La #GenAI sta stravolgendo il mondo del lavoro, mettendo in discussione modelli di business consolidati. Vuoi cavalcare l'onda o preferisci farti travolgere? 🚀 Torna #DigiTales #GELLIFYUnfiltered con "Human-AI Teaming: come creare team imbattibili nell'era dell'AI". Ti offriremo gli strumenti per trasformare la #disruption in una vera opportunità! 🎯 Non perdere questa occasione! Iscriviti subito alla LinkedIn Live 👇 #GenAI #Disruption #Innovation #Webinar #GELLIFY Lucia Chierchia Gianluigi Martina Michele Giordani Federico Scotton Riccardo Cipollina Simona d'errico Alessandro Minutilla Fabio Bucci Francesca Bellati Melody Riitano Slobodan Ocokoljic Fabio Poli Federico Giovannini Pietro Beimer Francesca Mingardi Arianna Gioachin Elena Guidetti Laura Bonacini Elena Carfora Matilde Rafanelli Andrea Moretti
Consulenza e servizi aziendali
Milano, Lombardia 27.962 follower
THE PURPLE WAY TO START INNOVATION 👇 Start innovating with us
Chi siamo
We are “the” Purple innovation factory that blends future visions, software and human genius, enabling organizations to flourish as modern digital businesses. We operate globally from the following locations: Italy, United Arab Emirates and Spain.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per GELLIFY
- Settore
- Consulenza e servizi aziendali
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 201-500 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Milano, Lombardia
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 2016
Viale Pasubio 6/8
Milano, Lombardia 20154, IT
Dipendenti presso GELLIFY
Davidandrea Armilli
Andrea Moretti
Founder & Managing Partner at ARAD Digital | Strategy & Omnichannel SME at GELLIFY Group
Fabio Nalucci
Founder & Chairman GELLIFY & FNDX
Massimo Cannizzo
Chairman and co-Founder @ GELLIFY Middle East - Board Advisor on Innovation - Adv Tech - Digital
¡Nos complace anunciar que seremos participantes del Workplace Smart Conversation 2025! Organizado por 3g office, será un recorrido exclusivo por España para analizar cómo el trabajo ha evolucionado, cómo las organizaciones han cambiado y cómo la cultura empresarial ha tenido que adaptarse a nuevas realidades. En este roadshow, se reunirán líderes de Talento y Cultura de las principales ciudades del país para reflexionar sobre los desafíos y oportunidades de la nueva era del trabajo. Este evento será una oportunidad única para explorar cómo los entornos laborales pueden convertirse en una ventaja estratégica, mientras compartimos ideas y soluciones innovadoras para repensar el futuro del trabajo. ¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad de ser parte de una conversación transformadora! #TheSmartConversations #DiseñoConImpacto #GELLIFY #3GOffice
🚀 Mobile World Congress 2025 has once again been the global epicenter of technology, innovation, and strategic connections. 🌍 Our presence at MWC and 4YFN has been an incredible opportunity to keep sharing knowledge, exploring new trends, and connecting with key players in the ecosystem. Artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and the evolution of mobile have been the highlights of this edition, shaping the path of digital transformation across sectors such as corporations, entrepreneurship, venture capital, and startup investment. From GELLIFY, Diego Fernandez, CEO & Co-Fouder GELLIFY Iberia had the opportunity to moderate the roundtable "Open Innovation at Naturgy", featuring Carmen López Rodriguez, Lidia Caramazana Zarzosa, and Sandra Gualda Calderón. The panel explored the challenges and opportunities of open innovation in the energy sector and the key role startups play in corporate transformation. 🌟 NOBA also played a key role at MWC, leading major initiatives such as the final of the Barça Startup Challenge, a milestone event that brought together some of the most innovative startups in the sports-tech sector. Additionally, they moderated a panel on Business Prototyping at 4YFN, highlighting the importance of rapid experimentation in corporate innovation. A huge thank you to everyone who joined us for these inspiring days of learning and connections! We take away great insights and, most importantly, a renewed enthusiasm to continue driving open innovation and fostering collaboration between startups and corporates. 🤝 🚀 See you next year! 🚀 #MWC2025 #4YFN #Innovation #AI #CorporateVenturing #Startups #BusinessPrototyping #Technology #NOBA #MobileWorldCongress #GELLIFY
🚀 Oggi eravamo all’Osservatorio #OpenInnovationLookout dell'Innovation & Strategy - POLIMI School of Management! Vincenzo Mura, Senior Manager Innovation & Venturing Lead GELLIFY, ha preso parte alla tavola rotonda per confrontarsi con i partner e le partner della ricerca del Politecnico di Milano sull’evoluzione del #VentureBuilding in Italia. 💡 Un’occasione per approfondire come l’#OpenInnovation stia trasformando il mercato, creando nuove opportunità per imprese e startup. 🚀✨
🔍 Qual è lo #stato dell’arte del #VentureBuilding in Italia? Federico Frattini presenta i risultati del questionario che è stato somministrato ai player italiani per fornire un quadro aggiornato dello stato del Venture Building in Italia, con particolare attenzione alle opportunità per le #imprese e al fenomeno emergente degli #StartupStudio. 🗣️ A seguire intervengono i Partner della ricerca nel secondo tavolo di discussione dell’Osservatorio, moderato da Francesca Capella: • Paolo Salza, Innovation Director, Cariplo Factory • Vincenzo Mura, Senior Manager Innovation & Venturing Lead, GELLIFY • Tommaso Canonici, Founder e CEO, Opinno Italy • Michela Aliazzo, Delivery & Execution Lead, Zest Group • Giacomo Manzoni, Corporate Venture Building Lead, a2a • Giordano Pinarello, CEO, BlueThink • Sirio Vurro, Direttore, BINP - Boosting Innovation in Poliba • Paolo Comi, Innovation Manager, Exprivia • Alessandro Nasi, COO & Co-Founder, Djungle Studio • Angelo Cavallini, Co-Founder & COO, Startup Bakery Modera Francesca Capella #InnovationAndStrategy #OpenInnovationLookout2025
+ 8
💡L' #AccessibilitàDigitale non è un progetto on-off: è un cambio di mindset. 🔍 Quando hai progettato i tuoi asset digitali, l'accessibilità era una tua priorità? Con l'#EAA (European Accessibility Act) alle porte, ora è il momento giusto per rendere i tuoi strumenti digitali davvero inclusivi. 🖱️Dalla definizione dei requisiti al deployment, dal design al testing: ogni fase deve considerare l'accessibilità come elemento essenziale. Il nostro team affianca le organizzazioni in questo percorso, fornendo formazione continua e supporto nell'implementazione di procedure e strumenti. ⌛La tua azienda ha tempo fino al 28 giugno 2025 per adeguarsi. GELLIFY ti offre un approccio strutturato in tre fasi: Assessment, Revisione ed Evoluzione: Francesco Ferri Gianluigi Martina Fabio Poli Slobodan Ocokoljic Marco Tesselli Fabio Bucci Francesca Mingardi Elena Guidetti Arianna Gioachin Laura Bonacini Elena Carfora Matilde Rafanelli #InnovazioneDigitale #AccessibilitàDigitale #GELLIFY
🚨 Red Flags in Venture Building 🚨 Building a new venture is an exciting journey, but ignoring warning signs can derail your efforts. From lack of market validation to poor resource allocation, these missteps are more common than you think. Swipe through to discover key red flags and how to avoid them. Don’t let your next big opportunity turn into your next big failure! ✨ Ready to build ventures with confidence? Check out our Venture Building Guide.👉 #VentureBuilding #CorporateInnovation #ThePurpleWay #InnovationStrategy #GELLIFY
🥳 Welcome to the #GELLIFYfam! 🥳 The GELLIFY team is enriched with two new valued members: Filippo Calzeroni – Innovation Consultant - 📍Location of Milan Filomena Contaldi – Business Analyst Intern - 📍Location of Casalecchio Stefano Ziosi – Digital Energy - 📍Location of Milan Matilde Rafanelli – Digital Marketing Intern - 📍Location of Casalecchio Francesco Tonello – Software Developer - 📍Location of Imola Roberta Caverzaghi – OI Ecosystems Intern - 📍Location of Casalecchio Paola Ponzo – Digital Energy - 📍Location of Milan Andrea Micheli – Software Developer Intern - 📍Location of Casalecchio George Pruteanu – Office Assistant Intern - 📍Location of Casalecchio Gabriele Sorrentino – OI Ecosystems Intern - 📍Location of Casalecchio Their expertise will help us reach new heights. Let's give a big cheer for our newest #GELLIFYers! 🥳
🚀 Food Forward Lab: GELLIFY Iberia y Bebord Foods acelerando la innovación alimentaria 🌍 Hace unas semanas, anunciamos el lanzamiento de Food Forward Lab, un hub de innovación diseñado para impulsar la transformación del sector alimentario a través de la colaboración entre startups, empresas y expertos. Ahora, gracias a la cobertura de Alimarket, podemos profundizar en su impacto y propósito con más detalles. 📢 En una reciente entrevista con Alimarket, nuestro CEO, Diego Fernandez, compartió su visión sobre cómo Food Forward Lab ayudará a identificar y desarrollar soluciones disruptivas para los retos actuales de la industria. Destacó el papel clave de la sostenibilidad, la digitalización y el consumo consciente como pilares fundamentales del proyecto. 🔍 ¿Qué hace único a Food Forward Lab? ✅ Sostenibilidad: Innovaciones que minimizan el impacto ambiental en toda la cadena alimentaria. ✅ Digitalización: Aplicación de IA, IoT y blockchain para optimizar procesos. ✅ Consumo Consciente: Respuesta a la creciente demanda de productos saludables, accesibles y éticos. 💡 No te pierdas la entrevista completa y todos los detalles sobre este proyecto en el artículo de Alimarket: 🔗 #FoodForwardLab #InnovaciónAlimentaria #Sostenibilidad #Digitalización #ConsumoConsciente #GELLIFY
Venture building is no longer just an option—it’s the strategic game-changer redefining corporate growth in today’s dynamic business landscape. Are you ready to unlock its full potential and learn👇 1️⃣ How & why venture building is reshaping corporate growth strategies 2️⃣ A strategic framework to innovate with confidence 3️⃣ The KPIs that drive venture building success 4️⃣ Turning market disruptions into lucrative opportunities ✨ Ready to master the art of venture building? Download our guide now and take the first step toward corporate innovation success. 👉 #VentureBuilding #CorporateInnovation #ThePurpleWay #InnovationStrategy #GELLIFY #GrowthStrategy