Cantieri navali

Trieste, TS 376.694 follower

We bring on board of our ships a green and digital future. #FutureOnBoard

Chi siamo

Fincantieri is one of the world’s largest shipbuilding groups and number one by diversification and innovation. And we bring future on board. We are the change we want to bring to the global Industry. We are leader in the realization and life cycle management of all high value-added sectors: cruise ship, naval and offshore vessels and a reference player in all high-tech shipbuilding industry’s sectors, ship repairs and conversions, systems and components production and after-sales services. Headquartered in Trieste (Italy), our Group has built more than 7,000 vessels in over 230 years of maritime history. With almost 20,000 employees, of whom more than 7,800 in Italy, 90.000 job roles, 18 shipyards in 4 continents, today Fincantieri is the leading Western shipbuilder. We have among our clients the major cruise operators, the Italian and the U.S. Navy, in addition to several foreign navies, and we are partner of some of the main European defense companies within supranational programmes.

Cantieri navali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
Oltre 10.001 dipendenti
Sede principale
Trieste, TS
Società quotata
Settori di competenza
Ship design, Ship repair and conversion, Shipbuilding, Marine systems production, System integrator, Naval architecture, R&D and innovation, Renewable energies e Project management


Dipendenti presso FINCANTIERI


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    We congratulate our subsidiary VARD on being honoured with the esteemed “Italia Brillante” award by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Norway, a recognition that celebrates Italian companies that have excelled in the Norwegian market through innovation, quality, sustainability, and social responsibility. The award, received by Cathrine Kristiseter Marti, CEO of VARD, and Salvatore Savinelli, SVP HR & Organization of VARD, was presented in Oslo in the presence of the Italian Ambassador in Norway, Stefano #Nicoletti, underlining the strong and enduring ties between the two nations in the shipbuilding and technological innovation sector. We proudly confirm our ability to create value through a shared cutting-edge vision, bringing on board sustainable solutions and technological excellence, to be ready together for the challenges of tomorrow. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #Innovation #Sustainability

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    The Letter of Intent signed with Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NCLH) has proudly been transformed into a firm order for the construction of four new cruise ships, destined for the Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) brand. With a gross tonnage of approximately 226,000 tons, the new units will be the largest ever built for NCL at our Monfalcone shipyard. The value of this agreement is considered very important and comes in addition to the two ships already built for the NCL brand, “Norwegian Prima” and “Norwegian Viva”, and the upcoming “Norwegian Aqua”, the first unit of the Prima Plus class to be delivered in the coming months, as well as three other units in various stages of design and construction.  Once again, we are contributing to the creation of state-of-the-art cruise ships, capable of bringing a unique sailing experience on board, combining comfort, advanced technology and innovative sustainable solutions to reduce environmental impact and improve energy efficiency. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #Innovation #Digital

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    Visualizza il profilo di Pierroberto Folgiero, immagine
    Pierroberto Folgiero Pierroberto Folgiero è influencer

    CEO at Fincantieri

    La scorsa settimana ho avuto il piacere di trascorrere una giornata a Monfalcone per visitare la nostra Mein Schiff Relax, in fase di ultimazione per TUI Cruises, presso il cantiere di Monfalcone. Questo straordinario prototipo di 160.000 tonnellate, lungo 325 metri e con 2.050 cabine, rappresenta un altro capolavoro ingegneristico e costruttivo che testimonia ancora una volta il valore delle nostre persone e la nostra capacità industriale.   Insieme al Direttore Generale Navi Mercantili Luigi Matarazzo, al Direttore del cantiere Bazzara Cristiano, al suo team ed ai capi officina del cantiere, abbiamo discusso con quale coraggio manageriale e disciplina tecnica affronteremo le sfide ed i traguardi che ci attendono per fare di Monfalcone il cantiere più produttivo d'Europa.   Durante la visita, abbiamo visitato la parte alberghiera, apprezzando i suoi altissimi standard progettuali e qualitativi, e ispezionato l'intera nave, dalla sala macchine con i serbatoi LNG a -162 gradi fino alla plancia di comando che, per la prima volta, adotta i sistemi di automazione, comando e controllo interamente sviluppati da Fincantieri NexTech Spa, grazie anche al contributo di Vard Electro e SeaQ. Questa milestone ci consentirà di posizionare il nostro Gruppo come leader nella trasformazione della nave in un asset digitale del futuro. Che meraviglia!   Grazie davvero a tutte le persone che hanno lavorato anche durante le festività natalizie e che lavoreranno ancora incessantemente nei prossimi giorni per completare la consegna. Il mio apprezzamento e la mia riconoscenza agli ingegneri che hanno progettato la nave, ai capi officina ed a tutti gli operai interni ed esterni che ad ogni consegna in tutti i cantieri del Gruppo, rendono possibile tutto questo con competenza e senso di appartenenza unici al mondo. E’ un grande privilegio lavorare con voi!   Avanti tutta! FINCANTIERI #FutureOnBoard

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    Il nostro DNA duale, che unisce i mondi civile e militare, le competenze all’avanguardia frutto di una storia secolare e il nostro coraggio imprenditoriale ci pongono come leader naturali nella partita che si gioca sott’acqua, dove il dominio dell’underwater spalanca nuovi scenari tra alta tecnologia e sicurezza globale. Un mercato in rapida crescita raccontato nell’approfondimento da parte di La Repubblica Affari & Finanza, dove il nostro CEO Pierroberto Folgiero ha descritto una strategia che punta a integrare apparati diversi in un sistema operativo capace di unire le componenti che abbiamo in casa per lanciare un modello di sviluppo innovativo, verso un salto tecnologico che sappia fondere i requisiti civili e militari, creando sinergie e vantaggi di costo. Un percorso già avviato con i recenti accordi e acquisizioni, oltre che nel prezioso lavoro al fianco della Marina. Continuiamo a investire risorse ed energie, lavorando in un'ottica di collaborazione e condivisione, per sviluppare, insieme agli altri player del settore, nuove tecnologie all'avanguardia, rafforzando la nostra posizione di leadership tecnologica nel mondo dell'Underwater, verso un futuro del mare più innovativo e sicuro. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #UnderWater #Repubblica #Innovazione

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    Congratulations to VARD for the naming ceremony of Grampian Tweed NB 945, the last unit in a series of four purpose-built SOVs for North Star! The vessel is now ready for decade-long charters supporting O&M at Dogger Bank, the world’s largest offshore wind farm, marking another successful collaboration and demonstrating our strong commitment to developing state-of-the-art ships.   Together we are ready to face the challenges of the North Sea, bringing on board an ever-increasing focus on efficiency, safety and crew well-being.   #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #VARD

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    The growing relevance of the underwater domain represents one of the most important challenges of our time. In this complex sector, which will significantly impact both economic growth and employment opportunities, our commitment and resources are focused on developing cutting-edge dual-use technologies, facilitating the cross-fertilization between civilian and military sectors. During the XXIX Venice Seminar “The Italian Spaceways: From the Depths of the Sea to the Heights of the Sky”, our SVP Business Development, Paolo D'Auria, highlighted the importance of these topics, underscoring our dual capability to combine civil and military expertise with high-tech solutions. We are proud to leverage and share our century-long knowledge and unique skills with key players in a central sector like the underwater domain, bringing on board cutting-edge technologies to create a more innovative and sustainable maritime future. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #Innovation #Underwater

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    Nel mondo dei sommergibili, la nostra visione è chiara e ambiziosa e ha l’obiettivo di definire le migliori soluzioni tecnologiche per la dimensione subacquea del dominio marittimo, creando unità efficienti, sicure e sostenibili per rafforzare il ruolo dell’industria italiana nel panorama internazionale. L’importanza dell’underwater per la difesa e la sicurezza è cruciale, permettendo una maggiore competitività, capacità di monitoraggio e protezione delle infrastrutture critiche situate sul fondo dei nostri mari, fondamentali per l’economia globale e la sicurezza energetica. Il Workshop "Sommergibili: Nuova Energia a Bordo", alla presenza, tra gli altri, del nostro Senior Advisor Naval Strategy Matteo Bisceglia e di Andrea Bochicchio, CEO di #IFM, è stato un momento importante per approfondire tematiche legate alla tecnologia, all’innovazione e alla sostenibilità nell’ambito dell’underwater, una preziosa occasione di confronto strategico insieme a Isotta Fraschini Motori, #OCCAR, #NAVARM e la Marina Militare Italiana. Insieme, stiamo portando a bordo un futuro più green e innovativo, dove la tecnologia italiana fa la differenza in un viaggio alla scoperta di nuove frontiere. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #Underwater OCCAR (Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation)

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    On January 31st, 1776, Alessandro Volta discovered methane. Back then, he named the gas «the native flammable air of the marshes». Today, we've brought it to the sea and use it to create marine LNG engines and be, yet again, technological pioneers. LNG is the most advanced fuel technology that is mature, scalable, and commercially viable for the maritime industry. It is also considered among the cleanest fossil fuels because it reduces greenhouse gas emissions and almost totally avoids other air emissions and particulate matter. At #Fincantieri, we used it as the propulsion system of the largest ship ever built in Italy, and the first dual-fuel vessel to enter the Princess fleet – the 178,000-gross-tonned #SunPrincess. #FutureOnBoard #LNG

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    With #FincantieriArabia for Naval Services, we aim to strengthen our position in the Middle East and Saudi Arabia, where shipbuilding plays a crucial role. Through our established leadership in the three segments of cruise ships, military vessels, and offshore units, we intend to collaborate with key local industrial stakeholders, bringing our commitment to innovation, technology, and excellence in program execution, with the ambitious goal of developing and consolidating a local supply chain through a scouting action of the Saudi industrial ecosystem. A concrete commitment evidenced by the recently signed agreement with KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) regarding cybersecurity applied to the naval domain, and the partnership initiated with the Saudi Ministry of Industry. An ambitious vision also shared by the CEO of Fincantieri Arabia for Naval Services, Settimio Garbati, during the panel “HORIZON 2030, CHARTING THE FUTURE - Investments, Development, Sustainability: The Key to Italian-Saudi Cooperation” organized by Il Sole 24 Ore on the occasion of the #VespucciTour at "Villaggio Italia" in Jeddah. We are proud to collaborate with prestigious entities in favor of the growth of a key economy such as Saudi Arabia, providing our know-how and extensive experience to continue making a difference towards a safer and more innovative future. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #SaudiArabia #Vision2030

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FINCANTIERI 1 round in totale

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845.531.892,00 USD

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