Foto di copertina di Fresia Alluminio spa
Fresia Alluminio spa

Fresia Alluminio spa

Vendita all’ingrosso di materiali da costruzione

Volpiano, Turin 1.239 follower

Sistemi per serramenti in alluminio ad alta efficienza energetica ed ecosostenibili

Chi siamo

Fresia Alluminio is the italian leader in design and marketing of eco-sustainable architectural aluminum systems for high energy efficiency buildings. These systems are sets of profiles with special-purpose accessories and hardware designed for constructing windows, doors, shutters and the like. A dynamic business structure that has achieved market success through its uncompromising pursuit of excellence. Unceasing product innovation: the courage to be first Fresia Alluminio is in a class of its own thanks to unceasing product innovation and its intensive efforts to raise awareness of sustainable building practices. Fresia Alluminio, as a partner in the ALsistem consortium, is a system house, a company that designs, patents and retains full rights to its exclusive door and window systems

Vendita all’ingrosso di materiali da costruzione
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Volpiano, Turin
Società quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Windows, Sliding doors, Curtain Walling, Thermal break system e Green building


Dipendenti presso Fresia Alluminio spa


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