER International è una Associazione Giovanile nata a Bassano ma attiva nella sensibilizzazione dei giovani in più di 20 paesi in Europa, Africa e nelle Americhe. Fin dalla sua fondazione, ENTER cerca di sensibilizzare i giovani riguardo le tematiche ambientali usando programmi e attività interattive e non-convenzionali.

Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Bassano del Grappa, Vicenza
Non profit
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso ENTER international


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    At ENTER International, we believe leadership must be diverse, accessible, and inspiring for all. ✨ Throughout our journey, we've recognized the importance of providing concrete examples of leadership to young professionals. It is not enough to have traditional leadership models. Representation matters, and having diverse role models creates a space where new leaders can learn how to be both assertive and empathetic in the right measure. As part of our commitment to fostering inclusive leadership, we're proud to highlight initiatives like the Venetian Esummer, where experienced leaders like Ketty Panni play a pivotal role. Her mentorship provided our team members with the perfect blend of guidance and independence, encouraging them to challenge themselves while navigating new opportunities. At ENTER, we are driven by a mission to empower the next generation of leaders—not just for profit, but for the broader impact we can have on society. Collaborating with partners like Relazionésimo, we aspire to build bridges across industries, generations, and regions, from northern Italy to the world. Thank you for all the tips, guidance, and enriching conversations we had the chance to take a part in. Thank you to all the students and citizens that decided to challenge themselves throughout the ESummer experience. Our vision? To continue valuing human capital over pure profitability. We believe it’s time to move beyond industrial processes and prioritize empathy, emotional intelligence, and the acknowledgment of human challenges. Together, let’s create synergies that will shape a more inclusive, sustainable future. Thank you to the leaders who continue to inspire us on this journey! #Leadership #Diversity #HumanCapital #EmpathyInBusiness #FutureOfWork #Mentorship #ENTERInternational

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    Another step into the Venetian ESummer program... Direction? Una Roverella! Among fashion companies, vegan restaurants, and chemistry labs we had to take a short stop and also study the macrobiotic diet. But what does it imply? What does it mean? The macrobiotic diet is more than just a way of eating—it's a holistic approach to health and well-being that emphasizes balance and simplicity. It encourages mindful eating, seasonal ingredients, and a deep connection to nature. By prioritizing unprocessed, organic foods and balancing yin and yang energies, the macrobiotic diet aims to promote physical, mental, and spiritual harmony. Thanks to "Una Roverella" we were able to dive into this topic and explore all the positive benefits and eventual difficulties of this journey. Whether we changed our minds, we chose to be vegetarian, or followed a macrobiotic diet, our students enjoyed having time to debate and discuss the topic. We moved from spirituality, facts, and science to social impact and mental health. That is the Venetian ESummer - a journey into all the spectrum that is being sustainable and green. DISCLAIMER: The Venetian ESummer is supported by COMUNE DI BASSANO DEL GRAPPA - sede in VIA GIACOMO MATTEOTTI 39, BASSANO DEL GRAPPA, Vicenza, Italia , sponsored by Gruppo Ecoricerche, designed by ENTER international with the additional financial contribution of Fondazione Banca Popolare di Marostica – Volksbank #venetianesummer #venetianesummer2024 #venetianesummer24 #bassano #bassanodelgrappa #vicenza #impresa #fareimpresa

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    One of our first partners this year at the #VenetianESummer, who played a pivotal role in launching the program, was NeroPece by Miss Baggio. Their team and leadership were among the first to recognize the alignment of our goals. Both of our organizations share a commitment to connecting different cultures and diets within a unified environment. What did we learn? What did we appreciate? Above all, we were thrilled to explore how sustainability is intrinsically linked to social inclusivity. How does NeroPece promote sustainability? By ensuring that people with diverse dietary preferences can dine together at the same table, NeroPece has created an innovative space for a city as culturally rich as Bassano. Miss Baggio shared the importance of gradually introducing diverse diets to Bassano's historic local context. She noted how, initially, their ideas were considered unconventional for the Italian setting. Today, NeroPece is renowned in Bassano, with several dishes bearing the restaurant’s signature. We extend our heartfelt thanks to NeroPece for their determined mindset and for making our experience at the Venetian ESummer so enriching and enjoyable. Thank you for offering us a tour of your dishes, history, and mission. Thank you for making our students feel included fully. DISCLAIMER: The Venetian ESummer is supported by COMUNE DI BASSANO DEL GRAPPA - sede in VIA GIACOMO MATTEOTTI 39, BASSANO DEL GRAPPA, Vicenza, Italia , sponsored by Gruppo Ecoricerche, designed by ENTER international with the additional financial contribution of Fondazione Banca Popolare di Marostica – Volksbank #venetianesummer #venetianesummer2024 #venetianesummer24 #sustainability #vegan #veganism #neropece #bassanodelgrappa #bassano

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    This year we were honored to have by our side one of the very top universities that have been positively influencing and educating our entrepreneurs and sponsors at ENTER. Università Ca' Foscari Venezia was a changemaker for this year's experience in Venice. Students were introduced to sustainable entrepreneurs and many other lead figures with whom they discussed uncovering the paths to success. Topics ranged from social impact and sustainability to profit and management. First, Thank you to Roberta Bin for guiding us throughout the organization process and for warmly welcoming our students. Thank you to Università Ca' Foscari Venezia and its community for always being open to discussing these topics. #venetianesummer #venetianesummer24 #venetianesummer2024 #imprenditori #entrepreneurs #sustainability #community #erasmus #youthexchange #cafoscari DISCLAIMER: The Venetian ESummer is supported by COMUNE DI BASSANO DEL GRAPPA - sede in VIA GIACOMO MATTEOTTI 39, BASSANO DEL GRAPPA, Vicenza, Italia , sponsored by Gruppo Ecoricerche, designed by ENTER international with the additional financial contribution of Fondazione Banca Popolare di Marostica – Volksbank

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    Visualizza il profilo di Priscila Carvalho, immagine

    Econnected’23 | Girls with Impact’24 | ESummer’24 | LALA’24 | FLOTA’24 | She is the Universe’24

    [ENG] This past week, I had the opportunity to take part in the ESummer 2024 - ENTER international An online program focused on sustainability and environmental science. It was a truly inspiring experience as I connected with individuals from various regions, including different states of Brazil, the UK, France, Spain, Peru, and beyond. This experience really opened my eyes to the diverse perspectives on environmental policies and has given me a fresh outlook on my own contributions. I am incredibly grateful to all the amazing individuals who made this week so special. Thank you for everything! [PT-BR] Na semana passada, tive a oportunidade de participar do ESummer 2024 - ENTER internacional Um programa on-line focado em sustentabilidade e ciência ambiental. Foi uma experiência verdadeiramente inspiradora, pois me conectei com indivíduos de várias regiões, incluindo diferentes estados do Brasil, Reino Unido, França, Espanha, Peru e além. Essa experiência realmente abriu meus olhos para as diversas perspectivas sobre políticas ambientais e me deu uma nova perspectiva sobre minhas próprias contribuições. Sou incrivelmente grata a todas as pessoas incríveis que tornaram esta semana tão especial. Obrigada por tudo!

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    Throughout the lessons delivered by our speakers, Agenzia Casa Affari and its team emphasized a central theme: your network is what truly matters. During the Gala Night and the Venetian ESummer, Casa Affari shared their thoughts and values, which closely aligned with our own despite the perceived distance from the real estate sector. Fostering synergies with the enterprises and individuals within one's sphere is fundamental to amplifying their impact on the entire community—a principle that guided us throughout the program. Cultivating social relations, entrepreneurial synergies, and a sense of belonging is crucial for development and innovation. Agenzia Casa Affari, in particular, focuses on building bridges between different social spheres to enrich Bassano economically through real estate. Similarly, we encouraged our students to use entrepreneurship to enrich Bassano and their communities with their culture, knowledge, and values. What initially seemed an unexpected connection between the goals of ENTER and the aspirations of Casa Affari has developed into a strong and meaningful synergy. We sincerely thank Agenzia Casa Affari for being the main sponsor of the Gala Night on July 18th and for supporting our initiative this year with their values and insights. #galanight #gala #night #casaaffari #sustainability #exchange #exchangeprogram #venetianesummer #realestate #green #innovation #transformativeeducation #education

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    Visualizza il profilo di Samuel Moura, immagine

    Estudante de Relações Internacionais, voluntário internacional e entusiasta de ciências políticas

    [ ENG ] If someone had told me a few months ago that I would spend just over a week studying sustainability, economics, and empowerment in the Italian countryside, I definitely wouldn’t have believed it. Last week, I had the immense pleasure of joining the ENTER , led by the incredible Polyana Visotto, to learn more about the sustainability perspectives of European countries, specifically Italy. Spending these 10 days understanding how we, as young people, have the power to change things, transformed my view on youth activism. Italy showed me the power of green during these days and how being young and committed to public policies creates a bond that will always be multinational — even living on the other side of the world, coming from completely different contexts, experiences, hobbies, and loves. During relaxed moments with the other participants or through the amazing classes and lectures, one constant followed us: our love for social change. Being a social activist is about creating connections with people you would never imagine. Connections based on change, inconsistency, and love. <3 [PT — BR] Se alguém me falasse há poucos meses que eu iria passar pouco mais que uma semana no interior da Itália estudando sobre sustentabilidade, economia e empoderamento, eu definitivamente não teria acreditado. Na semana passada tive o grande prazer de me juntar ao ENTER, comandando pela grandíssima Polyana Visotto , para compreender mais sobre a visão de sustentabilidade de países europeus, especificamente da Itália. A experiência de passar esses 10 dias entendendo mais sobre como nos jovens tempos todo o poder de mudar as coisas mudou minha visão sobre ativismo juvenil. A Itália me mostrou o poder do verde nesses dias, como ser jovem e ser comprometido com políticas públicas cria um vínculo que sempre será multinacional — mesmo morando do outro lado do mundo, mesmo vindo de contextos complementante diferentes vivencias, passatempos e amores diferentes em cada um dos momentos, seja os de descontração com o restante dos participantes, ou com as aulas e palestras incríveis — uma constância seguia a gente: o amor pela mudança social. Ser ativista social e sobre isso, criar conexões com pessoas que você jamais imaginaria. Conexões baseadas na mudança, na inconstância e no amor. <3

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    The Venetian ESummer 2024 is now over but our students continue on the road for change and social impact. On this journey, it was fundamental to have the support and financial contribution of Fondazione Banca Popolare di Marostica – Volksbank. Thank you for making it possible for these 30 students to reach Bassano and be contaminated positively by sustainability and hope. There were well over 11 sessions dedicated entirely to the interaction between local enterprises and global leaders. Students grasped and tasted fully the Italian culture and our sustainable policies. They are now returning home transformed by the people they encountered and by the companies they networked with, on the road to impact their communities as well. As we continue to design transformative programs we thank you profoundly Fondazione Banca Popolare di Marostica – Volksbank for helping us take this step further and we encourage you to continue investing in Bassano del Grappa. #sustainability #exchangeprogram #exchange #erasmus #erasmusplus #bassano #bassanodelgrappa #VenetianESummer #VenetianESummer2024 #vicenza #veneto Inês Sofia Polyana Visotto Felipe Florentino Bezerra Israelly Sousa

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    Visualizza il profilo di Polyana Visotto, immagine

    CEO and Founder of E.N.T.E.R International | European Commission’s Youth Rappresentative | Event Planner & Educational Programs Manager | TEDx Associate | Treviso Creativity Week Judge

    Little girls need CONCRETE EXAMPLES of leadership. ✨ I spent most of my journey at ENTER international having as examples solely 40-year-old white men. As a person of color, but mainly as a woman, I needed to have by my side another woman who would teach me to be assertive and empathetic in the right proportion. "Challenge yourself and call up that enterprise. You have no time to lose, ask them for funding for ENTER. Are they not responding? Show up at their door then. They are a big company, of course, they can make it happen." My journey during the Venetian Esummer was enlightened by the presence of Ketty Panni, who always offered me the right amount of guidance to learn and the right amount of uncertainty to challenge myself. I believe Israelly Sousa can agree... We are excited to be out of the "for profit" world and next to lead figures who can empathize with youth so deeply. As Relazionésimo does and as ENTER aspires to do fully, we cannot wait to continue appreciating the human capital. Let's detach ourselves from pure profitability or industrial processes, as humans we enrich society with so much more. Let's also take a step back and acknowledge our difficulties as humans with emotions, tiredness, and flaws. It is time to build bridges and create synergies amongst companies, generations, and cities in northern Italy and worldwide. Thank you for being such an inspiration!

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    Today, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to one of our esteemed speakers at the Venetian ESummer 2024 and 2023, Paolo Piva Paolo Piva has been an integral part of our initiative since 2023, consistently demonstrating a lifelong commitment to positively impacting #education, irrespective of his current professional engagements. His dedication has been deeply appreciated by both our students and our team. We are especially thankful to him for introducing us to the concept of organooid, engaging so actively with our #students, and ensuring that the voices of our youth are heard and understood. His insights have underscored that #sustainability is not just about values but can be realized through innovative materials and production certifications that uphold the highest ethical standards. We are also grateful for his presence at the Gala Night on July 18th and for his continued support of our team beyond our #educational activities. We wish you a wonderful birthday today and all the best as you embark on this new chapter of your life at 60. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Paolo Piva !!! Inês Sofia Israelly Sousa Felipe Florentino Bezerra Polyana Visotto

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