Foto di copertina di Ganiga


Sviluppo di software

cascina, Tuscany 1.417 follower

The AI That makes the difference

Chi siamo

Ganiga Innovation, led by founder and CEO Nicolas Zeoli, stands out as a leader in technological innovation for sustainable urban waste management. Through the implementation of cutting-edge solutions based on artificial intelligence, we address the critical challenges associated with waste treatment, delivering tangible results. What We Do: Smart Waste Sorting: Leveraging machine learning algorithms, Ganiga simplifies waste sorting by efficiently recognizing and separating materials. Intelligent Bins: Our sensor-equipped bins allow for dynamic, real-time waste management, optimizing efficiency in the disposal process. Reduced Environmental Impact: Through responsible waste disposal practices, Ganiga actively contributes to reducing environmental impact, promoting sustainable waste management. Statistics and Data: Operational Cost Reduction: Our technology optimizes operational processes, lowering management costs for businesses and involved institutions. Increased Recycling Rates: Ganiga's solutions incentivize a significant rise in recycling rates, contributing to more efficient resource management. Successful Collaborations: Key partnerships with entities such as Enel,, GeoFor, and academic institutions like the University of Pisa underscore the recognition of our effectiveness. Ganiga Innovation positions itself as a catalyst for cutting-edge waste management, combining technology, sustainability, and concrete results.

Sito Web
Sviluppo di software
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
cascina, Tuscany
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
rifiuti, smart city, intelligenza artificiale, big data, gestione, IoT, economia circolare, cleantech, open innovation, startup, business, waste, reciclyng, analitycs, suste, Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence, Ai, future, smart, smartbin, robotics e esg


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